Man's Preference and God's Boundaries

Genesis in 3D: Downfall  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:33
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Awareness of the wickednes of others warns us to consider our choices.

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“That’s too much” game on The Price is Right. Rather than try to explain it, I’ll let Drew Carey describe the rules himself in this 1 minute clip.
How far can I go without going too far? Just a free bit of advice, instead of asking how close is the dangerous edge, why not ask, “where is the safest distance away from the edge?
Waterfront property sells at a premium. But waterfront can become underwater in moments. The mudslides of California are notorious for taking homes with them. Often it is too late before a homeowner realizes, “that too close”
A year ago my family vacationed in Wisconsin Dells, but in 2008 the dam was breached and waterfront homes on Lake Delton got swept down the Wisconsin River.
We’ve seen, in our own community, the waters of the Cottonwood rise and recede almost as quickly. But in many cases irreparable damage has been done before the waters recede.
In today’s text the flood of wickedness has swept into humanity to the extent that God determines it is time to wash away those who crossed the limit and start over.
Transition: Last week we studied the different paths that defined humanity. This week we are given a snapshot of the progression of these legacies.

The Spread of Humanity (6:1)

Be Fruitful & Multiply

1. Intended to distribute the imago Dei
2. What developed was diluting the imago Dei.
If Genesis 3 represents the fall of humankindand Genesis 4 evidences the fall of the family, [Genesis 5 introduces the remnant of those who remain faithful, then] Genesis 6:1–4 addresses the fall of society—the next step away from God, demonstrated here, is institutionalized oppression[i]
Transition: Verses 2 & 4 describe what has happened in the family tree of Cain and Seth. What I notice is that God’s holiness is a decreasing value.

Man’s Increasing Appetite (6:2 & 4)

“sons of God” (vv.2 & 4)

1. Angels – non corporal & doesn’t fit purpose of Genesis
2. Male Sethites & female Kenites (see chaps 4 &5)
3. Descendants of royalty
Polygamy was not the wickedness
Jus Primie Noctis – abusive debasement of peasants
This was a principle that entitled someone from the Royal family alone time with the Bride between the wedding and honeymoon.
Middle Ages in Europe
Epic of Gilgamesh (2,000 BC)
Heraclides Ponticus [Island of Cephalonia] 5th century BC.
Mel Gipson’s Braveheart
4. Those intended to be imago dei began to desire imago Eve. (worship the creation rather than the creator)

“took as their wives” (v.2b)

Wives were intended to make man better and to accomplish God’s purpose as lifelong partners. That is why God created Eve back in chapter 2.
Whatever is happening between these sons and these daughters is degrading to the women. This is neither the key to a happy wife OR a happy life! Nor a happy spouse leading to a happy house.
What happened is that women became temporary objects of desire, rather than lifelong partners in righteousness.
Women were valued purely for their physical attractiveness, not any character, skills or godliness.

Nephilim (v.4)

1. Question introduced – who are they?
2. Question answered – exceptional humans.
3. Whomever the sons were who were carrying on with these daughters, the resulting offspring were heroic, mighty, celebrities.
What happens in our society when Rich, powerful men have children with beautiful women? The offspring become celebrities themselves. The problem with celebrity is that fame does not always spring from the most noble attributes. How much do we see politics influenced, not by the smart, but by the famous? Not by the godly, but by those whose Daddy puts them in places of influence
Transition: The problem highlighted in v.4 is that the heroes are not the godly, but the humanists (the same problem the Israelites will have with there first king – they choose the tall handsome guy, instead of the smart, godly guy.

God’s Grievous Response (6:3, 5-8)

God never takes pleasure in His wrath! It causes grief (v.6) but cannot be ignored.
If a homeowner, realtor or structural engineer is aware of erosion and pending damage, but remains silent or does nothing, we look very poorly on that person, and may even hold him/her liable. The discovery of black mold, asbestos, or Radeon simply cannot be observed and ignored.
God grieves as He observes deadly spreading mold in His good creation, within His image bearers, and it must be mediated!

Slow the Spread (v.3)

While 120 years may seem exceptional to us, compare it to the 900 year lifespans of pre-flood patriarchs.
God limits the length of time that man will be able to Propagate this exploitation.

Extent of the Problem (v.5)

Great, Every, Only, Continually – this is not the extent of a problem that will be solved by a quick coat of paint and a new flooring.
In remodeling talk, this one is going to need to be stripped to the studs, with all new mechanicals.

Abundance of Mercy

1. Do-over (v.7)
a. Commentaries go on for pages trying to figure out the meaning of the word grieve.
b. Did God repent? was He sorry? Did He not step in some time when He should have?
c. The word is not an overly emotional one. It is not the idea of beating his chest and bawling over what had become of humanity.
Only once in my life did I try to mold clay on a potter’s wheel. I think it was 7th grade art. Rather than start with a lump of clay. We were told to roll “snakes” out of the clay then stack the snakes before turning on the wheel and smoothing the edges. I think it was because I tend to be a perfectionist, but it never failed that a few rotations of the wheel and my tube looked like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The only option was to mash it down and start over.
At another time I was curious, so I thought I would try knitting. [After all, what is more manly than a 14” stick with a sharp point!] The problem is that mom would show me the process then let me do it for awhile before checking back. Sure enough! Everytime she checked back somewhere I had knitted when I should have pearled and yards of yarn had to be unraveled to get back to a place where the hot pad could be done correctly. Needless to say, that was the last time I attempted knitting.
d. My work with clay and yarn were not a regret that left me an emotional wreck. It was simply an admission that a do-over was necessary. [and the do-over in those situations would be done by someone else!]
2. Extend Favor (v.8)
a. While my attempts at pottery and knitting led me to find other interests (namely music), God does not give up as easily as I did.
b. Even while He is scanning how horrendous things had become, He notices Noah and determines a do-over is better than just destroying it and walking away.
c. How many times do we mess up, then just give up? But God sees something redeemable. After the legacy of the Kenites, He notices the descendants of Seth. While observing the wickedness of men and their mistreatment of women, he notices one family that he can work with.
Transition: While mankind is heading in a direction that requires correction. Rather than Give up, God determines (like someone who flips houses) that with a little demo and some intentional effort a remodel is worth the effort.
Conclusion: All Scripture is profitable for us. How do we apply a snapshot of wickedness and God’s response?

1) Corrupt leaders corrupt their societies.

a. While earthly courts may recognize diplomatic immunity, God does not!
b. Morality matters in leadership, because leadership leads the majority, and people mirror their leaders.
c. We must select moral leaders, hold our leaders to moral standards, and model morality whenever we find ourselves in leadership.
d. The wickedness among the “sons of the gods” had permeated to all men at all times. We must be on our guard for declining morality!

2) God does not ignore wickedness.

a. Sometimes He diverts, as He did with the curse on Adam and the ground; and as He did when He diverts our punishment to Christ.
b. Sometimes He delays, God’s pronouncement in 6:7 until the flood starts was 100 years (give or take 20).
c. We haven’t begun to taste the wrath that will be poured out in the future in the book of Revelation, but now He delays His judgment.
d. Diversion and delay are not dismissal!

3) God extends favor to those who are righteous when surrounded by wickedness.

Nearly 150 years ago Philip Bliss penned a short gospel song of challenge that is still being recorded and distributed today. The Refrain of that song reads: Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone! Dare to have a purpose firm! Dare to make it known.
In a world where wrong seems right, God is looking for Noahs.
In a world where evil reigns, God is looking for Daniels.
In a world where gender is fluid, where debauchery is on display, and morality is mocked, God is looking for you!

4) The world calls us to YOLO and “take a walk on the wild side”

On average, two to three deaths per year are from falls over the rim [of the Grand Canyon], park spokeswoman Kirby-Lynn Shedlowski says.[ii]
I may seem old-fashioned, a stick in the mud, like a Bible-thumper, or a Frankie-no-fun, but…
Rather than flirt with the dangerous edges of “that’s too much” which activates God’s wrath, how about if we decide here and now to anchor in Christ.
[i] John H. Walton, Genesis, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001), 298. [ii]
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