Breakfast at the Beach 5/1/22

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Are taxes, Lourdes, dang Chronicles? Another one of Jesus post-resurrection appearances. Let's look at John chapter 21, the first four team versus

After these things, Jesus showed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of tiberias and he showed himself in this way. Gather there. Together were Simon Peter Thomas called the twin Nathanael of Cana in Galilee the sons of Zebedee and two others of his disciples. Simon Peter said to them. I'm going fishing. They said to him, we will go with you. They went out and got into a boat, but that night, they caught nothing just after Daybreak Jesus, stood on the beach, but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them children, you have no fish, have you? And I answered him know. He said Castanet to the right side of the boat and you will find some so they tested and now, they were not able to haul it in, because there were so many fish that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, it is the Lord when time and Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on some clothes for he was naked and jumped into the sea, but the other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish for. They were not far from the land only about a hundred yards off. When I have gone ashore based on a charcoal fire there with fish on it and bread. Jesus said to them, some of the show Simon Peter winner board and haul the net. Ashore of large fish. And though there were so many the net was not torn. Jesus said to them and have breakfast. Now, none of the disciples dare to ask him. Who are you. Because they knew it was the Lord Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them. And did the same with the fish. This is now the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. This is the word of the Lord. Let us pray. Give us Grace on Lord, to hear your word for us today. All men.

What are the reasons I like this story is because it has breakfast in it. Who doesn't like breakfast? Anybody not like bread, cuz I mean, I'm sure there's one of you but you're an outlier. If you don't like breakfast breakfast yesterday, I woke up to the smell of bacon and we had thanks to Cecily bacon sausage and homemade blueberry muffins and a whole bunch of other stuff that I mean, how do you beat that? Breakfast? Is pretty darn good. Well, I'm sure those disciples were thinking about breakfast after a long night, fishing years ago, Cecily and I were on the island of Zanzibar off Tanzania. We were there a couple of months doing some language study. And from our little flat, we could see out on for the Indian Ocean. And as we looked at one night, we saw hundreds of little white from The Horizon and the fishermen had gone out in the night and these little boats to catch fish. It was a really amazing sight. Couple of weeks later. They moved on as the schools are fish moved on and that was the end of it every day for those months. We were in. Zanzibar. We went to the market practiced, our language, but also bought fresh seafood. Anything you can imagine, we had it every day. It was just an amazing time. Those fishermen like the fisherman, and our gospel story were working. They worked all night. Why were they out there? Well, what a week? And it been, they had seen Jesus on the cross crucified. They had experienced him being taken down, put in a, to stay at heard the stories of the Tomb being open. But Jesus, they had not seen. They had an experience. Whether it was discouragement or whether Peter just needed some time to think or whether he has ran out of pocket money and had to go make a living for whatever reason. Heater said, I need to do something and what I know how to do is fish. I'm going fishing and the other disciple said, let's go. They all went together fishing all night. And how many fish did they catch that first go-round?

I'm a fisherman. I have finished all my life and I've done those all night fishing trips and boy, when they are coming in. There's nothing better than a night passes like that. But there are those other night and those other nights when you try every trick in the book, and every little GPS spot you put for your little honey hole and you try every trick that Dad and Granddad told you how to fish and you get nothing. That's a long night. And that's how I imagined was a long night for those fishermen because not only did they not catch anything. They had all this weight on their shoulders, on their minds, in their spirit. I don't know about you. I don't, I don't talk a lot about the things that bother me, so Cecily kind of frogs and pulled it out after a while, but if something's really bothering me.

That makes sense if probably experienced this on Monday. I was a long night efficient because I bet all those guys didn't say a whole lot and didn't catch a thing. They came back to Shore and this scene is really funny. I mean, I can picture it on the nights and the days when I've caught nothing and I pull back to the marina to pull the boat out and people are anxiously paying well, well what you catch nothing and then they proceeded to tell me how to fish.

It doesn't go over very well. Can you imagine these disciples who are an expert at knowing every nook and cranny of the city of Bowie? And here's this guy that Jesus, yet. Bring the net on the other side of the boat. Now, I think they were just too tired, too worn out to discourage, to come up with some snarky comment or other choice words to say to Jesus. So they just okay. And lowan behold fish. They caught lots of fish, lots of fish, 153 of them. Spell. Why in the world did John put 153 in there? A lot? A lot of fish. Well, that's a long time. You're not the first. People besides, you know, back in the early church, fathers Augustine in the 4th and 5th Century. He had this complex mathematical formula, which he came to the conclusion that this meant, all those who were saved under the law and saved under grace were within Jesus. Giant, net of Salvation that idea Jerome said 153 represent the varieties of the species of fish found in the sea. And so what this represents is the church has room for everyone. All are welcome. All Nations should be brought clothes. Another one of the 100 is the fullness of measure a hundred. The hundred sheep, a lot of sheep before. Heard the hunger. It is a hundredfold, the potential of a seed to grow a hundredfold. The 50 stands for the remnant of those. House of Israel, who would come under the lordship of Christ in three of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

One of our modern commentators. When William Barclay says, I think, let's look at the net. He says it look but that didn't break. An interesting thing, a lot of fish than that didn't break. I guess. Net breakages were very common in those days, but it didn't break and he said, the church has room for everyone. All are welcome to come to Christ. The net won't break. Well, however, you want to think of 153 fish. It. It it was a phenomenal Miracle. It was an amazing thing because the disciples understood that Jesus was seeing something or this person saw something that perhaps that mist. And that's the point Jesus sees more than I do. The living room isn't savior, has a longer view of life and history, and purpose. Then do I? and if I will follow his Direction,

I will be the recipient of his grace and maybe that's 153 fish or something like that. We are to follow the savior. We saw often don't see I used to CashNet a lot and some of your cash, net wealth. I bet you cash method a lot 65 W, Tyler and I am he would stand on the the captain's chair, the boat and he would drive the boat with his foot. And he be looking all cuz he's real tall and I'll be up in the front and he's we had this little code worked out so that, you know, if he saw swirl or if he saw a fan cutting or whatever his bag and I know they were to do it that way, that way, that way. And how far did pretty well, anyway, I was getting us food food. Derails, me. I'll tell you what.

The point was Morgan was at a vantage point. He was higher, he saw what I couldn't see, I was on the Bal and maybe I could see some but he was, he was Head and Shoulders above me and he can see in the water what was going on and told me what to do and I did it and we caught fish. Jesus sees what we can't see. He has a bandage point that I don't have any shows us and tells us what we are to do, as his disciple.

Well, Jon, Jon had a challenge when he wrote this because there was a number of heresies going around in the early church. Some people are saying Jesus didn't physically rise from the dead. It was just a Apparition, just a spirit. It was just a hallucination and John makes it very clear. That know, Jesus, physically rose from the dead and he is the reason and raining Lord puts these little pieces to show us unequivocally that Jesus was alive.

A spirit cooking. CU school of fish or direct people with a voice for Spirit, couldn't build a charcoal fire and get bread and fish and have it ready for his friends Spirit cutting. Welcome the friends and sit with them around a campfire and conversed a spirit, couldn't eat and drink. All these things. John is putting before the people who were the first readers of this to say. No. Jesus is alive. Jesus is risen. Jesus is with us. Jesus was there and sharing the bread in the fish with the disciples around the fire. There was a moment of that intimate. Realization that this was their friend. This was their lord. This was the one that they had doubted, that they had been discouraged about but here was Jesus with them. Kind of like the Emmaus Road story last week in the depth of the discouragement. Jesus walked with them and hear as these people are wondering what in the world. Are we going to do? Jesus, comes and gives them the discernment in the vision security them forward. Of course, this is the price and just a lie and read it but you might want to read it later this afternoon. Jesus pulls Peter aside and ask him. Do you love me more than these? Yes, Lord, you know I love you three times back and forth. Remembering the time where where Peter had denied him. Jesus restores Peter and gives Peter confidence and hope that God is with him. Do you love me more than these? Well, these could mean these the fishing boat the Nets, the the profession, the work that he was doing before he met Jesus. These could be the depths of the discouragement in his heart, or the wandering of how he will. Precede, the v's could be his connection to friends and family. Jesus was asking Peter, if his Devotion to the Lord was the highest. At the highest level. Coach Peter said it was and Jesus. Three times says, tend my sheep feed my Lambs, the time that we have. Is to give others the bread of life. We are to feed the sheep, to tend the Sheep to care for them. And so that is what Peter and the disciples did. And they broke forth in a glorious expansion of this ragtag, team of just a few. To a global faith in a risen savior.

Jesus came to those disciples.

Jesus invited them. Breakfast. Jesus said, I am not a Dogma. I'm not a religion. I'm not a Doctrine. I am a person. I am a risen living being. And I don't know where you are in your discouragement. I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm just simply inviting you to come have breakfast with me.

I believe that invitation is going out to you and to me, even today. We get discouraged, we get down. We have, we have our doubts, just like those early disciples. Some days. We don't even know if we can face another day. Could be a whole slew of things you fill in the blank. But Jesus is simply asking, will you come away with him? Will you get to know him just like you would sit at table with a friend or your family and enjoy that intimate conversation around a meal. Jesus wants you to get to know him better and in those terms. so,

Will you come to breakfast?


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