Tome el tiempo de sentarse a escuchar para ser santo - Maria se sentó a los pies de Jesus - Lucas 10-38-42
Tome el tiempo de sentarse a escuchar para ser santo.
Antes de continuar, en su vida cristiana
Preparándonos para la Santa Cena.
Lucas 10:38-42 (Juan 12:1-2ss)
· Marta y María eran hermanas.
· La casa donde se alojó Jesús era la casa de Marta.
· María se sentó a los pies de Jesús a “oír” sus palabras.
· Marta se “preocupaba” con muchos quehaceres.
· Marta expuso su queja a Jesús (la queja era que María no le ayudaba a Marta a servir a los convidados de ese día).
· Marta estaba “afanada” y “turbada” por las muchas cosas que quería hacer.
· Jesús le señala que de todas las cosas que Marta hace, solo una es necesaria (oír a Jesús).
o Jesús en otras ocasiones dijo que ÉL no vino para ser servido sino para servir. Mateo 20:28; Marcos 10:45.
· María eligió oír a Jesús, y eso nunca le sería quitado.
v. 39. María “oía” las palabras de Jesús.
Ø Parakathezomai (παρακαθέζομαι, 3869), sentarse al lado (para, al lado; y Nº 9), en forma pasiva. Aparece en los mss. más comúnmente aceptados en Lc 10.39: «sentándose»; en TR aparece el verbo parakathizo, poner al lado, forma activa con sentido de voz media.
o La forma media indica una acción reflexiva, es decir, una acción que el sujeto realiza sobre sí o en su favor.
Ø akouo (ἀκούω, 191), oír. Se traduce «escuchar» en Mc 6.20b (rv. «oía»); Jn 8.43 (rv: «oír»). Véase , etc.
Ø jupakouo (ὑπακούω, 5219), lit.: escuchar, con la idea de silencio, o atención (jupo, bajo, y Nº 1). Significa responder a golpes a la puerta (Hch 12.13). Véase OBEDECER.
v.40. Marta “se preocupaba” con muchos quehaceres.
Ø perispa/omai: (a figurative extension of meaning of perispa/omai 'to be drawn off from around, (que se extrae de todo)'. not occurring in the NT) to be so overburdened by various distractions as to be worried and anxious - 'to be overburdened and worried, to be distracted and anxious.' h( de\ Ma/rqa periespa=to peri\ pollh\n diakoni/an 'Martha was overburdened and worried about so much work' or '... about all the work she had to do' Luke 10:40.
Ø Perispao (περισπάω, 4049), lit., tirar, halar, de algo alrededor (peri, alrededor; spao, tirar de, véase SACAR), llevar afuera, perturbar. Se utiliza en la voz pasiva en el sentido de estar obsesionado acerca de algo: «se preocupaba» (Lc 10.40).
Ø Afanada. merimnao (μεριμνάω, 3309), relacionado con A, Nº 1, significa estar ansioso acerca de, tener un cuidado que perturba (p.ej., Mt 6.25, 28, «os afanáis»; 10.19; Lc 10.41; 12.11); tener congoja (1 Co 7.32,33,34); preocuparse (1 Co 12.25); interesarse (Flp 2.20); «estar afanoso» (Flp 4.6).
Ø Turbada. thorubos (θόρυβος, 2351), ruido, alboroto, tumulto, perturbar o agitar, alborotar»
v. 42. Sólo una cosa es “necesaria”. “es imperativo que lo haga, es mi deber”
Ø creia (χρεία, 5532), traducido «trabajo» en Hch 6.3 (rv: «obra»), de la distribución de fondos, significa una necesidad, y se emplea en este pasaje en referencia a un deber o función.
Ø En Lc 10.42 se traduce «solo una cosa es necesaria», donde la única cosa imperativa no es desde luego un plato, ni una persona, sino que se debe explicar en base de:
o Mt 6.33 . Mas buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todas estas cosas os serán añadidas.
o En Ef 4.29, “Ninguna palabra corrompida salga de vuestra boca, sino la que sea buena para la necesaria edificación, a fin de dar gracia a los oyentes”. «para la necesaria edificación», la rvr traduce más ajustadamente «para edificación según la necesidad», esto es, «para suplir lo que se necesite en cada caso». Así lo presenta Westcott, que añade «la necesidad representa un vacío en la vida que la palabra sabia «edifica», llena sólida y fuertemente».
o En Flp 4.19, Mi Dios, pues, suplirá todo lo que os falta conforme a sus riquezas en gloria en Cristo Jesús; «lo que os falta», esto es, «cada necesidad vuestra».
But before we can represent Christ as we should, or imitate Him in our caring ministry, we must spend time with Him and learn from Him. We must "take time to be holy."
Worship is at the heart of all that we are and all that we do in the Christian life. It is important that we be busy ambassadors, taking the message of the Gospel to lost souls. It is also essential to be merciful Samaritans, seeking to help exploited and hurting people who need God's mercy. But before we can represent Christ as we should, or imitate Him in our caring ministry, we must spend time with Him and learn from Him. We must "take time to be holy."
Mary of Bethany is seen three times in the Gospel record, and on each occasion, she is in the same place: at the feet of Jesus.
1. She sat at His feet and listened to His Word (Luke 10:39).
2. She fell at His feet and shared her penas (John 11:32).
3. She came to His feet and poured out her worship (John 12:3).
It is interesting to note that in each of these instances, there is some kind of fragrance:
1. in Luke 10:38, it is food;
2. in John 11, it is death (John 11:39);
3. in John 12, it is perfume.
Mary and Martha are often contrasted as though each believer must make a choice: be a worker Like Martha or a worshiper like Mary. Certainly our personalities and gifts are different, but that does not mean that the Christian life is an either/or situation. Charles Welsey said it perfectly in one of his hymns:
Fiel a la orden de mi Señor,
Aún así puedo elegir la mejor parte,
Servir con el cuidado de Marta,
Y amar con el corazón de María.
Faithful to my Lord's commands,
I still would choose the better part;
Serve with careful Martha's hands,
And loving Mary's heart.
It seems evident that the Lord wants each of us to imitate Mary in our worship and Martha in our work. Blessed are the balanced!
Consider Martha's situation. She received Jesus into her home and then neglected Him as she prepared an elaborate meal that He did not need! Certainly a meal was in order, but what we do with Christ is far more important than what we do for Christ.
Again, it is not an either/or situation; it is a matter of balance. Mary had done her share of the work in the kitchen and then had gone to "feed" on the Lord's teachings. Martha felt neglected after Mary left the kitchen, and she began to complain and to suggest that neither the Lord nor Mary really cared!
Few things are as damaging to the Christian life as trying to work for Christ - without taking time to commune with Christ. "For without Me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5).
Mary chose the better part, the part that could not be taken from her She knew that she could not live "by bread alone" (Matt 4:4).
Whenever we criticize others and pity ourselves because we feel overworked, we had better take time to examine our lives. Perhaps 'in all of our busyness, we have been ignoring the Lord. Martha's problem was not that she had too much work to do, but that she allowed her work to distract her and pun her apart. She was trying to serve two masters! If serving Christ makes us difficult to live with, then something is terribly wrong with our service!
The key is to have the right priorities:
1. Jesus Christ first,
2. then others,
3. then ourselves.
It is vitally important that we spend time "at the feet of Jesus" every single day, letting Him share His Word with us. The most important part of the Christian life is the part that only God sees. Unless we meet Christ personally and privately each day, we will soon end up Like Martha: busy but not blessed.
Often in my pastoral ministry, I have asked people with serious problems, "Tell me about your devotional life." The usual response has been an embarrassed look, a bowed head, and the quiet confession, I stopped reading my Bible and praying a long time ago." And they wondered why they had problems!
According to John 12:1-2, Martha must have learned her lesson, for she prepared a feast for Jesus, the Twelve, and her brother and sister - that's fifteen people - and did not utter one word of complaint! She had God's peace in her heart because she had learned to sit at the feet of Jesus.
We are ambassadors, neighbors, and worshipers, these three; and the greatest of these is worshipers.