Ready or Not

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Jesus getting up to read from Isaiah...speaking well but disregarding impact

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Yard Team: sign up in the back or talk to Caleb
Newcomer Lunch May 22
Those who got baptized last week were taking a first step in their walk with Jesus. And now the journey really begins.
The phrase first step, implies more
In the same way, choosing a church to attend is a first step, but I can promise that if you only attend, at some point you will wonder why you aren’t satisfied. We were meant to be engaged in Christian Community, not observers, but participants.
The Newcomer lunch is a great beginning point to get a picture of what HCC believes and more importantly, what we do about it, and how you can be a part.
Sign up sheets will be available next week, or you can RSVP by emailing the office.
Childcare will be provided
Parent/Child Dedication May 15th


“Kris told me about a video earlier this week from Smarter Every Day
Destin is an engineer who makes videos of experiments and learning he is trying to do.
He begins this video telling us that he did something that undid his ability to ride a bike.
The back story is that the welders in his shop are really smart and enjoy embarrassing engineers.
One of them made a bicycle and wanted to see if he could ride it. Only one change. (Slide)
They added gearing that meant turning left…would go right…and right…would go left.
He could not do it.
Took it to conferences around the world where he speaks…no one could. Everyone thought they could…but they couldn’t.
He spent 5 minutes a day working on it for 8 months. As he describes it, one minute he couldn’t…and then he could.
A new pathway opened in his mind. Though any distraction would get him back on to the old path.
After a little more time he was smooth and fast.
Thinking the experiment was over, he then tried one more thing on a visit to Amsterdam.
He could not do it. “Just like riding a bike...” He was trying to learn to ride two ways…instead he turned off his ability to ride naturally in favor of backwards.
After 20 minutes of work, there was another moment when the switch flipped and he could do it. The crowd that was watching was sure he had faked not being able to ride, because it was so sudden.
He identified a couple lessons in this.
1. knowledge and understanding are not the same thing .
2. Truth is always true, so be careful how you interpret your reality


We lock into biases and ruts in our thinking and in our hearts.
Our ideas about what is right and wrong
Our ideas about what church is supposed to look and feel like
What it means to be husband or wife and what we expect in return
Add, just in general, What we expect from others
I mentioned hearts…this is what PTSD is. We have a learned response to something that was true in one case, but not universally, but we can’t help but react as if it were. Hyper simplistic, but on the mark.
Certain phrases, actions, and attitudes I have found trigger certain generalized responses in me.
One time I even noted that I was having a negative reaction to someone that made zero sense until I noted the shape of their eyes…matched perfect with the eyes connected to some pretty bad memories.
You might be thinking, “Shaun needs to see a therapist” I do and I do. Super helpful. Why?
Because the farther along I go, the more I recognize that my biases and ruts are not necessarily born out of truth or understanding, but out of knowledge that may or may not be faulty.
Problem…how can we know if our bias is truth or a backwards bicycle?
As we return to our series on the life of Christ, we go back to a series of stories that happened shortly after his baptism.
Next week, Harley will share some eye opening truths about Evangelism and what it really takes from John’s account of the first disciples, and in a few weeks when I get back, we will look at the way Matthew Mark and Luke recall the first disciples coming along and what it was they were called “TO”.
I’m excited for the week in between, one of our supported missionaries, Dennis Fuqua will be coming and sharing a message with you. There is no one I know more passionate about prayer and the church than Dennis. I’m excited for you to hear from him and I’ll be tuning in from vacation land to hear him as well.
But today, we get a story unique to Luke, where we see him come face to face with heart level bias and ruts in thinking.
We will see how those ruts affect what:
we expect
we intend
we want
we will do to protect our perspective


Shortly after his baptism, he teaches around many multi cultural communities around the sea of Galilee and then comes home to Nazareth.
Let’s look at what Jesus does:
Luke 4:16-21 CSB “He came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. As usual, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him, and unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fixed on him. He began by saying to them, “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.””
The Truth:
Jesus came to bring good news to the poor
Jesus came to release those in captivity
Jesus came to make the blind see
Jesus came to end oppression
Jesus came to bring the year of the Lord’s favor
This last line is key and ties it all together. This is a clear reference to a specific event that God had ordained for Israel…but that as far as we can tell from scripture or history…never happened.
Quick version:
Every seven days was the Sabbath. What we call Saturday. A day dedicated to rest.
Bunch of other annual festivals that tied to sevens, but no time for all that.
Every seven years every debt was to be forgiven and every slave was to be set free.
In the seventh year the land was not to be planted. You eat what you stored and what grows on it’s own. No work for the ground either.
Then, after seven of these seven year periods…the party got huge. No one worked that year, the ground too. Any property purchased in the time between went back to the family it had belonged to.
This was a reset of wealth, energy, property,
That’s a good way to think of it…as a push of a giant reset button.
Jesus stands up and declared that God has sent him to push the button. To make it as it should be. That HE IS the “me” the prophet Isaiah wrote about. “The Spirit of the Lord is on ME, because he has anointed ME.”
Then he shut his bible and called it done. He goes on to do the work.
But before he leaves to do the work, we see his hometown crowd struggle with this whole thing.
Their reaction mirrors our own when our ruts get busted and the bicycle is backwards.

Why we’re not ready:

We want what we expect
Luke 4:22 CSB “They were all speaking well of him and were amazed by the gracious words that came from his mouth; yet they said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?””
At first glance this doesn’t seem problematic. But a deeper dive and then noting how Jesus responds to this tells us what is really happening here.
We could almost say it this way:
Isn’t it nice that a local boy has become such a great speaker? Nice that he is doing so well. But…um…delusions of grandeur much? We know his dad, we know his brothers, Such nice boys…but we also know he wasn’t educated, his education was building furniture with his dad. And now he claims to be the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophesy. He is going to set everything as it should be?
One of the things I both enjoyed and that annoyed me as a youth pastor was that when I preached, I could be as bold and blunt as I wanted. I could say the things the senior pastor would get criticized for. Why? Because the invariable response to any sermon was “Good message this morning young man…really encouraged me.” with a pat on the shoulder and no intention to change.
Interesting note, in my last church youth ministry role, I was 4 months younger than the senior pastor.
We get uncomfortable and dismiss things that don’t fit in our expectations.
When we have come to expect good service from a company, we will explain away any example of shortcomings.
In the same way, if we have a positive experience somewhere that we have poor expectations of, we are shocked and chalk it up to a singular experience.
Our brains work hard to keep our footing level.
As much as we might claim to want surprises, we only like them if they are the surprises we have come to expect, even if our expectations are based not on experience, but fiction.
This is why social media can be so dangerous for our relationships. We see a curated picture of another’s experience…and we unconsciously build expectations from there.
Wow…Shaun got his wife an amazing Christmas present…why can’t my spouse do the same… Yeah, Monica shares the awesome presents…she didn’t share the year I bought her an iron...
Hard truth, this is the problem with pornography, romance novels (even Christian ones) and romantic movies. They create expectations of what reality looks like and ruin our ability to enjoy the challenge, the ups and downs, and the imperfections of real marriage.
Destin began with an expectation that when you turn handlebars left, the bike will go left. When that flipped, even knowing it, he could not apply that knowledge. It took 8 months to overcome his deep level expectations.
So we want what we expect. Also:
We want what we Intend
I could add, not necessarily our results.
Luke 4:23 CSB “Then he said to them, “No doubt you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Doctor, heal yourself. What we’ve heard that took place in Capernaum, do here in your hometown also.’ ””
They had heard about Jesus doing miracles in all these other towns, Jesus was seeing that they were not going to believe because of him, but they wanted to see the proof themselves.
The issue here is the motive behind their question. That’s what Jesus cuts to.
Good intentions. Sound judgement, see it for yourself, proof in the pudding.
But the result was ignoring the proof they had.
They knew Mary and Joseph. They had heard and likely mocked Mary’s claim of Jesus being conceived by the Holy Spirit.
The fact that from every corner of the country, the rumors of what Jesus was doing was pouring in…they still didn’t see.
They rejected his claim…and as we’re about to see, even try to kill him early all with great intention.
We often are more concerned with our intentions than the results. We are willing to accept results that are in opposition to God if our intentions are good.
Jesus addresses this with one group of Pharisees in Matthew 15. They were bent out of shape because Jesus’ disciples didn’t do the traditional (not scriptural) hand washing before eating.
Matthew 15:3-9 CSB “He answered them, “Why do you break God’s commandment because of your tradition? For God said: Honor your father and your mother; and, Whoever speaks evil of father or mother must be put to death. But you say, ‘Whoever tells his father or mother, “Whatever benefit you might have received from me is a gift committed to the temple,” he does not have to honor his father.’ In this way, you have nullified the word of God because of your tradition. Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you when he said: This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. They worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines human commands.””
How can we do this?
When we isolate from the lost (who Jesus said to GO to), in order to keep ourselves righteous.
When we get legalistic to try to make ourselves and others righteous.
When we are totally permissive to try to make others like us.
Jesus is calling us to follow him. His way isn’t about intentions. The result of following Jesus is obedience. And that is the measure that matters most.
I have watched churches become ineffective and wither, marriages crumble, and lives waste away with great intentions.
Our people know the bible, and the world doesn’t, so sad that the world won’t come in.
My spouse needs to be better, I bet I can fix them.
I need to be be safe, so I will base all my decisions off what keeps me that way.
Almost no one says these things out loud…But the results show the reality. We don’t share our faith, marriages struggle, and people live lives of mediocrity rather than the adventure God is calling them to, the full abundant life…not easy, not safe, but full.
The old saying is true. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. When we trust our intentions more that God’s, we miss out.
We want what we expect, we want what fits our intentions, and...
What we want is good for us
Luke 4:24-27 CSB “He also said, “Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown. But I say to you, there were certainly many widows in Israel in Elijah’s days, when the sky was shut up for three years and six months while a great famine came over all the land. Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them except a widow at Zarephath in Sidon. And in the prophet Elisha’s time, there were many in Israel who had leprosy, and yet not one of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.””
Toes get stepped on here.
The cities around Galilee were filled with Gentiles. Significant Jewish populations, but they were the minority. But to a traditional Jewish community, these were fighting words.
Which is weird, because he was just pointing out what scripture said...
If they are going to reject him, he wants them to do it not because of their impression, but because of what he is really doing.
That giant reset button is going to make things the way God wants, not the way they want. And the way God wants is for the WORLD to come back into relationship with him.
God so loved the WORLD that he sent his only son...
They were irritated that Jesus would perform miracles in gentile cities but not with them? How about this: Elijah and Elisha were two of the greatest prophets in the time before the Jewish exile began. And while all Israel was suffering, God did what?
During the reign of Ahab, one of Israel’s most wicked kings, God made the rain stop for 3.5 years. Elijah goes to a gentile home where a widow and her son were getting ready to eat their last meal then let the famine take them.
Elijah takes the last of her oil and flour and makes it last enough to see them through.
Elisha was visited by the commander of the enemy army who was sick and he not only talked with him, but in God’s name healed him.
Here’s a totally natural thought.
I only have so much. My family comes first. If I have some left, people I connect with “my tribe” come next. Then people I’m neutral about. And if anything, we should weaken our enemies. If they have what I need, we should take it.
That is human nature. And the Israelites were human. And God was their God, they forgot that God chose them to bless the world, they were looking for what would bless them.
Jesus breaks that completely. It’s why he ruins partisan politics. That’s all about arguing over whose rights come first, whose priorities are at the top.
It breaks every human economic system because they are either based on the individual or the collective good…Jesus bases it on the OTHERS good.
In almost every place where we draw lines and fortify our positions, Jesus breaks it because he doesn’t fit categories. Every position will take what they can of Jesus that fits their line and discard the other.
Can you start to see why everyone either loved Jesus or hated him? Especially those who held power.
And these people who talked so nicely about Joseph’s boy with delusions of grandeur…turn nasty.
We want what we can expect. We want what fits our intentions, and we want what works for us. And...
We will defend our ruts
Luke 4:28-30 CSB “When they heard this, everyone in the synagogue was enraged. They got up, drove him out of town, and brought him to the edge of the hill that their town was built on, intending to hurl him over the cliff. But he passed right through the crowd and went on his way.”
How cool is ninja Jesus
It hurts our brains and feels like an attack when our core thoughts.
Can we note: these were normal people. Not especially wicked or evil. Normal people. But:
When our ruts are challenged, we will react.
What things are most likely to make you lash out.
Not disagree…lash out. The things that get your blood rising.
This sensation, and being made aware was the reason I had to take a year off from watching sports. I had elevated a team to this level.
I’m better now. I can enjoy rivalry and the fight without the fire.
But think of the things that make you angry
with your spouse, kids, workplace, church
right now God is growing me through our dogs. The barking at anything that passes I have noticed can get me really agitated. I have to stop and process and think…then I can train.
You know what doesn’t stop a dog barking? Barking with them.
Odds are, there is a point where your ruts are being pressed against.
Let’s go back to the bicycle. We have to remember that truth is not understanding. Our ruts may or may not have anything to do with reality. And! Big AND, even if your ruts are absolutely awesome (no ones are)…those you interact with are at least as imperfect as yours.
All this is to make you AWARE we have to start there.
I couldn’t have good conversation face to face with my friend Tim who had the eyes that triggered memory until I was aware.
…but what do you do with that?


When will you be challenged:
New believers and by new believers
Rededication and those passionate
Challenge from our mentors
As we read God’s word
What if these people met the resurrected Jesus…wonder what they felt about their past defense?
So what do we do?
Trust God’s heart
Romans 12:1 CSB “Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.”
Make yourself less. Trust your ego in God’s hands. He makes much of you, so you don’t have to.
In the simplest terms, “Don’t take yourself too seriously”
Trust God’s Word
Romans 12:2 CSB “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”
Let God soften and break down your ruts. Let him shape a new path for you (so you can ride the bike)
Not a one time shot, but an ongoing process of BEING Transformed and renewed. Why? So we can discern (understand) what God’s good will for us is.
How does that happen?
2 Timothy 3:16-17 CSB “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
God’s word. Read it. Pray through it. Meditate on it. Let it saturate you. Learn to understand it. And then DO IT. There are 6 descriptive words about what scripture accomplishes. ONE of them is learning oriented.
It’s why us who are inclined to teach need to check ourselves. We are inclined to think that if we can just get you the information and as much as possible…you will be better.
Teaching…that’s one.
Rebuking: saying no to what is false
correcting: changing course to move the right direction
training: preparing for action
complete: who you are
equipped: possessing the tools to do.
All for what? Every good work.


Worship Team up
Jesus gives us this in a nutshell:
Matthew 18:1-4 CSB “At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “So who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a small child and had him stand among them. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child—this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
Destin spent 8 months trying to set a new path. The video shows him giving his son who is about 5 the same kind of bike to give him a chance to try. It took him 2 weeks. (He was bribed with the chance to meet an astronaut in Australia if he could do it.
Last week 12 of you came forward to rededicate your lives to the Lord. That was really courageous. And humble. Because you were publicly acknowledging that your rut was wrong and you needed to return to Jesus.
The only way forward is to accept that we don’t know it all. That we aren’t there yet. Lord save me from ever thinking I have every answer solved and every part of my life sorted.
The men and women I know who have made the greatest impact in the kingdom of God are those who keep shining the light of Jesus on their own life, keep seeing their own faults, and humbly allow others to come along with them as they go. They kept returning to a childlike faith. Not childish. For there is a sobriety and gravity to it…but a humility and through that flexibility to allow God to shape them into the men and women he made them to be.
Stay Teachable, meek, humble
As we return to worship in song, let me ask you to respond to this call to humility. I want you to pray as you sing, then write down, on a connection card or a piece of the bulletin, or a note page, one way you have area of obedience to God’s word you have neglected because of a rut in thinking. maybe it’s generosity to the poor, maybe it’s sharing your faith with others, maybe it’s a legalism that compels you to try to fix people, maybe it’s self justified anger, or it could be anything.
Take that paper home. This is where the rubber meets the road. Keep it where you read your bible. Take note of it every day. And ask God to show you how to break down the ruts that hold you back. As you engage the word of God, search for truth that will reshape you. And as you notice your life in the rut, repent and turn again.
At first, it will feel like a bicycle with reversed handlebars. But there will come a moment when it clicks and it starts to feel possible, then you will build confidence and grow.
If you would like, if you’re wiling, will you email or text me what that area is? I will join in praying with you.
This morning, if you need prayer, to share a praise, or want to talk to someone about a relationship with Jesus, our prayer team will be up front, and I will be at the back during these closing songs. Let’s pray.
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