It was recently brought to my attention by another pastor that Slate Magazine published a series of articles
What can the plagues teach us? And what do they have anything to do with our lives today? This is a really good and fair question. I mean this story happened nearly 3,000 years ago…why in the world would it matter for our lives in the 21st Century.
Well, I hope to show you this morning that what happened in Egypt 3 Millennia ago has a whole lot to do with our lives today.
In fact, I would argue that what God did in Exodus is what He is still doing today.
Here is why I think that the plagues are so important for where we are right now. We are Americans…and if there is one thing that red blooded Americans love more than anything else, its freedom! We love our Freedom and our Rights!
Here just complete these sentences for me and I’ll prove it to you, “Im not going to let anyone tell me what I can and cant...”
It has to do with why the plagues happened in the first place.
In these 10 Plagues, God displays His Power and His Providence on display by saving some and judging others.