Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Today we can talk about the blessing.
Blessings of God.
I'm going to open up your room to read.
Psalm 127, and then.
For a little bit of a plug of the kinds of things that we're going to be talking about.
We're going to go on a whole long journey through the Bible.
And I'll have us all out of here before 1.
I swear.
I'm on 27.
Unless the Lord builds a house, its Builders labor, over in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over a city, The Watchman stays Alert in vain in vain, you get up early and stay up late.
Getting food earned by hard work.
He gives sleep to the one.
He loves sons are indeed a Heritage from the Lord.
Children are a reward like arrows in the hands of a warrior are the sons born in one's youth.
Happy for blessed is the man who is filled his quiver with them.
Such men will never be put to shame when they speak with their enemies at The City Gate.
Let's pray this morning.
The only father as we look in your word Lord, I pray that you help us to just see what it is that.
Your word says what it has for us, understanding the blessings that that you give Ford and I pray that as we walk through the scripture and look at your word Lord, that you'll work in our hearts and Minds help us to see you and see what it is that you're building Lord.
And I pray all of this in Jesus name.
But I want to see here in Psalm 127.
They what it wants to see here, is that There's a lot of things that people can do.
And Achieve that's not what the blessing of the Lord is our look at this list, right?
Unless the Lord builds a house, its Builders labor over it in vain.
Almost to Ward watches over the city.
The Watchman stays Alert in vain in vain, you get up early and stay up late, reading food earned by hard work.
He gives sleep to the one he loves right now.
Just looking at that list, right?
It's not the house.
It's not the city.
It's not the the money in the, in the food.
Take it's not those things.
That are the blessing of the Lord specifically here.
In Psalm 127.
It goes on to say that blessed is the man who has his quiver filled with children.
But that's not the only thing.
Did that involve the blessings involved with, but it's one of the clearest ways.
Let me see it.
The blessings of God are things that God does that God gives.
Let's go back to the beginning of scripture and let's walk through this.
Genesis chapter 1. Verse 28.
God made man and woman, he's made them in His image and then a 28, it says, God blessed them.
And God said to them, be fruitful and multiply fill the Earth and subdue.
It rule, the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and every creature that crawls on the earth.
They said the blessing.
Look at someone 27, right?
It's not something that you do that.
You build that, you keep.
Play that you enjoy based on what you've done but it is something here that God gives a God blessed Adam and Eve.
But he's less than he right.
They don't have kids yet as you working through the the biblical narrative, right?
But God blesses them and he says tells them be fruitful and multiply fill the Earth to do it rule over it.
So the blessings of God, write for the beginning of script or something that God gives to mankind.
Let's go.
Let's look at another good one.
In the Book of Numbers.
Chapter 6.
The Israelites are coming out of Egypt, and they're meeting with Moses.
And leaders are meeting with God.
And then there's laws that come out of it, in the, in the midst of this story.
In Numbers, Chapter 6, God speaks to Moses, and tells Aaron, and his sons.
What there to do, as the priests and high priests.
It says number 622.
The Lord spoke to Moses.
Tell Aaron and his sons, how you are to bless Israel.
I print.
So Aaron, and his sons were supposed to give something give this favor in this blessing right, read what it says to say to them the Lord bless you.
And protect you.
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look with favor on you and give you peace.
Are you here or the blessing of God that the priests of his ass over the Israelites?
It's something that God is giving to them.
In this section, defense is up in this way.
They will put my name, right?
The priest will put my name on the Israelites and I will bless them.
Right now, the name of God.
Isn't just the title of the word, write, the name of God has to do with God's Property station.
But also it has to do with his power.
In his presence.
Are you near Reading scripture with the idea of taking the lord's name in vain?
Don't take the lord's name in vain.
Write the Ten Commandments and like it often understood as you know, don't.
Your swear using God, like God's name are your Jesus and that, that is a part of that day.
But that's like, that's like a tiny little part of that.
Did you have taking in bearing?
The name of God? Literally has to do with the idea that you belong to God, right?
God is your God and his name is on you.
Writing idea is then that as you go you are taking god with you.
Every place you go with his power and his presence is with you.
Right now.
Here's a question.
Do they get the power and presence of God because of what they're doing?
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