Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Years ago, when someone shared a fact or stat, you would have to take them at their word.
Then Google and other search engines came along that could help us look up just about any fact or stat.
The terms “Disinformation” or “Fake News” are in common usage these days.
Causing some of us to ask the question “Is that true” about everything we hear.
Fact checking and knowing the truth is important, especially when it comes to the words of Jesus.
Join us for our mini-series “Fact Checking Jesus”.
People through around information they have heard like they are 100% sure they are facts.
At some point we all have unwittingly / accidently shared “Fake News” as fact.
I heard… celebrities in Hollywood are infusing blood of toddlers to stay young.
Where did you hear that?
The earth is flat.
- Yes people still believe that.
Snopes: We are the internet’s go-to source for discerning what is true and what is total nonsense.
Mattel sent Barbie dolls to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2022, as part of its efforts to encourage more young people to go into STEM-related fields.
Toy company Mattel has sent Barbie to space, part of an effort that they say is to encourage more children to enter STEM-related fields.
The company made the announcement in mid-April 2022, revealing that two of the fashion dolls had been onboard the International Space Station (ISS) since February 2022.
10 years ago it was reported that actor Morgan Freeman died.
Morgan got on Facebook and recorded a video stating “Like Mark Twain, I keep reading that I have died.
I hope those stories are not true...
But if they are, I'm happy to report that my afterlife seems identical to my life when I was alive”.
Steps to fact checking.
Shocker you need to go to the source.
If we are Fact Checking Jesus where should we go the bible.
Jesus said?
Rich people can’t get into heaven.
21 - Jesus looked at him and loved him
Jesus never said if you accept me as your Savior your life will have no trouble.
Accept Jesus and fill-in the blank will get better.
There is some truth to this but this is what Jesus said about this life.
Tell that to His disciples.
Crucified, beheaded, impaled by hooks, beaten to death by clubs.
Trouble in this world?
But a peace and victory in the end.
Jesus said “Do not judge”.
Matt 7:1 is a strong sound bite.
Sound bite: a brief recorded statement (as by a public figure) broadcast especially on a television news program.
also : a brief catchy comment or saying.
The media loves a juice sound bite.
If a juice sound bite is repeated enough times (even if it’s not true) it can cause a psychological response known as “The Illusory Truth Effect”.
According to a 2015 study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, the illusory truth effect is the notion that repeated statements are perceived to be more truthful than new statements.
This effect is clearly something that marketing professionals, cult leaders, and politicians understand very well.
In other words, you say something enough times, and people start to believe it.
Temple University psychologist Dr. Lynn Hasher and colleagues published the first major study of the illusory truth effect.
Some other interesting characteristics of the illusory truth effect detailed in Psychology Today by Dr. Joe Pierre include:
If repeated enough times, the information may be perceived to be true even if sources are not credible.
The illusory truth effect is very evident on subject matter people perceive themselves to know about.
The effect can happen even if someone had previous knowledge that the information was false.
This happens to young Christian adults all the time.
When they get to a College or University that does not believe in biblical truth.
Well if enough professors say it then it has to be true.
Well this verse has had its fair share of repetitive half truth.
What is the full context?
Vs. 2: Jesus is condemning hypocritical and unkind spirit when judging others.
If you are judging others harshly then you should expect harsh judgment toward your down falls.
Jesus said I have to hate my family or I can’t be his disciple.
He did.
But the word “hate” here is translated love less.
In our discipleship to Jesus our love for Him should make our love for our parents look like hate in comparison.
We are all God’s children?
No we are all God’s creation.
- End with a call to Salvation.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9