Walking In the Spirit (Lust Of The Flesh)

The Lust Of The Flesh
The Works Of The Flesh
ADULTERY Act of unfaithfulness in marriage that occurs when one of the marriage partners voluntarily engages in sexual intercourse with a person other than the marriage partner.
Adultery. Biblically, adultery is a breach of the “one flesh” relationship of marriage. It describes any act of sexual intercourse between a married woman and a man other than her husband, and all sexual intercourse involving a married man and another man’s wife or fiancée.
In OT times, polygamous unions were not considered adulterous (cf. Dt 21:15). Nor was a husband branded as an adulterer if he had intercourse with a slave woman (Gn 16:1–4; 30:1–5) or a prostitute (Gn 38:15–18)—though the latter was, of course, condemned as immoral (1 Cor 6:15).
ADULTERY In Scripture, sexual intercourse by a married man with another than his wife, or by a married woman with another than her husband. It is distinguished from fornication, which is illicit sexual intercourse by an unmarried person.
Because adultery is a violation of the original divinely instituted marriage bond (Gen. 2:23f), it is unlawful and therefore prohibited
Adultery involves more than physical promiscuity. It also violates the integrity of the person, as is indicated by use of the expressions “knew his wife” and “have her” in Gen. 4:25; Mt. 14:4. The righteous in OT times viewed adultery with abhorrence. “This is an heinous crime,” says Job.
GRACE Undeserved acceptance and love received from another. Although the biblical words for “grace” are used in a variety of ways, the most characteristic use is to refer to an undeserved favor granted by a superior to an inferior. When used of divine grace toward mankind, it refers to the undeserved favor of God in providing salvation for those deserving condemnation. In the more specific Christian sense it speaks of the saving activity of God which is manifested in the gift of His Son to die in the place of sinners.
mercy undeserved love and kindness; help given out of love (Ps. 106:1; Eph. 2:4
Mercy. One of the most essential qualities of God (Ex 34:6, 7; Dt 4:31; Mi 7:18–20). Specifically it designates that quality in God by which he faithfully keeps his promises and maintains his covenant relationship with his chosen people despite their unworthiness and unfaithfulness (Dt 30:1–6; Is 14:1; Ez 39:25–29; Rom 9:15, 16, 23; 11:32; Eph 2:4).
The biblical meaning of mercy is exceedingly rich and complicated, as evidenced by the fact that several Hebrew and Greek words are needed to comprehend the many-sided concept. Consequently, there are many synonyms employed in translation to express the dimensions of meaning involved, such as “kindness,” “lovingkindness,” “goodness,” “grace,” “favor,” “pity,” “compassion,” and “steadfast love.” Prominent in the concept of mercy is the compassionate disposition to forgive an offender or adversary and to help or spare him in his sorry plight.