Christ Centered
In this message you will learn how to abide in Christ and practice the presence of God.
Abide in Christ
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
The results of abiding in Christ:
You will bear fruit John 15:5
The Father will prune you John 15:2
You will have power in prayer John 15:7
You will avoid wasting your life John 15:6
God will be glorified John 15:8
Obedience to Christ and abiding in Him go hand in hand John 15:10
Jesus is for your joy
The transparent purpose of the verse is to insist that there are no true Christians without some measure of fruit
The Christian or Christian organization that expands by external accretion, that merely apes Christian conduct and witness, but is not impelled by life within, brings forth dead crystals, not fruit.
The branch’s purpose is to bear much fruit (v. 5), but the next verses show that this fruit is the consequence of prayer in Jesus’ name, and is to the Father’s glory (vv. 7, 8, 16). This suggests that the ‘fruit’ in the vine imagery represents everything that is the product of effective prayer in Jesus’ name, including obedience to Jesus’ commands (v. 10), experience of Jesus’ joy (v. 11–as earlier his peace, 14:27), love for one another (v. 12), and witness to the world (vv. 16, 27). This fruit is nothing less than the outcome of persevering dependence on the vine, driven by faith, embracing all of the believer’s life and the product of his witness.
Jesus’ words (rhēmata) are all the individual utterances that together constitute Jesus’ ‘word’ (v. 3; logos). Such words must so lodge in the disciple’s mind and heart that conformity to Christ, obedience to Christ, is the most natural (supernatural?) thing in the world.
This does not mean that the mutual indwelling is reduced to obedience. Rather, ‘Jesus and his revelation are virtually interchangeable, for he is incarnate revelation’ (Brown, 2. 662). Conformity in one area ensures conformity in the other; a test in the observable area of obedience to Christ is a test of the unseen area of genuine spiritual vitality.
What is presupposed is that human joy in a fallen world will at best be ephemeral, shallow, incomplete, until human existence is overtaken by an experience of the love of God in Christ Jesus, the love for which we were created, a mutual love that issues in obedience without reserve.