14: Evangelism (10)
Remember the “Tufty Club”?Stop! Look! Listen! There is a lesson there for us. Evangelism is more than opening the door and putting the sign out. It’s more than knowing where the church is. When we consider the evangelism that Jesus did, it was wherever He was, not where He was going. It was at the well in the middle of the day, the funeral procession as it passed by, the tree hiding a tax collector, the Pharisee’s home when it was time to eat. When Jesus walked into town, the kids came running. We have to know our neighbours, know their needs, know their distresses, and know them at a personal level. Not intrusion, but genuine, Christian love for others. First, Stop! Let the world be the world and you be a Christian instead. Stop with the war against the clock and the to-do lists. Stop and notice those around you: they are lost! Second, Look! Do you see your neighbour? He’s lost. Do you notice that? Look at them and see what God sees.He didn’t send His Son to die for us, He sent Him to die for the whole world!! Look and see what God sees: souls needing saved. Third, Listen! Hear the word of God and make it part of your life. Hear the story of Jesus and follow Him. Hear the joy of the moving stone and rejoice in the resurrection and defeat of sin and death. Listen to your neighbour’s unspoken plea for salvation and help them hear the pleadings of God to come to Him to be saved from sin. We’ll consider how to engage with our neighbours and encourage them to know Christ. We’ll discuss praying for them, listening to them, and talking to them about Jesus.