Sermon Tone Analysis

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< .5
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> .9
Week 16 - April 20, 2022
Last week we looked at Chapter 4 of Revelation and the Throne Room of Heaven, and how John was taken up to heaven and what all he experienced there.
We talked about the three different heavens, as our atmosphere, outer space, and then the third heaven being God’s dwelling place.
Then we seen the storm that John seen from heaven being the Great Tribulation, and then that heaven was full of worship, and why we should walk with God.
Tonight we are looking at chapter 5 of Revelation and Worthy is the Lamb.
Years ago Reader’s Digest reported that in order for a person to have a meaningful life, they need three things.
they need someone to love.
Second, they need something to do.
Third, they need something to hope for.
I think Reader’s Digest is right, and the answer to all three of these things is Jesus.
He is the One we love, the One we serve, and the One in whom we hope.
Jesus Christ is the only One worthy of our love, our life, and our hope.
The fifth chapter of Revelation talks about this One - Jesus Christ.
And it brings home the fact that each of us will never have satisfaction and fulfillment or understand why God created us until we come to worship the One who is worthy.
Let’s look at three things that this chapter says about our glorious Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
I. Jesus Is Exclusively Worthy
John wrote the following about his vision of heaven:
We will see that this scroll is the title deed to the earth.
The one who can break the seals and open the book is the one to whom it rightfully belongs.
John wants the seals of this book broken, but an angel challenges him in verse 2: Revelation 5:2
The angel did not ask, who is willing?
Instead, the angel asked, who is worthy?
Indeed, plenty were willing, but Revelation 5:3
No one who has died or is living can open the book.
Who is the Root of David?
He is worthy and has brought back what was legally lost in creation.
Let me explain.
When God created the world, He turned it over to Adam and Eve and gave them dominion.
But then Satan crawled his slimy, son-artist frame onto the pages of history and deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden.
In turn Adam fell as well.
At that moment Adam and Even turned over to Satan the dominion that God had given to them.
To put is in simple terms, Adam and Eve sold the farm.
Satan went away with the title deed to all of creation.
When Satan overcame Adam and Eve, they became slaves of Satan, and all those who came after Adam became slaves of Satan.
Satan owns the slaves, and he owns all the slaves owns.
Every man, woman, and child is born into slavery, and we are bankrupt.
We cannot redeem ourselves.
We cannot buy back what Adam lost because we do not have what it takes.
Did God recognize Satan’s overthrown authority?
Yes, He did.
As a matter of a fact, we see that one of the temptation of Satan offers Jesus in the wilderness was that he would give the kingdoms of this world to Jesus:
Basically, Satan was saying, Adam gave me the power and glory of this world.
Now I can give it to You if You will simply bow down and worship me.
Did Jesus say to Satan, It is not yours to give?
No. Jesus knew Adam had legally lost his dominion to the god of this age.
Let me try to illustrate this for you: there was this teenager whose father gave him a brand-new car.
This teenager takes the car and gives it to someone else.
Now how would you feel if you were his father?
The father had legally put the title in the sons name, giving him legal ownership of the car, the son takes and gives the car to this other person, and legally transfers the title over, making it legally the other persons car now.
In the same way God gave Adam dominion over the earth.
Then Adam gave it to Satan.
It was legally lost; and now it has to be legally regained.
How could this be done?
In the Old Testament if a person became financially burdened and had to sell their property, God created away that person’s family could help get the property back.
That’s the reason Jesus came to earth.
He came as the second Adam to put back what was right.
He was not the son of Adam; He is the Son of God.
If He had been the son of Adam, He would have been a slave, and all that belonged to Adam would belong to Him.
But Jesus was born of a virgin so He would be sinless - the only one worthy to redeem man and open the scroll.
The Holy Spirit of God generated the holy life of Jesus Christ in the womb of Mary.
He was Son of Man and Son of God.
Jesus had to be the perfect, sinless sacrifice.
Only the sinless blood of Jesus Christ could pay the debt.
Jesus is our only hope.
Our Kinsman-Redeemer Jesus is the only One worthy to break the seal and buy back what Adam lost.
Our inheritance was lost by man; it had to be redeemed by a Man - but not just any man.
Only Jesus could pay the price.
Only Jesus Christ is exclusively worthy.
Jesus is Exceedingly Worthy
Jesus is exceedingly worthy for three reasons: He is worthy because of creation, because of Calvary, and because of conquest.
A. He is Worthy because of Creation
People talk about creating life in the laboratory, but no one can create life in this way.
Men can only take what God has created and synthesize that lifelike substance in the laboratory.
A scientist said to God, You are not the only creator, he said, I can make a man also.
God said, Let’s see you do it.
The man walked over to some dirt.
But God stopped him and said, Get your own dirt.
There is only One who can create.
His name is Jesus.
He is worthy.
He is worthy because of creation.
B. He is Worthy because of Calvary
The Greek word for lamb used elsewhere in the New Testament is amnos.
But here in the book of Revelation, the word for lamb is arnion.
This latter word means little pet lamb.
It is used in the plural form in the Bible where Jesus said to Peter, Feed My lambs, John 21:15.
What a surprise!
John was expecting to see a lion because the elders had said: Revelation 5:5
And instead he saw a lamb, and not just any lamb.
He saw the most helpless creature - an arnion - a little pet lamb.
No animal could have symbolized anything weaker than a little lamb.
Where else have we read about a sacrificial Lamb?
Perhaps we recall the Passover, where God instructed the Jews to sacrifice a lamb - but not just any lamb off the streets.
They were to select a perfect lamb, a firstling from their flock without spot or blemish.
After they selected this lamb, they were to keep it for four days from the 10th of the month to the 14th, can you imagine how the children would get attached, would feel about this lamb after four days of taking care of this lamb?
This Lamb is different from most helpless lambs written about in God’s Word.
First, although it had the marks of death upon His body, this Lamb was now standing.
How does a lamb that has died now stand up?
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