Instructions for the Church

Instructions for the Church  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Getting back to what God has commanded us to do.

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The Kingdom of God

This morning we are starting a new series, we just completed the series of the Jesus’ journey to the cross, with Easter last week.
We went from the Garden and Jesus’ prayer, to his death on the cross, to the resurrection last week at sunrise service, and then the drama of Resurrection on Trial.
The Series that we are starting today is as you see on the screen Instructions for the church, and we will be studying this as we dig into the book of Acts and look at what Jesus command the apostles to do before He left, and what happened after he left, and then how the early church functioned, and how all that applies to us today as a church, as believers in 2022.
We will begin in the very begin of Acts this morning looking at The Kingdom of God, In the first five verses of chapter one Jesus has spent forty days revealing Himself to the apostles, and encouraging them keep pushing forward in the mission that he had prepared them for and trained them to do.
Also with this series we are going to see how the apostles, and the early believers were committed to the cause of Christ, how they put their life on the line for their faith, how they committed their life to sharing their faith, and reaching the lost and furthering the gospel message in their area, and building the Kingdom of God.
As we go through this series it is important for us to see how we are to function as a body of believers, how we are to be committed to the cause of Christ, how we are to put Jesus in first place, and our life on the line for Him.
With that we need to see that we have to be committed to reaching the lost in our community for the Kingdom of God.
Now I know everyone has been wondering what I am doing, am I staying or am I still planning on leaving the church at the end of May.
I have prayed and sought God a lot over this, and i believe God has shown me that He is trying to wake us up here at Red Level, that He is trying to get our attention, that there are things that need to change, that we need to be more outwardly focused, and some of those things have started to change, and others are going to be a slow process, and others will take time for things to happen before they can even begin to happen.
As I opened my study Bible to prepare this message for this morning, there are these different words of hope in it, which says “The quickest way for God to get you where he wants you is for him to be able to use you where he has you.”
To answer the question if I am staying or going? God has shown me I am to stay and lead this church to impact this community, but I cannot please people, I have to serve and honor God, I am called by God, and I am here by God and for God, therefore, it is God who I am to please.
As we look at the Instructions for the church, through the Acts of the Apostles, we need to listen to how Jesus and the Holy Spirit lead and used the people to reach the communities around them, to build the Kingdom of God.
In our text this morning we are going to see three things, we will see the given instructions, what Jesus spoke about, and the power of the baptized.
As we prepare to look at our text this morning one thing that God has laid on my heart is Nehemiah 8:5-6
Nehemiah 8:5–6 CSB
5 Ezra opened the book in full view of all the people, since he was elevated above everyone. As he opened it, all the people stood up. 6 Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and with their hands uplifted all the people said, “Amen, Amen!” Then they knelt low and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.
Therefore, if you are able, in honor of the reading of God’s Word, will you stand with me as we read our text this morning, Acts 1:1-5
Acts 1:1–5 CSB
1 I wrote the first narrative, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach 2 until the day he was taken up, after he had given instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. 3 After he had suffered, he also presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. 4 While he was with them, he commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father’s promise. “Which,” he said, “you have heard me speak about; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit in a few days.”
You may be seated.

I. Given Instruction: Vs. 1-2

Acts 1:1–2 CSB
1 I wrote the first narrative, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach 2 until the day he was taken up, after he had given instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen.
The first thing we see here is that Luke states that in the first narrative, he is referring to the Gospel of Luke, as Luke authored both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts here. Which Acts is really just a continuation of the Gospel of Luke or a part two.
He mentions Theophilus, which he also mentions in Luke 1 the end of verse 3, Luke writes most honorable Theophilus, some theologians believe that he was a man of high social standing, and a supporter of Luke’s that funded his writings.
Luke says there, Jesus began to do and teach - Jesus came to earth, he began an earthly ministry that only lasted three short years, but in those three years, he gathered twelve men around him and poured into their lives, teaching them, showing them through his life, and instructing them and developing them into the disciples they were to be, for the ministry he was going to leave too.
Jesus also came to earth to redeem mankind, which he did, only he could do that, he accomplished that task, but the thing is after he arose from the dead, after his resurrection, he spent forty days, revealing himself to the disciples, and as Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:6 that Jesus appeared to 500 brethren at once, and even to Paul, Jesus did this to give some last instructions, and to give encouragement.
But the work of the ministry was not finished yet, the work of evangelism is not finished. See there is still a great need and as we see the darkness of evil get greater in our country each and every day, the need for evangelism is greater.
The book of Acts gives us the initial stages and features of this unfinished work, and sets the path that the church is to follow until Jesus call us home.
One way we can be doing that is through an initiative that the North American Mission Board has put out called Who’s Your One - the idea of this is to think of one person, a family member, a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor, that you do not believe knows Jesus as Savior, and pray for them every day, pray that they will come to salvation, pray that God will put someone in their path to share Jesus with them, pray that God will give you opportunities to share Jesus with them, pray that they see the truth and the light.
I will share more about Who’s Your One, in the coming weeks, but start thinking of someone that can be your one.
In verse 2, we are told that after giving instruction through the Holy Spirit - Jesus during his earthly ministry, had given instructions by the source and power of His ministry, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the source of power for the believers’ ministry and enables them to obey their Lord’s teachings.
After he had given instruction - this is referring directly to what we call the Great Commission that Jesus gave before he ascended.
Matthew 28:18–20 CSB
18 Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Jesus told the apostles and all of his followers, that he was given all authority, he then said to them, Go and make disciples of all nations, that is we are to get outside of these walls, we are to get out into our community, we are to get out and make disciples, making disciples begin with building relationships, then sharing our faith, that Real Love begins with Christ, why do we believe in Jesus, help them find salvation, if that is calling on someone to come and pray with you and that person or whatever, then bringing them to church or maybe they live somewhere else, suggest a good church to them, make sure they get connected in the church. Making disciples is making sure they are growing spiritually, making sure they are developing as a believer in Christ, in order that one day they can begin to share their faith, share the love of Jesus with others.
Jesus said to all nations, we do not get to pick and chose who, but all people deserve a chance to accept salvation, no matter their nationality, or their background. We have two great missions here, we have our rodeo ministry that draws probably 200 to 500 people 7 Saturdays a year to our campus, right back here, on Sunday April 10th, we had 148 in attendance that Sunday morning and that was maybe half the crowd we have on rodeo days.
That is a great opportunity for us to get out and minister to people, to share the love of Jesus Christ with people, and they are right here literally in our back yard, literally on our property, all we got to do is get out of the pew, get out of the building and meet people, build relationships with people.
The other mission, is our Food Ministry - twice a month we give away food, we have people come through are parking lot, we ask them do you need prayer, here is another opportunity that we can build relationships and share the love of Jesus Christ with these people.
Yes some of us are, but it is very few. I think of what Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38
Matthew 9:37–38 CSB
37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.”
We have to come together, because when We grow together, build together, server together, we will glorify God together.
John MacArthur gave two major factors that contribute to the church’s powerlessness today:
Too many are ignorant of biblical truth.
Those who know biblical truth all too often fail to live by it.
Another words, there is many today that have not been discipled, weather it is a lack of disciple-making, or accepting of discipling, and then those who have been discipled are not being disciple-makers.
It is time we become a Great Commission church and Go forth and Make Disciples of all nations.

II. He Spoke About. Vs. 3-4

Acts 1:3–4 CSB
3 After he had suffered, he also presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. 4 While he was with them, he commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Father’s promise. “Which,” he said, “you have heard me speak about;
After he had suffered, that is after Jesus went through his trial, his beating and his crucifixion, and resurrection, he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs over forty days. Jesus was giving the apostles evidence that he undoubtedly was resurrected, and alive.
One of those accounts we find in John 20:26-29
John 20:26–29 CSB
26 A week later his disciples were indoors again, and Thomas was with them. Even though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Don’t be faithless, but believe.” 28 Thomas responded to him, “My Lord and my God!” 29 Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”
The apostles, the disciples, the close followers of Jesus that he appeared to after his resurrection, were so sure of his resurrection, that they not only believed it, but preached it to the point of death, with the exception of John, who wrote the Gospel of John, the three epistles of John, and the book of Revelation. He died of natural death, but face a lot of torture, and even exiled on the Isle of Patmos where he penned the Book of Revelation.
During these forty days Jesus spent time speaking of things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, this is referring to the absolute reign and rule of God in the hearts of God’s people; the rule of God now and in the future kingdom.
Then in verse 4 Jesus commands them not to leave Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father that they heard him speak about. Jesus is reminding them of something He has already told them about, but also that they are not able to do what he has commissioned them to do in their own power and strength.
John 14:26 CSB
26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to do what God has called, commissioned us to do, which is to go forth and make disciples, to build the Kingdom of God.
Dr. John Dorsey said: “Two thousand years of subsequent history echo the same theme: The Kingdom of God advances on earth through the heroes of the faith. One generation raises up the next. When the transition is godly, the people are blessed. And when the baton is dropped, generations suffer spiritually.”
People let me say, it is time we pick up the baton, and get back to what God has commissioned us to do.

III. Power of the Baptized. V. 5

Acts 1:5 CSB
5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit in a few days.”
The Holy Spirit is the indispensable equipment of the servant of God. Only in this case we do not use the equipment; the equipment uses us.
Three things that the Power of the Holy Spirit did for the first century believers:

1. Enlightened Them

1 Corinthians 2:12 CSB
12 Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who comes from God, so that we may understand what has been freely given to us by God.
The Holy Spirit helps us to understand Scripture, to understand God’s leading and guiding.
The Holy Spirit told the first century believer when to go, where to go, and who should go.

2. Energized Them

Acts 2:43 CSB
43 Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles.
Everyone that seen the first century believers were in awe, because they were energized by the Holy Spirit.
They preached with power, we see that in chapter 2 of Acts, But they could no more convert a soul than they could create a star in the sky. They needed a power outside of themselves.
Charles Spurgeon said, “We might preach til our tongues rotted, til we exhaust our lungs and die, but never a soul would be converted unless the Holy Spirit uses the Word to convert that soul.”
See without Jesus, without the Holy Spirit working through us, we are nothing. We cannot do the work that God has called us to without the Holy Spirit using us to do it.

3. Encourage Them

Romans 8:26–27 CSB
26 In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
I don’t know about you but that verse right there is encouraging to me, because right now I might be doing good, I might be in a good place, and the first century believers they may have been full of enthusiasm, but what happens when all of a sudden life happens, when that trial hits, when the first century believers were alone, in prison, beaten, and threatened with a cruel death, then what?
Well The Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit in a few days, see the first century believers, the apostles, they had to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus had to ascend, and the Holy Spirit had to be sent, when it was the right time.
We do not have to wait now we receive the Holy Spirit at the moment of conversion, Ephesians 1:13-14
Ephesians 1:13–14 CSB
13 In him you also were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed. 14 The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.
We have been baptized with the Holy Spirit, this is an entirely divine activity. All believers have in them spiritual dynamite for use of gifts, service, fellowship, and witness.
All believers need to experience the release of the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
This takes place as believers yield moment by moment control of their lives to the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit’s power and presence is absolutely essential if we are going to be effective in doing the Lord’s work.
There should be an obvious difference between those who are filled/baptized in the Spirit and those who are not. Just like those filled with alcohol or drugs you can tell the difference.
God has place this body of believers in this community, to reach those around us, to go forth and make disciples, he has given us instruction to go forth, he spoke about it multiple times after his resurrection, and he has given us the power to do the job, the equipment to do it.
Now we must rise up, we must step up to the plate, we must pick up the baton and reach those that are lost.
People are dying and going to hell, while we are sitting and doing nothing about it.
It is time that we grow together, build together, serve together, to glorify God together - and start building the Kingdom of God.
The first step is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you cannot have the power of the Holy Spirit until you have that personal relationship with Jesus.
If you are here and do not have that relationship I would love to talk to you about!!
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