Count The Cost
Text: Matt 16:24
Introduction: Jesus made it clear to the disciples that he was going to suffer. But now Jesus was making it clear that those that follow him will suffer as well. If we choose to follow Jesus, then we must first count the cost. There will be a price, it won't be easy. We must completely deny ourselves and embrace God. We must be willing to suffer and even die for the sake of Christ. But the reward for following Jesus is beyond anything we can imagine.
Transitional Sentence: Lets begin by going over what it is going to cost to follow Christ.
Deny Yourself
1: Cant do what you want
A: James 4:17 (Failure to do what is right is sin)
B: Galatians 6:7-8 (Sow into your flesh and you reap corruption)
2: No longer the same
A: 2 Corinthians 5:17 (The old is passed away, the new has come)
B: Colossians 3:9-10 (Put off the old self and put on the new self)
Take Up Your Cross
1: Suffer for Christ sake
A: Philippians 1:29 (Not only believe in Him but suffer for his sake)
B: 2 Timothy 2:3-4 (Share in suffering like a good soldier of Christ)
2: Willing to Die
A: Philippians 1:21 (To live is Christ, and to die is gain)
B: Galatians 2:20 (I have been crucified with Christ)
C: Galatians 5:24 (Crucify the Flesh)
D: Mark 8:35 (Whoever loses their life for the sake of Christ will save it)
Follow Christ
1: The reward is greater
A: John 8:12 (Whoever follows Him will have the light of life)
B: Matthew 10:22 (The one who endures to the end will be saved)
C: 2 Corinthians 4:17 (An eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison)
Conclusion: There is a price to following Christ, there will be suffering, and there will be a form of death. You have to be willing to die to yourself and go through whatever comes your way in order to bring glory to Christ. Jesus speaks of a parable about counting the cost before you begin laying the foundation (Luke 14: 28-30). You now know the cost of following Christ but you also know the reward, salvation and glory for eternity. Are you willing to go through a affliction that last but a moment in order to have glory forever? Count the cost, lay your foundation of Christ, and begin building a life as a Disciple.