I Am With You
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Today is going to be quite a bit of story telling. I hope that’s ok. I might even sit down today. We had a great easter weekend and I hope you did too. I know that many of you were traveling…glad you’re back. He has risen! This is what its all about right? It sure is. But first…let’s talk about us for a minute. Some things that we’re doing as a church family…doing together.
Our Day Care Ministry - The Friendship Center - the kids are putting on an art show. And guess what…it’s downstairs in Fellowship Hall right now. No …you can’t go yet…but after the service…please just take a couple of minutes to go down and look through. The kids would love to know that their church family came down to enjoy their God given creativity. (CARD-Poster)
Another thing we’re doing…and this isn’t just us…this is our church family, Peace Lutheran, NIUMC, Mount Zion, and Epworth UMC. And this is a secret…so you can’t tell anyone (especially if you’re know any teachers or staff in the local schools.) The ministers have regular meetings with Brett Yeagley and a few months ago we asked if we could do something together to show the staff appreciation and this was suggested…over teacher appreciation week…donuts for everyone! Ok again its a secret. We’ve contacted Mary Ann’s and they’re going to supply us with a bunch of donuts to bless the teachers and staff with. So two weeks from now we’re going to bless with sugar and carbs! And they will all know who the donuts are from …Canton South churches… So if you can…and even if its a buck or two…that would be awesome. We’re hoping for about 300 give or take from our church family…but if we’re all involved it all works out…it’s all God’s anyway He just moves it around using people like me and you…His church family. We’ll send an email out this week as a reminder too and we’ll collect next week as well.
Children’s, Youth, Sports - Please remember to be praying for the leaders in each of these spots, Jess - Matt - and - Josh as they continue to dream and move forward…pray for Jeff and Bridgepoint…as the summer comes we’ll see new opportunities and new avenues to share God’s love.
Graduate recognition is coming soon too! So if you’re graduating…part of the NICC family…we’d love to know. I know of a few :)
Ok…here we go. So we’re going to celebrate some of our kids here at the art show. We’re going to share some fun and sugar and carbs with some people who we’re thankful for…and we’re doing it in the name of Jesus. And we’re praying for our leaders and ministries together. This is church family stuff isn’t it. Not just announcements…these are things we do together…and their’s a reason.
There’s something that we hold close to our heart…close to our mind. There’s a promise of Jesus that He reminds us of in different ways…and I think He really did show that to quite a few people who were walking through life…through change…through dissapointment…through bitterness…through exhaustion…through hope as well.
We’re going to talk about that reason here in a second.
So like we have the last few weeks, we’re going to look at some of the people in the Gospel account. If we were looking at a timeline, we’re focusing on the time just after the resurrection of Jesus.
The title for today is I Am With You…and we’re going to see how Jesus was with those surrounding Him after the empty tomb. And like we’ve been doing, we’re going to see how we can relate to them. Here’s something I think is true for most of us…we might read the Bible a lot, we might attend gatherings a lot or groups a lot…we might have grown up in the church. We may know the stories…but until a truth becomes real in life, its sometimes tough to make it applicable. So if we can see truth lived out in the characters who surrounded Jesus, then just maybe, we can see ourselves in their lives too…and then from that, maybe feel and see and hear Jesus talking to our hearts as well.
The first one is easy…we covered it last week. I want us to focus in on the ladies who went to the cemetery first, what He does, and what He asks them to do.
In Matthew we have that the ladies went to the tomb first…to take care of the body after burial. They meet the angel...”Don’t be afraid...” Why?
Now, we can look back with reverence and some awe at the narrative…but I’m not sure we can easily relate to the emotion and mental state these people closest to Jesus were in. The ladies listen as an angel talks and then they leave to follow his instructions. Now…how does that work…the body you were going to take care of is gone…but an angel says He’s alive…and oh…remember, you’re talking to an angel…whos saying the one you’ve devoted your life…the one you watch die a very painful death…has walked out of the tomb.
I’m sure there are a ton of mixed emotions. Remember this is reality changing. Nobody walks out of tomb on their own…especially after a beating like they witnessed.
But Jesus meets them even before they leave the cemetery garden. Matthew records Jesus saying “Greetings!”
Mark records that they were bewildered and trembling.
John records a few more details for us writing that the ladies were outside the tomb crying. Mary specifically was the focus of John and…she’s there crying…we know why…it seems they are wondering what is true and what is not. Is it real? Was it Him…did someone take Him? But John records a moment in the middle of all of those emotions.
Have you ever been overwhelmed by emotion like this? Sadness, confusion, thinking you may be crazy. Not sure what is up and what is down?
I’m sure this is where Mary and the others are. John records this..
John 20:15–16 (CSB)
15 “Woman,” Jesus said to her, “why are you crying? Who is it that you’re seeking?” Supposing he was the gardener, she replied, “Sir, if you’ve carried him away, tell me where you’ve put him, and I will take him away.”
16 Jesus said to her, “Mary.” Turning around, she said to him in Aramaic, “Rabboni!”—which means “Teacher.”
In the middle of her confusion and panic…He calls her by name. He is there with her in ....remember this is the biggest event ever on the planet…its all about Him. But in this moment, He’s with someone who needs Him…and He calls her by name. “Mary”
Do you think Jesus talks to you by name? Have you ever had that sense that Jesus is standing there, right beside you…and in the middle of everything you’re going through…as you’re standing there in the middle of a crazy situation…He’s standing there calling you, gently, by your name. What is He showing her?
I’m with you…always.
Matthew records that He then gives these ladies, along with Mary, instructions…He has a message that needs to be sent to the disciples.
Just hold on to that for a few moments.
I love the next account. One of my favorites in the whole Bible just because I would have loved to have been there…and I think I will be some day. But that’s for another sermon.
Luke writes for us a very detailed account of two guys walking away from Jerusalem on Sunday…resurrection day.
Luke writes that a man name Cleopas and a friend of his are walking to their hometown…probably after finishing their time in Jerusalem celebrating the Passover.
They are walking together when a third person walks up and begins to walk with them. They were talking about everything that had happened and that they had heard about.
Luke writes that they didn’t know who this gentleman was…it was kept hidden.
17 And he said to them, “What are these matters that you are discussing with one another as you are walking along?” And they stood still, looking sad.
Luke continues... Their first response is some surprise. “Are you the only one from Jerusalem that doesn’t know what’s been happening???” This tells us something…this isn’t just a side story in Jerusalem. This is headline news. The city is buzzing with stories and rumors.
Jesus continues to listen to them…still keeping His identity hidden.
They say they heard from the women what had happened…angels and all. That some of the disciples had gone and found the empty tomb too. And then they say this...”We had hoped He was the one who would redeem Israel.”
What are they feeling? Lost? They had put hope in something…in someone…and it didn’t turn out like they had expected. Ever have expectations that didn’t turn out the way you wanted? Even with possibilities…empty tomb, witnesses…the reality that you know is soooo strong that it is hard to have hope. That’s where these guys are.
Here’s what happens. Luke records in verse 27 that beginning with the scrolls/books of Moses, that would be the first 5 books of our Bible, and then going to the Prophets..same books we have…he explained to them everything that was written.... Concerning Himself!
He gently and methodically walks them through reasons to believe what they’ve already heard and seen. He builds them up.
Anyone here love information, data, logic, reason…philosophy.... I think Jesus is walking with them discussing…talking…filling their brains and their hearts…building their hope that had been deflated. It had been a balloon filled up…but then while witnessing His death that balloon lost its air. Jesus is here inflating it again.
Then …at a specific moment…He disappears from their sight. They look at each other and say this...”were not our hearts about to burst when He was talking to us on the road?” Its Him! He’s alive!
Proof of their believe??? They run back to Jerusalem to let the others know what they just witnessed. Their balloon is full. A 7 mile run!
He met them where they were…in their confusion and lost hope.
Ladies....trembling, confused, overwhelmed....Mary crying…all He does is very personally call her by name.
Cleopas and his friend…Jesus goes through some teaching, some Bible texts…messages....prophesies…explaining how all of them point to the Messiah…who just happens to be Him…and He’s right there with them.
I am with you....in their lost hope....He was right there.
Thomas. Thomas is a unique disciple. Just after these two who were heading do Emmaus returned to Jerusalem, to the place (probably the upper room) where the disciples were, Jesus shows up even though the doors and windows are locked up. He says the common Jewish greeting “Peace be with you.” Shalom....they are freaked out. Luke writes that they are startled…and that makes sense. They are frightened…which also makes sense. They don’t believe even though He standing there showing His hands and feet....but then he does something almost comical.
Luke writes Luke 24:41
41 But while they still were amazed and in disbelief because of their joy, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”
He then goes on to tell them…here’s what I need you to do. Remember…first remember…what all of the OT said about me coming. Everything was fulfilled. Now…go....preach/teach…and guess what, I’m sending you what my father has promised.
We know what this gift is. The spirit. This is a whole new part of reality for them. First a man who was dead is now sitting there, with scars on hands and feet, eating with them.
Go....with my spirit. I am with you.
In their startled state, frightened state, joyous state…doubting state…he still says go...
These are not perfect guys. But he still trusts them…why? Because He knows that...
He will be with them.
Thomas…had earlier said, unless I see His hands and His feet, I will not believe. This isn’t just questioning type of doubt. This is disbelief. Even when we’ve moved from doubt to a step backward....Jesus is there. He doesn’t leave us. He shows Thomas what Thomas needed to believe.
Thomas is then blessed by Jesus…there on the spot…Jesus’ words. Thomas is among those then sent out with this great news…the Gospel.
A man with a very strong doubt…leading towards disbelief…who had to see to believe, is now trusted with the most important information ever in history.
Why? Because Jesus is with Him. Jesus knows that He will be with Thomas. And it seems Thomas has come to know that too.
Jesus just keeps going to people in their specific needs saying…I am with you. I’m right there with you. I’m right here with you.
Peter has been at each of these last couple of incredible times…he ran and saw the empty tome. Then in the upper room where Jesus just appears. How could you get used to that?
Remember they are seeing a new part of reality....
Then when back in Galilee, while fishing…and not fishing so well, hear a guy from the beach say “throw the nets on the other side.” 153 fish later…they’re on the shore eating breakfast with Jesus. Early in Jesus’ ministry he does a similar big catch miracle with Peter and some others. here, he does it again and then cooks the guys some breakfast. Then...
15 When they had eaten breakfast, Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said to him, “you know that I love you.” “Feed my lambs,” he told him.
16 A second time he asked him, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” “Yes, Lord,” he said to him, “you know that I love you.” “Shepherd my sheep,” he told him.
17 He asked him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved that he asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” “Feed my sheep,” Jesus said.
3 Times - A number of days ago, Jesus was being arrested and led away to an illegal trial. Peter kept a close distance watching. And while there, he was asked three times…”Aren’t you one of His followers?” Three times he says no.
What is Jesus doing? He’s saying…Peter…in your humanness, I am with you. Let’s start over…do you love me? Yes, then feed my sheep. In a very real way, Jesus was saying…I know what did…you denied me…but I know you…and I am with you…and will be with you. Feed my sheep.
Before Jesus leaves and by leaving the planet I mean just physically....as he was…he gives a charge to the disciples…and a why he can ask them to do this. All of the disciples…some still doubting (meaning wondering how all of this is possible)…and there and Jesus says I know have all authority in Heaven and on Earth. Go and make disciples....
He’s asking imperfect people to carry on His ministry....He’s asking these guys who have denied Him, doubted Him, didn’t believe that He had left the tomb…some didn’t believe the angels…He’s entrusting to them the most sacred important crucial information…and then He says at the end…before He leaves...
Matthew 28:20 (CSB)
20 ...I am with you always...
I’m with you in your scariest times. I’m with you in your doubting times. I’m with you in your bitter times. I’m with you when you’re making mistakes and when you’re intentionally betraying me. I’m here helping you to repent and return. I’m with you when you can’t make sense of the news…war…when people consider sin to be something celebrated and you don’t know how to respond. I’m here when you try to respond and don’t know what to say.
I’m here when the world seems like its upside down and you feel like you’re losing.
etc etc etc I could go on right? You could probably add to that list!
Jesus did not choose and send Mary when she was fully equipped, nor when she was emotionally and spiritually fit for the job. Perhaps even Mary herself did not feel ready for it! The other disciples were not chosen when they became perfect and stopped doubting and when they stopped walking through tough days …Jesus asked them to carry the news, the gospel, even as imperfect people…why could He do that?
Because He knew He would be with them.
I am with you…always.
That’s what He’s saying to you right now. He’s saying, I’m with you right here…beside you in the pew. He’s beside you wherever you are. Whenever you working sleeping worried anxious having the time of your life...
His words…I am with you always. His spirit next to yours. That’s not cliche....its literal. Just as literal as it was to those friends of his that we just read about.
I am with you.
Paul writes in Romans that nothing can separate us from God’s love....nothing absolutely nothing.
David in the Psalms wrote that He finally figured out that if he went to the .heavens..you God are there…If I make my bed in the depths…you are there.
Who knew that crime would pay so much . . . and in chocolate no less!
A student at Kansas State University recently had a Kit Kat bar stolen from his car on campus. The thief, however, was nice enough to leave a note that read: “I love Kit Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked. Did not take anything other than the Kit Kat. I am sorry and hungry.”
After the student posted a picture of the note on Twitter and it went viral, the smart marketing folks at Hershey sent him a replacement – plus an extra 6,499 Kit Kat bars for good measure.
According to a Nov. 8 AP story, the student “stuffed the bars in his car and handed them out around campus last week.”