Verse: Matthew 5:5
Intro: (Recap – Poor in spirit and spiritual mourning) When we think of meekness, most people assume that it means weakness, or being a pushover. But actually it doesn’t. Matthew Henry, considered one of the most reliable sources of biblical commentaries, pointed out that in Latin, meek translates to mansuetus = manu meaning hand and assuetus meaning used to. Referring to the taming of a wild horse. We have strength but the problem is that it is not controlled and at times even destructive. Meekness is controlled strength. It tames the temper, subdues the self, calms the passions, manages the impulses, and brings order out of chaos. We must get used to the hand of God. Meekness is about submission, putting yourself under the mission of God.
I. What do we submit to?
1. God’s word
A. James 1:21
B. Place yourself under the authority of scripture
2. God’s will
A. Matthew 26:39
B. Even in difficult circumstances or unimaginable cost, submit
3. God’s people
A. Ephesians 5:21
B. Even when you disagree with others, God calls us to submit to them
C. Philippians 2:3
D. Consider others opinions, treat them as more valuable than yourself
II. Examples of Meekness
1. Moses: Meekness when opposed
A. Numbers 12:3
B. Exodus 17:3-4 No appreciation from those he saved
C. Exodus 32:32 Moses still prayed for them, served them, and even was willing to lay down his life for them
2. Paul: Meekness when disappointed
A. 2 Cor. 11:22-30 Paul’s response to the criticism of other Christians
B. 2 Timothy 4:16-18 Paul facing trial with no support from believers
C. May it not be charged against them, meekness… even though all that he had done for these people and they showed no support and
even criticized him at times.
III. Result of Meekness
1. Inherit the Earth
A. 1 Peter 1:4 We were adopted into God’s family and receive His inheritance
B. We obtain our inheritance, not by bashing all those in our path or causing destruction but by serving and submitting.
Conclusion: A wild horse never wins the race… all the biblical knowledge in the world means nothing if used to degrade others. All the strength and talent means nothing if used to reign over everyone else. We must strive to obtain meekness, which only comes from addressing the first 2 beatitudes. Becoming poor in spirit allows you to know that you are just as unworthy as everyone else. Without God you are nothing and therefore shouldn’t judge the others. Address the spiritual mourning to understand that you have sinned just like nonbelievers and by the grace of God, you have found freedom. Don’t condemn the world, but instead reach out a hand and offer the world a chance for freedom. Humble yourself, develop a heart of repentance, and submit to the will of God.