When The Rooster Crows
Text: Luke 22:31 (NLT)
Intro: Today I’m not here to preach to the faithful members of the church but instead I want to preach to those Christians that are no longer at church. Those that were once devoted to their faith and for some reason or another have gone astray and now consider church and God as a part of their past and nothing more. I challenge you all to text someone you know that has turned away from God to watch this sermon. This is for those who think its too late to turn back to God. Those that have lost sight of their purpose and given up on the call that God placed on their life. For those who have lost their vision.
I. The Failure (Luke 22:31)
1. Sifting like wheat (The devil needs permission)
A. Why would God allow it? To reveal to you something that needs to be addressed.
B. Peter’s pride (V. 33-34)
2. Peter fails (Failure List)
A. Denies Jesus at the charcoal fire (John 18:17-18, V. 25-27)
B. Peter felt the shame (Luke 22:62 – Peter left the courtyard, weeping bitterly)
3. Peter gave up
A. Went back to fishing (John 21:2-3)
B. It will get difficult outside God’s will (V.3)
II. The Process (Luke 22:32a)
1. Jesus is still there for you
A. John 21:4-9
2. The charcoal fire
A. Jesus recreates the moment of Peter’s failure
B. Peter has to face his failure not run from it
3. 3 declarations of love (V.15-17)
A. Do you love me more than these? More than the fish
B. Feed my lambs (baby Christians) Feed my sheep (adult Christian)
C. Simon means pebble, Peter means rock
D. 3 loves to cover 3 denials
III. The Turnaround (Luke 22:32b)
1. Peter leads 3000 to Christ
A. Acts 2:37-41
2. Peter proclaims Jesus instead of denying Him
A. Acts 4:1-12
3. Peter dies for Christ
A. Expressed the deepest demonstration of love for Christ
B. John 21:18
Conclusion: There’s times in life when we face failure, when we think that we have let God down and can’t ever face him again. But the truth is that you can’t ever let God down because we aren’t holding him up, he is holding us up. No matter how far off you feel, God is there. He is waiting on the shore to cook you breakfast and deal with all the regrets, all the same, all the hurt. Its not too late to turnaround. You are not called to hammer nails or type on keyboards. You are called to feed his sheep. You are not meant to be a pebble but to be a rock. There is no mistake to big, no failure to hard to overcome, its never too late to come back home.