Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
There as been a lot of loss this passed week, a lot of loss in my life.
One thing that loss teaches you is that every single life is valuable.
Every nationality, gender, or race.
Everyone is loved by someone and everyone is loved by God.
We live out our daily lives crossing paths with dozens upon dozens of people and never giving most a second thought.
We don’t question, why they are on the corner asking for change, or why they are living under that bridge.
We don’t question why that person looks so angry or seems so sad.
Most of us don’t take even 1 minute out of our day to acknowledge those around us.
Is this how God wanted Christians to behave?
If every person has value to God, should they not have value to us.
Today, I want to challenge you to break free of a self centered Christian routine and remember that we are not called to blend in with the world but rather be a light in the darkness, the salt of the earth, and a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.
I. Save Yourself: Who do you serve?
Even if, I will not bow
Even if he doesn’t deliver us, we will not bow!
Even if he doesn’t heal me, I will still declare that he is my Healer!
Even if he doesn’t pay my bills, I will still declare that he is my Provider!
Even if I go through storms, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
Even if its not all perfect, I will still declare that He is my God!
We have to recognize who we serve and not bow down to any idols this world has to offer: music, movies, tv, video games, our phones, money, etc.
Can’t change what you tolerate
We can’t change the world if we tolerate the ways of the world
(Story about the towel bar)
We need the right crew to produce the right change
(Designating people at work to do specific tasks)
Won’t go public if you don’t in private
You won’t preach publically if you if you won’t study privately
How do you spend your time?
(Studying, flowers, youth class examples)
Save Someone Else
God cares about the lost
Wants none to perish
Desires all to be saved
2. It’s our responsibility
We are the only way they hear
We are responsible for the lost
Just One More
Hacksaw Ridge
The extraordinary true story of conscientious objector Desmond T. Doss who saved 75 men in Okinawa, during the bloodiest battle of WWII, without firing a single shot.
Believing that the war was just but killing was nevertheless wrong, he was the only American soldier in WWII to fight on the front lines without a weapon.
As an army medic Doss single-handedly evacuated the wounded near enemy lines - braving enemy fire and putting his own life on the line.
He was the first conscientious objector to ever earn the Congressional Medal of Honor.
36 sunk ships
368 damaged ships
763 lost aircrafts
4800 men wounded
4900 men killed or drowned
It was said that while Desmond Doss ran back into the line of fire time after time to save another person, that after each person he rescued, he would pray the prayer, “Lord, just help me save one more”
Just one more
You bring one parent, bring one more
You bring a child, bring one more
You bring a cousin or aunt, bring one more
You bring a friend, bring one more
You bring a stranger, bring one more
Don’t stop with one, just one more, just one more, just one more!
Not to fight but to save
We go into the line of fire, into this world not to join in on the chaos, its not to argue or debate or judge or condemn.
Its to save those that are dying in sin!
4. Theres always more to do
There is always more to do, one more person to visit, one more phone call to make, one more message to prepare, one more crisis to resolve
Are you willing to go through the fiery furnace to save yourself, are you willing to dodge the bullets to save another?
We can’t tolerate the ways of this world because its bringing destruction to its inhabitants.
This world is nothing but a battlefield and way more than 4900 people are dying, its estimated that 150,000 people die each day.
How many are you gonna save?
Will you save one more?
Thats my prayer tonight, Lord, help me save one more.
Will that be your prayer as well?
Just one more father, one more mother, one more son, one more daughter, one more brother, one more sister, one more friend, one more stranger, just one more.
None to perish, all to be saved.
None to perish, all to be saved.
Every soul matters, what will we do to save them?
Will we go on living like they don’t exist, will we take responsibility for those that perish cuz their blood will be on our hands.
It time we answer the call, to save one more.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9