Mercy and Forgiveness
Text: Matthew 5:7
Intro: Recap – Poor in spirit, mourning, meekness/submission, thirst for righteousness
I. God forgives (Ex. 34:6)
1. We have wronged him
A. Acts 9:4 Why are you persecuting me?
2. Forgives because we repent
A. Prodigal Son
3. Atonement has been made
A. Jesus sacrifice
II. Mercy is needed to forgive
1. Good Samaritan
A. Luke 10:30-37
2. Tenderness of heart
A. Luke 10:33 Compassion
3. There is action
A. Luke 10:34
B. Col. 3: 12-14
III. How to forgive
1. Ephesians 4: 30 -32
A. Holy Spirit in you
B. Don’t dwell on injury
C. Don’t fight
D. Have compassion
E. Realize we all need forgiveness
F. Recognize the forgiveness in Christ
Conclusion: We are all in need of forgiveness, we have don’t God wrong time and time again, we persecute him on a daily basis but God grants us the mercy and forgiveness that we do not deserve. So no matter who hurts you or what the offense is, we must be willing to forgive others like Christ has forgiven us.