942 Josh.2.1-24 Rahab and the Spies Pt.1
1. The Israelite Spies Lodge at Rahab’s Inn
2. A Choice Motivated By Faith
2.a. The Particulars of this Faith
3. The Scarlett Cord that Changed a Destiny
Surely this was a bold and totally unpredictable turn of events. Judah had sired a son by an ostensibly Canaanite prostitute and his descendant Salmon did the same by a Canaanite harlot who had come to embrace faith in the Lord. And even the choice of David was contrary to all convention since he was not the eldest V 142, p 135 V 142, N 566, p 135 p 135 son of Jesse but, to the contrary, the youngest. Beyond the confines of the genealogy proper it is significant finally that David’s own dynastic heir, Solomon, was born to a royal wife who had become such under most inauspicious circumstances. And he was not the eldest son of David, not the one who by every traditional criterion should have become heir apparent. Moreover, he was the son of a foreigner