God's Economy IV - Ruth

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God’s Economy IV – Ruth / nv32709am

OS: 1 Financial Decisions (the goat – “Perry”)There are several financial economic decisions in the book of Ruth – some are wise and some are not so wise in the scheme of God’s economy. This is another event in the life of God’s people where His arrangement, order, plan, … His economy is vivid and colorful. – Series of Economic Decisions of epic proportion:

I.       2 NoName misses the opportunity of eternal fame. 4:6

A.     City Gate – Place of legal transactions.

B.Family possessions remained in the family. Anything of the family that was lost was the responsibility of the family to regain. (land, blood, and even heirs) It was the kinsman-redeemer (next of kin) who would be responsible for buying back what was lost, and as in this case providing an heir to his deceased kin by taking his widow as a wife.

C.     A widow by the name of Naomi, and her widowed daughter-in-law, Ruth were destitute and offering their land for sale.

D.     Initially their kinsman-redeemer (Noname) was ready to make this financial commitment to purchase the land, but then he was reminded of his responsibility to take on the role of providing an heir, and providing for two widows. This was a big economic decision, and such added expense would likely jeopardize what inheritance he would leave to his own family. E. F. Hutton / Donald Trump – NO!!!

E.  According to God’s economy it was the right thing to do – yet he refused, basing his decision on the economy of the time / wisdom of the world. Surprise … Noname because He is never named, lost in the history of God’s great arrangement – economy.

TS] In the long run it is always better to base our decisions on the economy of God – to do what is right and noble – rather than what the wisdom of the world advises.

II.    3 Elimelech decides to leave God’s land of promise due to the bad economy ie. famine. Ruth 1:1-2

A.     Elimelech was Naomi’s husband and father of their two sons – there was famine in the land of God’s people and he decided to take his family to Moab.

B.Israel – Land of God – a place to take refuge under the wings of God.

C.     Things went sour in Moab (10 years)– Elimelech died, as did his two sons leaving Naomi and her two daughter-in-laws with no man to provide sons or food. This was the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman in that culture.

D.     Naomi decides to return to her home land, and encourages her daughter-in-laws to return to their mother’s home and remarry.

TS] In the long run it is always better to base our decisions on the economy of God – to do what is right and noble – rather than what the wisdom of the world advises.

III.  4 Ruth makes a right and noble decision. Ruth 1:16-17

A.     To return to their home would be the best economic decision – they were young, and once they were home they would be available for re-marriage. Orpah listened to E. F. Hutton / Donald Trump.

B.Ruth had committed not just to a husband but a family, and it is here in Ruth we find that passage often quoted in wedding ceremonies today (1:16-17).

C.     It was a decision of character, and whether she realized it or not a decision that flowed within the economy of God.

TS] 5 The Return – 1:20-21 (We don’t have to turn bitter when life does)

IV.  Our first glimpse of God’s economy at work is found in the first event following their arrival at Bethlehem. Remember: In the long run it is always better to base our decisions on the economy of God – to do what is right and noble – rather than what the wisdom of the world advises.

A.     Without a man, Ruth went out to glean…beg.  6 “As it turned out” she ended up in a field of Boaz.

B.Here the story turns romantic if you read between the lines.

                  1.     Boaz is much older evidently.

                  2.     Ruth is young, lovely, and is known for her noble character.

                  3.     8 2:11-12

C.     The harvest lasted from six to seven weeks and I like to think that during this time Boaz and Ruth saw quite a bit of one another. I can imagine ole Boaz thinking, “Oh, if I were a younger man…”, and he probably marveled at why none of the younger men had laid claims on such a woman of noble character.

D.     Finally, due to Boaz’s failure to make the first move, Naomi plays match maker and instructs Ruth to make the move and invite Boaz to serve as the kinsman-redeemer. Thus we come to the city Gate.

                  1.     7  Boaz makes a right and noble decision - Bad economic decision Boaz! Says, Donald and E. F.

                  2.     A right and noble decision according to the economy of God, and the names of Ruth and Boaz are forever etched in the history of God’s plan.

TS] Remember: In the long run it is always better to base our decisions on the economy of God – to do what is right and noble – rather than what the wisdom of the world advises.

V.     8 There is much more to the story than this. (Ruth 4:17)

A.     Years before one of the sons of Jacob (Israel) was named Judah.

                  1.     Genesis 38 – very similar event, but where Judah did not want to fulfill the kinsman-redeemer responsibility. (Perez)

                  2.     9 Genesis 39:10 – From Judah kings will come, and from Judah The King of Kings will come.

                  3.     Judah = Jewish, Judaism, Jew, etc.

                  4.     Matthew Chapter one – Judah, Boaz, David, Jesus

B.Imagine, through the same city gate years later would walk a young man named Joseph leading a donkey ridden by none other than Mary, carrying Jesus in her womb.

C.     Jesus bought us back as our kinsman-redeemer.

                  1.     10 Ephesians 1 – redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sin

                  2.     Having sold ourselves over to Satan, removing ourselves from the inheritance of our Creator, there was the necessity of buying us back. (Little Boat)

                  3.     This small slice of God’s economy in the book of Ruth is a vivid colorful picture of  our redemption in Christ.

VI.   11 Basic Lessons?

A.     We are no less responsible because God is in control. The very economy of God was dependant on the noble character of Ruth and Boaz to do what was right even when the cost was big.

B.God is no less a part of our life when we suffer loss, and experience pain and suffering.

C.     Remember: In the long run it is always better to base our decisions on the economy of God – to do what is right and noble – rather than what the wisdom of the world advises.

CS: You are personal to God – You are the purpose of His plan

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