The Blessedness of Justification, His Robes For Mine
Sermon Tone Analysis
This morning I want us to think about the idea of blessedness or happiness? Three time in just eight verses Paul draws our attention to the idea of blessing or the one who is blessed.
V. 6- just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works
V. 7- Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven
V. 8- blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin
The root idea of these words, blessing or blessed, is the idea of being happy.
Happiness, or rather the pursuit of happiness, is the drug of our culture. It is sought after on every street corner and every back alley. The allusive opiate that is happiness has made addicts of us all.
How does one find happiness, true happiness?
The worlds answer to that question is a malignant cancer that eats away at the very soul of the individual. The world will tell you this lie, “Man is basically good and inherent in that idea is that authenticity (true joy) is found within man himself.”
Anything that hinders or restrains natural human instincts must be destroyed. In order for humans to be truly happy they must become the most authentic versions of themselves.
Perhaps the most famous example of this kind of philosophy comes from a man named Friedrich Nietzsche in is madman passage where he poetically states, “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.”
According to Nietzsche in order for you to be happy you have to throw off any external moral restraint from your life. So in killing God, you take on the responsibility of being god yourself, of becoming the author of your own knowledge and your own ethics—and ultimately your own happiness.
Nietzsche was not a fan of Christianity. According to him Christianity embodies the very hatred of life and of living, it desires to subjugate the truly noble and strong, it makes men and women sick, and it dis-values everything that is vital and strong and natural. Christianity was morally repugnant for Nietzsche.
The irony is that Nietzsche suffered from sever depression, eventually dementia, and ultimately died of pneumonia. In short his life was anything but happy.
The problem is that our society has bought into the poison pill that Nietzsche peddled- that true happiness comes when you throw off external restraint and become the most authentic you possible.
What makes you the most happy? Does sex make you happy? Don’t let yourself become restrained by an outdated notion that God intended sexual intimacy to be enjoyed within the confines marriage.
Or, throw off the idea that natural relationships are designed by God to be between an man and a woman. Just do what makes you happy- be your own god.
Or, tired of being a man? Do what makes you happy and transition into being a woman. Or even better throw off the repressive label of gender all together. Become your most authentic self and you will find happiness. The problem is, it’s all a lie!
Any attempt to find happiness outside of God is futile. It will never fully satisfy. It’s like a well with a giant hole in the bottom, it may hold a little bit a water for a short amount of time, but it will eventually run dry. So too is any attempt to find happiness in yourself- you will find things that bring you pleasure for a short period of time, but it will eventually leave you dry and thirsty and it will never satisfy.
Where can you find true happiness? Paul gives us the answer to that question in our text.
True happiness is found in the doctrine of justification. For the one who understands and participates in doctrine of justification this one will find true happiness, he or she will be blessed.
Why can the doctrine of justification make you truly happy?
I. Because justification is based on God’s promise not our performance (vv. 1-5)
I. Because justification is based on God’s promise not our performance (vv. 1-5)
Justification is the source of happiness for all because its application is not dependent on you. It is freely offered apart from your ability to earn it. It is a free gift given by grace alone and received by faith alone.
A. Salvation has always been received through faith (vv. 1-3)
A. Salvation has always been received through faith (vv. 1-3)
In the mind of God, salvation has always been based upon the sacrificial death of Christ.
18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold,
19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.
20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you
Jesus Christ is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. So in the eyes of God salvation has always been unmerited- it is something God does for us not something we do for ourselves.
And the receiving of God’s salvation, the unmerited gift of God, has always been done through faith alone.
“Salvation always has been through faith in God’s provision, although the content of a believer’s faith was determined by the extent to which the gospel had been revealed.” —Myron Houghton
1 What then shall we say was gained by Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh? 2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.”
What did Abraham believe? To what extent had the gospel been revealed to Abraham?
5 And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 6 And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.
3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
Abraham believed God’s Word, he put his faith in what God had revealed to Him concerning the gospel, and God counted His faith as righteousness. This is the essence of justification.
B. Saving faith is an objective faith (vv. 4-5)
B. Saving faith is an objective faith (vv. 4-5)
Many people today are unsure of their salvation because they question if their faith is good enough. Did I say the right words when I prayed? Did I put enough emotion into my prayer for it to be effective. These kinds of questions fundamentally misunderstand saving faith. Saving faith is not subjective! It’s not about saying the magic words or shedding the right amount of tears- its not subjective, its not dependent on you. Saving faith is all about the object of your faith.
4 Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due. 5 And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,
Notice the objective nature of faith in v. 5- “believes IN HIM who justifies the ungodly.” The one who is justified is the one who places their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The object of their faith is God.
What was the object of Abraham’s faith? What did Abraham put his faith in? Abraham believed God! God was the object of his faith. In what way? God gave Abraham a promise and Abraham placed his faith in God’s promise- the promise the object or the resting point of his faith.
What is the object of our faith? The gospel! God has revealed to us in His Word that we can have our sins forgiven because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became a man, lived a perfect life, died on a cross for our sins, was buried, and on the third day he rose again. And if we believe, if we make the death, burial, and resurrection the object of our faith- we will be saved. It’s not about the quality of your faith (don’t put your faith in your faith). It’s about the object of your faith- the one who believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.
Illustration: Have you ever gone ice skating on a lake? What is the danger of going skating on a lake? You might fall into the freezing cold waters. So most of the time you wait until there is 6+ inches of ice on the lake before you go skating. When you step out onto that lake what are you trusting in to keep you from falling into the freezing cold water? You are putting your faith in the ice- it is the object of your faith. It doesn’t matter if you are an Olympic level ice skater or if you can barely stand up on your skates. Your ability to skate has nothing to do with falling into the water. It is entirely dependent upon the structure of the ice.
So your salvation is not dependent upon your ability to prayer the right kind of prayer. Your salvation is dependent on what you place your faith in- the object of your faith. In order for you to be saved you must believe in Him who justifies the ungodly. You must put your faith in Christ alone as the object of your faith!
C. Objective faith includes the element of trust (vv. 20-25)
C. Objective faith includes the element of trust (vv. 20-25)
What kind of faith will God accept as legitimate faith? Or what elements make up objective faith?
19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!
The bible states that even the demons BELIEVE- and yet demons are not saved. Maybe you have heard people say, I’m saved I believe in God. Is believing in God enough? How can demons believe and yet not be saved? What are the elements that make up saving objective faith?
1. An intellectual element (notitia)
1. An intellectual element (notitia)
notitia- nōˈtish(ē)ə Latin word meaning knowledge
Millard Erickson- “The knowledge of faith consists in a positive recognition of the truth, in which man accepts as true whatsoever God says in His Word, and especially what He ways respecting the deep depravity of man and the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.”
This involves knowing that Christ died for sinners and rose again.
Illustration: Back to our ice skating illustration. To have an intellectual faith in the ice would mean that you have studied the science of the formation of ice, you know that water molecules can freeze and become solid and support weight.
2. An emotional element (assensus)
2. An emotional element (assensus)
assensus- Latin word meaning assent
Berkhof- “When one embraces Christ by faith, he has a deep conviction of the truth and reality of the object of faith, feels that it meets an important need in his life, and is conscious of an absorbing interest.”
This involves agreeing that Jesus died for your sins. You know the facts (intellectual element), and you embrace the facts and agree that the facts are applicable to you personally (emotional element).
Illustration: Back to our ice skating illustration: You know the science of the formation of ice, and now you become convinced, you agree, you ascent to the truth that the ice can support your weight if you stepped out on the lake. You agree that if you stepped on the ice your weight would be supported and you would not fall to your death.
3. A volitional element (fiducia)
3. A volitional element (fiducia)
fiducia- Latin word meaning trust
Berkhof- “This is the crowing element of faith … in saving faith, it is a matter of life and death that the object be appropriated. This third element consists of the soul as guilty and defiled to Christ, and a reception and appropriation of Christ as the source of pardon and of spiritual life.”
So faith involves KNOWING that Christ died for sinners and rose again, agreeing that He died for one’s sins, and personally trusting Him.
Illustration: Intellectually knowing the science of the ice, agreeing that the ice would indeed support your weight, and the third and most important part of saving faith- actually stepping on the ice, putting your trust in the ice to keep you from an freezing bath.
This is the element that the demons lack in James 2:19- yes the demons believe in God, but they will never put their trust in Him for their salvation!
Look at this trusting faith displayed in the life of Abraham in Romans.
18 In hope he believed against hope, that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been told, “So shall your offspring be.”
19 He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead (since he was about a hundred years old), or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb.
20 No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God,
21 fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.
Knowledge in the promise of God, agreement that the promise was for him personally, and absolute trust that God would do what He said.
22 That is why his faith was “counted to him as righteousness.”
This is the biblical idea of saving faith! What does this matter? How does it affect you personally?
23 But the words “it was counted to him” were not written for his sake alone,
24 but for ours also. It will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead Jesus our Lord,
25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.
My friends have you believed in Jesus Christ for your salvation? Is your faith biblical faith?
Salvation has always been by faith alone apart from works- it is available to anyone who believes.
Saving faith is an objective faith.
Objective faith involves the element of trust.
You can be saved this moment if you believe. And you must believe because true happiness is found in the doctrine of justification.
Our salvation, from start to finish, is based upon God’s promise not our performance, and that is a truly blessed thought!
For the one who understands and participates in doctrine of justification this one will find true happiness, he or she will be blessed.
Why can the doctrine of justification make you truly happy?
Because justification is based on God’s promise not our performance.
II. Because justification is based on credited righteousness not our works (vv. 6-8)
II. Because justification is based on credited righteousness not our works (vv. 6-8)
5 And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness,
Justifies the ungodly:
δικαιόω (4:2, 5)- to render a favorable verdict, Used of God- to be found in the right, to be free of charges.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament based on Semantic Domains 34.46 δικαιόω; δικαίωσις, εως; δικαιοσύνη, ης
forensic righteousness,’ that it to say, the act of being declared righteous on the basis of Christ’s atoning ministry
In vv. 6-8 Paul gives us two important aspects of justification:
Justification- a change in God’s records in which all our sins are forgiven, and the righteousness of Christ is credited to us.
A. Justification is a change in God’s records in which all our sins are forgiven (v. 7-8)
A. Justification is a change in God’s records in which all our sins are forgiven (v. 7-8)
7 “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered;
Blessed / HAPPY are those! Who are the happy ones? The ones whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
Paul is quoting Psalm 32:1-2
1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Here is true happiness to have your sins forgiven! The Bible tells us that until you are able to actually have the guilt of your sins taken away you will never know true happiness.
Illustration: Our culture is obsessed with guilt. This is most evident in what we call cancel culture. Do you know what cancel culture is? Cancel culture is where society goes around and finds the person who has commited an offense, they are guilty of some crime against humanity. And they must pay! So the get canceled. They get doxed on social media, they get fired from their jobs, they harassed in the public square until their lives are destroyed. Even if people come out and apologize publically for their crimes it is never good enough. They are guilty and must eternally suffer for their offense. Ironically if you are a part of cancel culture, what we are finding out is, it is only a matter of time before you yourself become canceled. Why? Because cancel culture is filled with self-righteous people who are looking for someone just slightly less righteous than they are so they can condemn them, so they can feel good about themselves. But, no one is good enough. So everyone eventually gets canceled. And once you get canceled you must bear the weight of your guilt forever.
God is offering a way for you to be happy- he is offering a way for your sins to be forgiven- for your guilt to be taken away forever. David says this that persons- “Blessed (O how happy) is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.”
Illustration: Are you familiar with the story of Pilgrim’s Progress? How is Christian's sin depicted in that story? It is a giant weight, a huge burden that just gets heavier and heavier the more Christian sins. The weight of the guilt of his sin is crushing. But, what happens when Christian finally comes to the cross? His burden falls away, his guilt is removed and is gone forever. O how happy is the one whose sins are forgiven!
8 blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.”
V. 8 tells us exactly how God is able to forgive our sins. It is part of the gift of justification. God no longer imputes, or credits, our sin in His records. They are blotted out and forgiven.
How can God do that? Is this just make believe? Does God just make our sins vanish into thin air? How can God, just one day out of the blue, no longer count our sins against us? Hang on to that thought!
B. Justification is a change in God’s records in which the righteousness of Christ is credited to us (v. 6)
B. Justification is a change in God’s records in which the righteousness of Christ is credited to us (v. 6)
6 just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works:
One of the blessings of justification is that God counts or imputes or credits to us an alien righteousness. That is a righteousness that is not our own. It cannot be our own righteousness because at the end of v. 6 we are told God counts righteousness apart from works. If it is a righteousness apart from works, it cannot be our own righteousness that is credited to us. It is an alien righteousness. Whose righteousness is it? And how exactly does that work?
We have a beautiful picture of justification in the OT in the book of Zechariah. Zechariah is a prophet ministering to the returning Jewish exiles around the time of the rebuilding of the temple (516 BC). One of the visions that Zechariah has is about God cleansing Joshua the high priest to minister to the people in the rebuilt temple.
1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
Satan- accusing Joshua, still doing that today, and his accusations have merit! We are sinful people, we don’t deserve God’s salvation, we deserve God’s judgement. We need God to work on our behalf and disarm the weapons of Satan that he uses to destroy us.
3 Now Joshua was standing before the angel, clothed with filthy garments.
Filthy garments- represents our sins and how unworthy we are. We are getting a glimpse into how a holy God actually sees us. When a holy God looks at us, when God evaluates our righteousness, He sees nothing but filthy garments.
6 We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.
This is our dire condition. This is our need! We are sinful in the sight of God. We need our sins to be forgiven!
Zechariah 3:4 (ESV)
4 And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you...
God, through the wonders of salvation is able to forgive our sins- he can remove the filthy garments from us! How is that possible?
2 Corinthians 5:21 (ESV)
21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin
18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,
This is no fictional, fairy-tail forgiveness. God doesn’t just remove our filthy garments and hide them under a rug. God took our filthy garments from us and He clothed His only Son in them.
24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.
But, God didn’t stop there!
4 And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.”
5 And I said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the Lord was standing by.
God not only removes our filthy garments from us- God doesn’t just forgive our sins- He does so much more! God then takes pure vestments, clean garments and clothes us with them!
21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
5 The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.
9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
13 Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, “Who are these, clothed in white robes, and from where have they come?” 14 I said to him, “Sir, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,
24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy,
Where can you find true happiness? Happiness is found in the doctrine of justification!
O how happy is the one whose sins are forgiven! O how happy is the one against who the Lord will not count sin.
O how happy is the one whom God counts righteous apart from works!
Happiness is when God takes away your filthy garments, and God gives you pure clean garments instead! Happiness is when Jesus Christ removes all your guilt and all your sin and credits you with His very own righteousness so that one day Jesus will present you blameless before the presence of the glory of Almighty God with GREAT JOY!
Jesus Paid it All:
And when, before the throne,
I stand in Him complete,
"Jesus died my soul to save, "
My lips shall still repeat.
And Can It Be:
No condemnation now I dread;
Jesus, and all in Him is mine!
Alive in Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach th'eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
My friend do you want to be happy? Receive God’s gift of justification today! Put your faith in Christ. Ask Him to remove the guilt of your sin and to give you His righteousness.
Believer, lift up your hearts in adoration and worship for Jesus all over again. Let the wondrous gift of justification thrill your soul. Seek for happiness in Christ alone. Don’t buy into the lie of this age. Thrill your soul in the fountain of living waters that can never run dry. Love Him, Worship Him, Live for His glory!