Longing for His Glory
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Intro: Expectations
Intro: Expectations
Let’s be honest bro’s and sister’s, nothing , and I do mean nothing in this world meets our expectations perfectly. If not for any other reason, it is because we are imperfect beings with many flaws, which makes even our expectations imperfect.
Take marriage for instance. Little girls dream of some day haivng the oerfect marriage to the perfect husband, only to be shocked into reality when she actually gets married and find out that even her prince charming has many flaws, and in some ways couldn’t meet every lofty expectation she had about him from when she was just a little girl.
Some of us grew up longing for the day that when we get older and are able to purchase that perfect dream car. Only to discover that that dream car comes with flaws that will eventually cost you more than what you expected with the continued maintanance and upkeep of it. Gas prices constantly going up.
Life has a way of dousing our expectations with real life realities that comes with living in an imperfect world. Reality, whether it be in marriage or whatever never meets our expectations perfectly.
Well, I have a question. What do we do when God doesn’t meet our expectations perfectly. Because if we’re being honest, all of us have experienced times when it seems God has gone silent on us. When our prayers don’t seem to be getting the answer we were expecting. When it seems that calling on Jesus get’s a delayed or not answered at all.
Sometimes God, even God, seem to not meet our expectations.
Sometimes even God leaves us hanging with unanswered prayer.
Or does he?
If we think about it from a biblical perspective, maybe, just maybe God is answering your prayers but not in ways you expected.
We see a good example of this in the book of John 11. Where Mary and Martha call on Jesus to heal there brother Lazarus (read vv 1-5)
In this passage we see some truths that can’t be denied.
A need. Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. (vv3,5)
A request. When Mary and Martha found themseleves in need of a healing, they called on Jesus (v3)
A response. Jesus did not answer their request in a way that they expected.
Also we must recognize in this passage that there is a need, Lazarus needed healing
A request, and a response.
I. Jesus loved Mary Martha and Lazarus (vv3-5)
I. Jesus loved Mary Martha and Lazarus (vv3-5)
The author of this text makes it clear from the start that the reader understands that Jesus had a special relationship with Lazarus and his sisters. Nothing could compare to the love that Jesus had for these three. Mary Martha and Lazarus supported Jesus ministry through out. When Jesus needed a meal they even invited him to their table. They had a real legitimate relationship with Christ that was exceptionable.
Most of us if we’re being honest, believe that our own relationship with God is unique, unlike anybody else’s. God love yall as well, but he loves me just a little bit more.
Because of this special, unique relationship that Mary and Martha had with Jesus, they just knew that they could call on him in time of need. They knew that when times get tough, there is no other name worthy to be called upon but the name of Jesus.
Lazarus wasn’t just sick, he was sick unto death. Lazarus was suffering with etreme pain. Enough pain that would eventually take his life
Illustration: Momma
II. They called on Jesus (v3)
II. They called on Jesus (v3)
The one whom Jesus loved found himself in a life and death situation, and he expected his friend to do all he could to help him. So we see in verse 3 that they call on Jesus to come and tend to their needs.
Anytime we find ourselves in a rough spot in this life, the best thing we can do is call on Jesus.
Scripture says in Phil. 4:6
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
We see here in verse 3 that the sisters let their request be known. And because of that special relationship that the sisters and Lazarus had with Jesus, they expected him to answer. Verse 3 says the sisters sent for him, they called on him. The one that they’ve witnessed in the past heal many others.
But not even this special relationship could move Jesus enough at that time to come and see about his friends.
III. Jesus delayed response (vv6-7)
III. Jesus delayed response (vv6-7)
So Jesus decided not to come when they called. He delayed his appearnce. The sisters prayer for his presence remained unanswered for 4 days.
Jesus lets Lazarus die.
He made sure Lazarus was good and dead (4 days)
Jesus healed many others even from a distance (the Centurion Officers servant)
He healed so many strangers, people he hadn’t never met before “Why couldn’t Jesus do the same for his friends?
IV. Lazarus dies
IV. Lazarus dies
So Lazarus died. The very thing that the sisters feared happened
(read vv 11-14)
The sisters not too happy with Jesus (read vv 17-20)
Mary had a complaint, Martha agreed “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died”
The sisters request went unanswered, so Lazarus dies, leaving the sisters with the reality that Jesus was not going to meet their prayers the way they expected
Transitional sentence: So that leaves us with a dilemna. What does it mean when even God meets our expectation?
Well here is the answer. It’s in the text. Jesus was up to something. He was up to something bigger that anyone could ever imagine.
John 11:4 “But when Jesus heard it he said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.””
John 11:14-15 “Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus has died, and for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.””
John 11:23-27 “Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.””
V. Jesus Raise Lazarus from the dead, for the glory of God
V. Jesus Raise Lazarus from the dead, for the glory of God