Summary of 1John
I. The Fundamental Tests of Genuine Fellowship—SPIRAL I (1:1–2:17)
A. The Fundamental Tests of Doctrine (1:1–2:2)
1. A biblical view of Christ (1:1–4)
2. A biblical view of sin (1:5–2:2)
B. The Fundamental Tests of Morals (2:3–17)
1. A biblical view of obedience (2:3–6)
2. A biblical view of love (2:7–17)
a. The love that God requires (2:7–11)
b. The love that God hates (2:12–17)
II. The Fundamental Tests of Genuine Fellowship—SPIRAL II (2:18–3:24)
A. Part 2 of the Doctrinal Test (2:18–27)
1. Antichrists depart from Christian fellowship (2:18–21)
2. Antichrists deny the Christian faith (2:22–25)
3. Antichrists deceive the Christian faithful (2:26, 27)
B. Part 2 of the Moral Test (2:28–3:24)
1. The purifying hope of the Lord’s return (2:28–3:3)
2. The Christian’s incompatibility with sin (3:4–24)
a. The requirement of righteousness (3:4–10)
b. The requirement of love (3:11–24)
III. The Fundamental Tests of Genuine Fellowship—SPIRAL III (4:1–21)
A. Part 3 of the Doctrinal Test (4:1–6)
1. The demonic source of false doctrine (4:1–3)
2. The need for sound doctrine (4:4–6)
B. Part 3 of the Moral Test (4:7–21)
1. God’s character of love (4:7–10)
2. God’s requirement of love (4:11–21)
IV. The Fundamental Tests of Genuine Fellowship—SPIRAL IV (5:1–21)
A. The Victorious Life in Christ (5:1–5)
B. The Witness of God for Christ (5:6–12)
C. Christian Certainties Because of Christ (5:13–21)
1. The certainty of eternal life (5:13)
2. The certainty of answered prayer (5:14–17)
3. The certainty of victory over sin and Satan (5:18–21)