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King James Version Chapter 25
And let them make me a hsanctuary
Sanctuary In the Greek
Hebrew Strong’s Number: 47201
1 James Strong, “מִקְּדָשׁ ,מִקְדָּשׁ,” Strong’s Talking Greek and Hebrew Dictionary (WORDsearch, 2020).
Miqqedash, mik-ked-awah
Exod 15:17
or miqqedash, mik-ked-awsh’; (Exod. 15:17), from <H6942> (qadash); a consecrated thing or place, especially a palace, sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum:- chapel, hallowed part, holy place, sanctuary.1
1 James Strong, “מִקְּדָשׁ ,מִקְדָּשׁ,” Strong’s Talking Greek and Hebrew Dictionary (WORDsearch, 2020).
SANCTUARY Place set aside as sacred and holy, especially a place of worship. On sites where the patriarchs had erected altars, the people of Israel later built shrines and temples to commemorate the encounters with God. Specifically, the tabernacle and the temple in Jerusalem were revered as sanctuaries.1
1 Chad Brand et al., eds., “Sanctuary,” Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2003), 1444.
God came down to man or his Creation,but before then Man had lost his way because of sin. From the garden (Gen 3 )to the flood Man kind was lost. Sin had separated us from God Isa 59:2, Psalm 66:18.
God in the garden Judged Adam and his wife Romans 5:12-21; 6:23; 3:23 , Genesis 3:15 Elohim (GOD) made a contingency Plan
1 The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Ge 3:15.
After Adam and his precious wife Eve where expelled from the garden of Eden Genesis 3:24 Thy did the Dew Genesis 4:1 and had two sons Cain and Abel Gen 4:2-7 Abel's gift was accepted more then Cain’s gift Hebrews 11:4
Cain kills Abel
you would think that through Abel the promise of Messiah (the promised deliverer of the of the Jewish and the world) would come!!!!. But God had a different plan.Sin looked as though it was getting the best of mankind.In Genesis 4:25 Adam and Eva had another son Named Seth. Seth had a Son named Enos Gen 4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.1
1 The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Ge 4:26.
Gen 5:3 Through Seth who was chosen to carry out God’s contingency plan. In chapter Genesis 5 we can trace some of the genealogy of Adam. Enoch walked with God for 300 years in Genesis 5:23,24 Hebrew Strong’s Number: 19801
1 James Strong, “הָלַךְ,” Strong’s Talking Greek and Hebrew Dictionary (WORDsearch, 2020). God continues to show up in these Dark time s
Hebrews 11:5
Enoch had sons and daughters. We all know the oldest man in the bible Methuselah lived 969 years old. He had a son Named Lamech who had some one we know as Noah. Gen 5:28
Noah relief Gen 5:29 he had sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Gen 6:1-22
Mankind did what ever thy wanted, sin was having a field day. The population was growing Gen 6:1
Gen:6:2 -4
Sons of God (בְּנֵי הָאֱלֹהִים, beney ha'elohim; υἱοὶ θεοῦ, huioi theou). Angels or members of a heavenly host of beings (Gen 6; Job 1:6; 2:1; Deut 32:8; see also Job 38:7; Pss 29:1; 89:6; Dan 3:25). The “sons of God” may be members of the divine council (Pss 82:1; 89:5–7) and may be related to the Nephilim and the Rephaim. In the New Testament, this relationship to the divine comes by adoption (Rom 8:15). Jesus calls peacemakers “sons of God” (Matt 5:9; Luke 6:35), and children of God become so through faith in the Son of God (Rom 8; Gal 3:26).1
1 Matthew James Hamilton, “Sons of God,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016).
As you can see Sin affected the angles and Mankind in Gen 6:5-6 God saw man’s condition it was bad Gen 6:11-13.
But God had a contingency Plan thru Noah he found grace in Gods Eyes.
Noah walked with God, Gen 8-10. And we all know about the flood. The ark Or boat a type of christ used to save God creation. Sometimes we need to hide in the Ark.
Today look around today.
Gods contingency picks up with the father of faith Abram we know him as Abraham through him all people are blessed Gen 12:1-3; 15;17 Hebrews 11:8
Let us move on to Exodus
Going out, the name of the second book of Moses and of the Bible; so called because it narrates the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. It comprises a period of about one hundred and forty-five years, from the death of Joseph to the erection of the tabernacle in the desert1
1 William Wilberforce Rand, ed., “Exodus,” A Dictionary of the Holy Bible: For the General Use in the Study of Scriptures with Engravings, Maps and Tables (WORDsearch, 2008), 145–146.
Exodus 19:1-8; 9-11
Exodus 19:16 -21
Exodus 20:19-20
Exodus 25:1-2
Exodus 25: 8; 22
1 Cor 3:16,17;6:19-20
2 Cor 6:19,