April 24, 2022 - How to be a Trustable Person
Well, it's good to see you here today. I we missed last week. I see Miss. We were in the mountains. So one way it was just like, oh my goodness. It's Sunday, but you're not celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary.
And then when you're in the mountains, it's wonderful. But like I got the videos, but you guys did last week with the healing service with the baptismal with there's no videos of the breakfast book where I could hear you talking. So, that's awesome. You guys, it was a fun weekend last weekend. but when you start reflecting over your life and over the significance of it, like one of the things that really jumped out at me was
I have really lost some valuable people in my life.
In the world other people I trusted their people that were spoken to my life. And I I I value them, I value what they, what I have been able to fix it and some of them, they're still speaking to me through what they've written there. Were things that they've left that have lived on Beyond them.
But the thought comes to me that. Oh my goodness. This world needs more trusted with people.
When when I was a young Pastor, I had people come to me. And want to offer advice. And honestly, some of them I just said, no. Thank you. And others of them, I would listen. And I would hear. Their advice. How their advice would benefit them and how it would make me have more work. and so I would, you know, just thank them and be gracious, but I found it. I sought out people who I could get if ice from.
And I had. And in my mind I did like I had three different types of people that I sought advice from. They were people who knew me. And they have been speaking into my life for a while and they would continue to speak into my life. There were people that knew me and knew the church and they were highly valuable. Because when I had no problem with the church, they could, they could tell me, you know, what happened? 10 years ago, 20 years, 30 years ago. Why are these things happening now? And it's like the valuable. And then there were people who New the church and we're getting to know me. and so if it was an issue that I had to figure something out for myself, I would talk to the people who knew me and knew who knew the church in me and they were my go-to people. And then there were others that when it was an issue with the church. I would talk to the ones who knew me and the church, and who knew the church, and I would get a broad range of perspective.
I've been to almost all of their funerals.
I have a song that that I just heard about how you know, where they are now and in the long time ago in and they were a lot older than I was.
The world needs more charitable people.
We've learned. We can't trust others.
It. And part of that is that we could only trust ourselves. We've got to do it and we can only rely on what we can do because we have had people let us down and we have people that have people disappoint us. And we've had people that that let us the wrong way. You know, we live in a world where I don't know if you know this, but there is this thing called the fake videos where they can take an actor and put another actor's face on them or put someone else's face on them. And they can, we can look like any character from history or they can look from, and it looks really good. If we can't trust videos. There is software out there where I can copy and paste put it in there and they have a an AI speak out the word entirely realistic and it looks realistic on the screen and I can move them like a puppet master.
We can't trust what we see anymore. We know, we trust what we hear. It's how long it, we live with little Snippets, you know, during the day when all the truckers were in Ottawa and it's like, I know I can't make a judgment because I have been at Gatherings and I've seen what has happened and what the media focus is on, is that little brings group over there, and they missed the thousands over here doing something totally different. And it's like I can't believe with media. Is it saying to me? And that's the world. We live in. We live in a world of disappointment. We live in a world where, where it's, it's Does it make sense to try? As you know, we live in a world with a trust but verify? In. I'm saying. You know what? I need to be the dress double people. Recognizing we live in a world. That isn't going to trust us. They will, but it's going to take more effort. It doesn't take a title. It doesn't take, you know, it takes relationship and it takes time, and it takes consistency. And it takes where, where we have failed, we come back, and when you apologize, and we make a man and it's them seeing us authentically, and it's them seeing us as real people. And it's them seeing the joy of the Lord in us. It's them seen the joy and the hope and end in it.
Not that there.
We've all made mistakes. We've all let others down. We both failed in our own estimation, then sometimes it's hard to think that I need to be at rest Apple person.
Like, we know it. That's just like, we know we need to be trustworthy. But for somebody else is kind of like for our own sake, right? For our own sake, we need to have a clear conscience, but I want you to start thinking about for the sake of others today.
We have a trust of a father who wants us to be more and more like his breath, double Sun.
And how did we become more and more? Like our trust little father and our trust of his trusted with son. The short answer is Holy Spirit. That's all I'm going to tell you today, like that. We could stop there, if we could get in touch with Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, transform us. We would have the love in the joy, and the Peace of the patients, in the kindness, and the goodness in the gentlest and the faithfulness and the self-control that attracts people to God. Because they know that can't just be, you got to be something else and they want to know what you have and it's the people that you know, best. It's the people that are going to be the hardest to reach because they've got everything against you. They got years against you saying, but you did this as one time or you didn't do this. This one time. Are you let me down here, are you let me down there? But those are the people that God has entrusted to you to reach.
And you need them to see the love and the joy in the piece of the patients in the kindness and the gentlest and the self-control faithfulness. God grows in you. The Holy Spirit grows in you. That's the fruit of the spirit that's growing in.
But, you know, I want to say more than just that so I'll give you the longer version. And I'm going to give you the longer version. Yeah, it's good stuff. Don't worry. It's good stuff. We're going to go to Romans 12, and I'm reading in my old Bible that has very small print. So that should be fun unless we get it up on the screen. Love must be sincere. Romans 12:9. Love must be sincere. Hate. What is evil things or what is good? We devoted to one another and brotherly love honor one another about yourselves. Never be lacking in Zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving, the lord be joyful in. Hope patient. In Affliction faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse Rejoice with those who Rejoice mourn with those who mourn live in harmony with one. Another. Don't be proud. But we are willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay. Evil for evil. Be careful to do. What is right in the eyes of everyone. If it's as possible, as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone. Take revenge groups. I take revenge my friends, but leave room for God's Wrath for it is written. It's mine to avenge. I will repay says the Lord on the contrary. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he's thirsty, give him something to drink and doing this, you will Heap burning coals on his head and not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. And we pray.
Heavenly father. I thank you that your word is life in your word, is hoping your word is truth. And Lord. I pray for anyone who heard those words, and think it's a list of things for us to do, instead of what Holy Spirit, you want to grow in us and live out through US. Lord, help us today as we consider, how we can be trusted to a world. That isn't looking for people to trust in your name. We pray. Amen.
Amen. Where Paul talks with the fruit of the spirit, 11 to join the Peace of the patience. In the kindness of the goodness of the faithfulness of the gentlest in the self-control, how he leads into that. In Galatians 5, is that you have been called to live in Freedom. My brothers and sisters, but don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead use your freedom to serve one another in love. What if, what tells us in Galatians 5, and what he tells us here in Romans 12, we use as kind of an encouragement to grow into more and more trustful people. It doesn't matter what happened in the past. It doesn't, it does matter but God can redeem. What happened in the past. It God can God can make a wonderful things as we understand.
You want this to be lights in the Darkness? He wants us to shine bright in the end it when it's the darker, the night, the brighter, or light.
I want to use the word freedom. They help us, remember how we can grow to be more and more stressed of them. The word Freedom by breaking down into, you need to be Faithfully Faithfully. Be real as the app. Need to remember to honor you need to engage Holy Spirit and everything. You need to Echo. God's grace for others. You need to Discover Real friendship. You need to orientate the wisdom, and you just need to magnify good over evil. We go through this. I should have made notes because yeah.
They'll come up as we go as Faithfully be real, it comes from Romans 12:9. Is love must be sincere. Hate. What is evil cling to what? What is good? You look online and one of the key things that, stop. But when you look like, what do how do people trust others? Like how do you become a trustworthy person? Almost, everyone will tell you. You got to be transparent. I'm here to tell, you know, you don't transparency is not where it's at its inauthenticity. Transparency means, I have no filter, you see everything. I am a Christian. I need to be filtered through the cross. I'm sorry. It needs to come through Jesus because by myself, you don't want to see that, but you want to see me and Jesus is really more Jesus than
you become. Authenticity requires integrity.
How do you be Faithfully real, GS Lewis? As in Hickory is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
it's the psalmist tells us in Psalm 15. We're going to jump to verse one of them. First for who me is saying whom he worshiping your Sanctuary Lord and who made his presence who may enter your presence of the Holy ill or it's only those who despise flagrant Sinners and honor. The faithful followers of the Lord and keep their promises even when it hurts. That wouldn't a critique is. It's doing the good, you know, you ought to do. It's refraining from not doing the things, you know, you not supposed to do. And it's doing consistently over time. You need Holy Spirit for that. It's not real power. They can get you there. Holy Spirit, transforming, you it to be more and more like the image of Christ.
Oh, yeah, we're going to get into that today. That's a good one.
Question, you can ask yourself is, what does God say about my integrity.
If you don't think he's impressed with your integrity. He's giving you two tools. It's confession and repentance. Infection is agreeing with him that it's in. And repentance is turning around and doing the exact opposite with his help. Holy Spirit. Empowers you to accomplish every good work. Prompted by faith. It is all on him yet out of his way every with him and repent and confession.
We need to be Faithfully real. We also need to remember to honor. Verse 10 tells us. You devoted to one another in brotherly love honor, one another above yourselves.
How do you honor one another about yourselves? You consistently keep confidences? What's the confidence when you, if you tell someone something in confidence, you tell them something in secret or private you trust. They're not going to tell somebody else now.
I got to tell you, this is something I've learned and it's not like I don't gossip is impossible. But I have been known. If you're going to tell me good news and not tell me, it's a secret other. People are going to find out before you want them to, okay, like, I have announced so many babies, and so many engagements before, they had the chance to tell their parents and grandparents, but I honestly think that's on them, not me. I've learned to say, okay. Do I need to keep this private? And sometimes I forget to ask that. So it goes on social media and
Is it hard for me to keep good news quiet? It's I don't think that's my job. But I will if you got something to keep private like tell me and it will be private. It doesn't show up anywhere.
Don't gossip. Don't share in public. What was shared in? Private, read. Others the way you want to be treated. Do to others what you want them to do to you. This proverb jumped out at me this week Proverbs 25. The message says this in 9 and 10. It says In the Heat of an argument, don't betray confidences word is to get around and no one will trust you. Even in the middle of it. Keep confidences do what's right? Even when it hurts. even when it's easier, not to Question we can ask ourselves is due. I consistently keep what others? Have confided in me.
I hope you ask holy spirit that in the answer is no something comes to your mind that you shared that you knew you shouldn't if I would suggest first going to the person or persons that you shared it with first and confess that you got something to ask for them to forgive you. Then you go back to the person who entrusted that to you. And you say sorry. This is what I've done and I really am. I'm repenting. I've already asked them. Not to share it.
Keep confidences that people put in to give to you in, trust to you.
Faithfully. B-real remember to honor the first is to engage Holy Spirit and everything. Now, if you Didn't catch this already. That's what I've been saying, right? Romans, 12:11 and 13, never be lacking in Zeal to keep your spiritual fervor serving, the lord be joyful in. Hope patient in Affliction faithful in prayer with the Lord's, people who are in need practice Hospitality. It should be on every bumper sticker. It's right there, but the live Bat Out. You need? Holy spirit's help.
He will Empower you to accomplish every good work. Prompted by faith.
You need to be relying on him. You can't do this on your own. Some of you have the gift of hospitality and you just find it easy.
That's a gift that God is working in you, but you still need. Holy Spirit to do that, right? You still need his empowerment activate, the gift.
And whatever you do you do it as unto him.
How do you engage?
Engage with Holy Spirit. You need to allow Holy Spirit to do school work.
What is soul work? Simplest explanation is you regularly go to God and pray that prayer in the song. Search me o, God and know my anxious thoughts. Show me if there's any hidden sin. Forget exactly. It says, but it going to God, it's going to Holy Spirit on a regular basis and saying show me. And then what he shows, you confess and repent.
Now, if we do this consistently daily or even more than daily in the morning and in the evening, or maybe before lunch, or just allowing, Holy Spirit to show us anything that comment I made was a was not honoring. I'm sorry. I will go make it right. I thought I had was not given was not glorifying. You Lord. Help me to think your thoughts Lord. That that what I was just whatever it is, keep short accounts.
It's easier to keep short accounts, then to then the pool farther and farther and farther away from God. Because if we don't keep short accounts, what happens is, oh my goodness. I just realized I haven't read the Bible for 6 months.
I haven't felt this presents a time. I normally feel its presence. When did that happen way back there?
I tell you, God's got Grace, he will forgive that way back there and he will make it all Anew and he will walk with you as long as you walk with him. but, I'm saying it's easier to take your cheap short account.
The rigga regularly in your devotional time or whenever you do it. Just say, Okay, God search me. What do you see? What do you like? What do you want me to change? What do you how do you want me to become more? Like you?
That's the school work. If you're doing that you're going to see God everywhere and you're going to feel his present and you're going to know that he's with you. What he tells you to do those difficult things. Like like I have that difficult conversation or
You go through that too, right? Okay, I get weird sound in my hearing aids. Sometimes I got to tell you. I remember the story this week, too, but Before the pandemic, I went regularly to this business and one of the ladies that I met there all the time sheet. She had a brain aneurysm of the same time. I had a heart attack. So we're on the same bills and we hit it off really well, quick. And one day, she gave me this. Misty, and she asked me, can you just try it your ass that? You don't want this? I'd like like to see what you think of it. And until I tried this priority. It was disgusting. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever drank. And so I was avoiding her the rest of the day cuz how do you tell someone is disgusting like I did. So I just had conversations at the other end of the office and I just try to stay away from her, but she pinned me in the corner on the way out the door. And she said, what was the tea? Like and I said, honestly, it was disgusting. And you said it was. She said I'm so happy. I thought I was having another brain aneurysm and it is like
Sometimes I hear stuff and it's not there. But anyway, I will mention it just to make sure that someone else isn't in trouble. Anyway.
Keep your account. So it look at what it says. This is what Jesus said in Luke 16:10, if you're faithful and little things will be faithful in larger thing. If you're dishonest in little things you will be honest. With greater responsibility, account short, with God, keep them short. Go to him, often. Let him show you. What's in your heart.
So Faithfully be real remember to honor engage Holy Spirit, in everything that s e is Echo. God's grace for others. 1st Corinthians, 15:10, I didn't get that up. So don't look for it. All says, by the grace of God. I am who I am. And his grace to me was not without effect.
Grace. We have been given from God. We need to share with others. Paul says, in Romans, 12:14. He says bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse.
How upside down and backwards is that? It's counterintuitive to the way that we want to respond. But we are to bless those who curse us. And and we need to do good to those. I don't want good for us.
How we Echo The Grace Of The Gods receipt at? Like if he was a tip. You want to set and respect boundaries? I setting boundaries. There's some things you need to say that I'm sorry. I just want to step that someone comes to you and it's just telling you junk. I'm sorry. I don't accept that. You don't have to accept junk, they pour on you. Boundaries. But they'll have boundaries too and you need to respect the boundaries of the people that they placed around you. Now. If you think about that for a while, you might start to think will what if my husband never wants me to talk about Jesus. That's his boundary. That's a great question. I'm so glad you asked.
Bible never says. Make sure he believed the same way you do. It says by your good works in your good deed. You will influence him. It's through the light that he sees in you the changes. He sees when he sees the love that you want the peace, the patience and kindness and goodness. The faithful message. Analyssa self-control. It's the same with your kids. It's the same with your employer. It's the same with your neighbor across the street and they will see without ever wanting what they asked us when you're prepared to give an answer for everything for the hope that you
I think we've done this whole event ballistic thing backwards. We're if I shared about Jesus, let's check that off. And who my goodness? I suffer persecution because I'm offended someone today over the cross is so offensive. If the people find out they're lost in the week and get something better. How did they find out? They're lost? They see the good things that you're doing. Is she the good in you? They see the light in you. And then they start to ask question. You don't even have to point it out. Like honestly, you don't have to say, see how good I treated you. You don't have to say that. You just keep on being Jesus to them. Show me the Lovejoy, the piece, the patient's, the kindness, the goodness. The Faithful is the gentlest of self-control. I know it takes time. I know it takes long. I've been praying for people for 27 years. I've been praying for people longer. I just I know. But I also celebrate the little changes. I see in that. I celebrate a little comments that have completely gone 180 from what they were before. And I know that God is going to finish the good work. He started in them cuz he's going to finish the good work. He started in me.
Oh. Question you can ask is, do I respect the boundaries of others?
Do I respect the boundaries of others? If Holy Spirit, brings anyone to your mind that you may have been a little bit aggressive with or a lot of aggressive with? Maybe you need to go to them and apologize.
Maybe you just have to say, listen. I love you, and I love Jesus. And if you ever want to know anything more, you can ask me.
Faithfully be real remember to honor, engage Holy Spirit and everything Echols. God's grace, to others D is Discover Real friendship. The next verse in Romans 12. He says Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.
It becomes so natural breast Rejoice, with those who rejoice and mourn. With those who mourn when we're friends with them.
How you become real friends with others?
Have to be bone trouble.
Vulnerable means you risk with them.
You put them in a position where they can hurt you. And they might hurt you and they may have hurt you in the past.
But to have a real friend, you need to be able to that's where it starts. You're being vulnerable.
A tip for you is, if it is new to you you start with being vulnerable with wise people. Okay, Proverbs, 3:13 20 says walk with the wise and become wise associate with fools and get into trouble.
Wind. Where we need to be. We need the real friendship with wise people. That's kind of what I was with mentoring. At the start. A lot of my wife's friends have since died.
I need more.
Question we can ask ourselves or ask. Holy spirit, is due. I Rejoice with those who rejoice. I think all of us do, but am I comfortable with being uncomfortable with those who mourn? Are you comfortable with being uncomfortable with those who mourn?
A lot of times that is sitting with somebody and letting them borrow their grief. Not correcting, their theology on the way.
I'll be time for that. If they ask, I just let him for. You were there. Lift up there, Birdman a lot of time. A lot of times, all we need to hear it. We just hearing someone complained helps with that bird. I just got to do that this week with somebody.
Just needed to talk to somebody and it was like, oh, thank you for trusting me.
Faithfully be real. Remember to honor engage Holy Spirit and everything. Echoes, God's grace to every two others, Discover Real friendship, and then the ol is oriented to wisdom. We already started talking about this woman spoke 16, sad to live with Hartmann live in harmony with one another. Don't be proud, be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Orientate means to align or position something. Towards a particular point of order reference.
and if you You know. I want to see the verse, what was the best, cuz it's awesome. James 3:17, wisdom. Is from above, is first of all Pier. It's peace loving. It's gentle at all times. It's willing to yield to others. It's full of mercy and the fruit of Good Deeds. It shows. No favoritism is always sincere.
That's the wisdom. You orientate to.
Are you going to say it?
Yeah, I will go to church. I was part of this trip, so don't worry about it. I had this conversation with a lot of people, they wanted to come and give me their advice. And I would often blow up this first and say, okay with what you just told me. Is that line up with wisdom?
Oh, no, it shows. Favouritism. Yeah, we don't do that anymore.
It's not showing Mercy. Ya. We don't do that.
I guess that's not yielding to others. Yeah. We don't do that.
That's what you look for another's. That's what you want to grow in yourself. You oriented towards that it becomes easier to make decisions cuz other things fall away, you know, what wisdom is? Because hey if it's peace. Loving gentle at all times willing to yield to others. It's full of Mercy. The fruit of Good Deeds. It shows. No favoritism is always sincere. Yeah, that's what I got to be doing cuz I need to be walking and wisdom.
Do I Orient? Take the wisdom? A good question to ask Holy Spirit time.
Oh where we at Phillipi, real? Remember to honor engage Holy Spirit and everything, Echo, God's grace, to others, Discover Real friendship orientate, the wisdom and finally Emmie is magnify good over evil. That's what he says at the end of Romans 12, right? Don't repay anyone. Evil for evil? Be careful to do. What is right? In the eyes of everyone. If possible, as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone. Don't think revenge my friends, but leave room for God's Wrath for his written. It's mine to avenge. I will repay such as the Lord. On the contrary. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he's thirsty, give him something to drink in doing. So you will be keeping burning coals on his head. Don't become overcome. Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
In this world that were in that trust is such a non-value-added Fame.
Is something we need to resist?
We can never be so impressed with the size of our problem. That we become less impressed with the size of our God.
We can't be overcome with evil. We need to overcome evil with good.
So what does that mean? A lot of times that prayers, we need to be praying that things that need to be deciding on. God. How do we show love in this situation? How do we show love in this situation? Our showing love has to be within the boundary boundaries of other people if they need to be comfortable with how we're showing the love? Otherwise, it's not love. You know, it it's tough to go door to door during covid.
But boy.
That friend who wants to go for coffee for the first time in two years, there want to go forgotten, you one of the people you want to reach out to. Those are the people you want to talk to. Is Wednesday that? Yeah, okay. We're going to start coming over. Okay, will do that. Well at we don't want to come over yet. Okay, we can we do a zoom call or can we talk over messenger or whatever else is there? It is respecting the boundaries. How can I show love in this situation? How can I do it that respects them and where they're at?
And yeah, I remember to live, like Jesus bless those who curse you. Do what's right? In the eyes of everybody.
Use instead of Luke 16. If you're on frosty untrustworthy about worldly wealth, will you trust? Who will trust you with the to The Riches of Heaven?
Restaurants, or selves is do. I overcome evil with good?
I think a lot of times we whine and complain about you. We don't think about overcoming, it was good. You can't. You can't, you are the light of the world. It's his light in you that shines so bright.
This life is called us to It's a life of Freedom where we use our freedom to serve others in love.
And that freedom is Wheatley Faithfully, you real. We remember to honor the engage, Holy Spirit and everything. We Echo God's, grace, to others. We discover real friendship. We orientated, wisdom. We magnify good over evil. As we're doing this more and more over time. We become more and more trust Apple to others. Jesus said, let them see your good works so that they can look into it. So they glorify your father in Heaven. It's not, we were hiding this. So it's not that we're highlighting this. We don't hide what we do from others, but we don't have to highlight what we do for others. That's a good one there. We can be better clip. I got this program that automatically Clips order stuff running through and see if they catch has it.
This world needs more, crustable people.
Even if they're not looking for it, they need it.
Will you be adjustable purse?
You are and you will be with holy spirit's help.
And we spend the day.
Lord, first of all, I want to thank you that you are faithful to us.
Even when we haven't been faithful to you.
I want to pray first Lord for those that Holy Spirit, you have pricked our conscience about something.
And Lord I pray that they would be, that we would have the boldness to confess and repent from that.
Or Lord do the good that we know we ought to do our Lord refrain from the evil that we know, we shouldn't be doing whatever it is. Holy Spirit. We know you're going to empower us to do that.
Lord, I also want to pray for those impossible situations, those long term things that we have been working with in dealing with than trying to be the light in the darkness, but it just it hasn't yet seen the sun rise.
I pray Lord God that the Sun would rise in the dark places. I pray. Lord God for the baby at the work and the love that people have poured out for years and decades and decades. That that would bring it would spring life from that. We pray for our love when we pray for our families. We pray for our seniors. We pray for our children. We pray for everyone that Lord needs more of you in their life. And while we cry out for more of you got in our life, we pray that they would be would see that and they would receive that themselves. Lord we do. Pray that there would be a miracle after Miracle after miracle in body in mind, in relationship. We pray, Lord God's. But for Glory would cover the Earth and you would be exalted. And we thank you for that. God lord. We want to be the people that you called us to beef. We want to be late in the shine bright Lord. Thank you for the Lord. Just those those glimpses that we've seen that it's happening. But Lord, we want you to be glorified in this place in your holy and precious name. We pray.
Very cool. Thank you. Yeah, thank you passed over for that word.