Unleashed Power
Unleashed Power
It gathers up all the blessings of the kingdom of God; shalom is life at its best under the gracious hand of God. Jesus’ use of it on that Easter evening therefore represented the first truly authentic bestowal of shalom in the history of the world! Precisely because he has brought the kingdom of God into realization by his death and rising, now and only now is shalom a realizable blessing. Thus his “Shalom!” on Easter evening is the complement of his “It is finished!” on the cross, for the peace of reconciliation and life from God is now imparted. “Shalom!” accordingly is supremely the Easter greeting.
Then these men are given the authority to continue Jesus’ “priestly” work, to carry forward His ministry of forgiveness. Jesus is the only one who can forgive; it is His blood that cleanses the sinner and sets Him free! But these who have been breathed upon are called to be a forgiving, healing people. They are given the right to speak a discerning word of power in Jesus’ name that will release the burden of sin. Wherever the breath of the risen Lord is, there is forgiveness. Jesus gives His people the boldness to speak this word in His behalf.
Too often the institutional church has not been “breathed on” and consequently has lacked the spiritual authority to deal with sin. Then it becomes a “do-good club” enmeshed in a maze of legalisms or simply a friendly collection of people. But there is no loosing of sin.
This authority to speak the word of release and forgiveness or retention and judgment is not given to a spiritually elite group or to specialized clergy, but to all the people who live under the authority of the risen Christ.
Think back, all through the Lenten journey, to all that we have seen and learnt of Jesus. Remember, incident by incident, what he was doing, announcing God’s kingdom and making it happen wherever he went, bringing healing and hope, food for the hungry and wisdom for the foolish. Now ask yourself: what would it take for us to do that, to be that, for our world today and tomorrow? Answer that question, and you have found the key to Christian mission.