Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9
Good Friday 2022
Intro: Brian
● Welcome to our Good Friday service at the Vineyard.
This is always a special time to remember Jesus' death on the cross, and to consider all that means for us.
Thanks for being here this evening.
● In this season of Lent, we've been doing a weekend series titled "The King's Journey to the Cross."
In tonight's service, we have the opportunity to reflect on what took place as Jesus hung on the cross... specifically, focusing on the final statements Jesus made as he neared his death.
● Traditionally, these are called the "7 Last Words of Christ."
For hundreds of years, portions of the Christian church have used this as a framework for Good Friday services.
We're looking forward to doing a "Vineyard" version of that this evening.
Intro: Steph
● Tonight's service is going to include a mix of worship, Scripture reading, and short reflections from Brian and I on these 7 statements from Jesus.
● We have some candles lit up front here, and after we share about each of the 7 Last Words, we'll extinguish a candle... signifying the increasing weight of darkness that descended on Jesus.
● At the end of the service, we'll also be taking communion together - as another way to remember and respond to Jesus' death on the cross.
● We encourage you to open up your heart to see Jesus in new ways this evening, and to respond to his sacrificial love.
● Let's begin with an opening song of worship.
If you're able, please stand, and let's worship together.
The first of the "Last words of Jesus" on the cross was this:
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.
● Luke 23:32-34 reads: Two men, both criminals, were also led out with Jesus to be executed.
When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified Jesus there, along with the criminals - one on his right, the other on his left.
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
On his way to the cross, Jesus suffered many things.
He was beaten and whipped.
He was mocked, ridiculed and taunted.
And yet, the first words that came from his lips on the cross were about forgiveness.
If anyone had the right NOT to forgive, it was Jesus.
If anyone had the right to lash out in anger, it was Jesus.
If anyone had the right to feel unjustly persecuted it was Jesus.
But, even though the people crucifying Jesus did not express remorse, he somehow forgives.
● It is here that we see the full expression of what Jesus taught his disciples: "Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you."
With supernatural love and power... Jesus expressed forgiveness to those that put him on that cross: the soldiers, the religious leaders, Pilate... and in a very real way... every one of us.
● Isaiah 53 says: He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities.
The Lord laid on him the sins of us all.
● The book of Romans describes that... once we were God's enemies, but now through Christ, we have been welcomed as his friends.
● This unthinkable exchange took place through Jesus on the cross.
And because Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them."
● We can pray, "Father, forgive us."
We extinguish the first candle.
Last Word #2 (Steph)
Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.
● One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Messiah?
Save yourself and us!"
But the other criminal rebuked him.
"Don't you fear God," he said, "since you are under the same sentence?
We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve.
But this man has done nothing wrong."
● Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."
Luke 23:39-43
The words of Jesus to a criminal being punished for his crimes.
Guilty of the charges this man was sentenced to die.
He had no background in the Bible, no hours of volunteering.
His time on earth was possibly without purpose.
He was unable to even try and put his life together before finding himself next to the king.
As he inched toward death, knowing that unlike Jesus, he deserved the punishment he was enduring, he found himself in a moment of absolute surrender of the soul.
Jesus didn't take away his pain, heal his body or smite the scoffers.
In a full expression of love He extended grace and forgiveness which allowed a thief to walk into heaven the same hour as Jesus, simply by believing.
Believing that Jesus was who he said he was.
The son of God.
Jesus's response highlights the same invitation, the same extension of love, grace and forgiveness that are offered to us, just as we are.
In the hour of his death he is revealing the very thing that God has in store for all of us.
By receiving the free gift of grace and forgiveness, we too can be with him in paradise.
This paradise is not just after death but also experienced in our lives today.
Where we can find a depth of joy in our deepest sorrows.
We have access to hope in the darkest of despair.
Where our current life begins to sing a new song, one that allows us to share a life following Christ with others.
And as we see Jesus' response to a guilty criminal, this example of Christ challenges us to extend mercy to those around us, whether or not they are deserving.
WORSHIP: Before You; Kyrie Eleison
Last word #3 (Steph)
Here is your son... here is your mother.
● Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, "Woman, here is your son," and to the disciple, "Here is your mother."
From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.
John 19:25-27
"Before this moment in Jesus's life, before his time on the cross, when was he the most helpless and vulnerable?
When he was an infant.
Moreover, God chose to come among us in the most helpless form imaginable - a child utterly dependent on others.
God was dependent on us.
And who cared for God in his helplessness?
Now helpless again, he helps her.
We don't have to be strong to help other people.
We don't have to have money.
We don't have to have professional training.
We don't have to have academic degrees.
We don't even have to be healthy.
We only have to love and want to help." -James Martin of Seven Last Words
In agonizing physical pain, every breath a struggle, Jesus' focus and concern was about those he had relationships with.
Who would care for his mother after he was gone?
The woman who gave her existence to foster the son of God.
He chose John.
A friend and follower.
The man standing committed at the foot of the cross.
In our own times of suffering and struggle we too often get lost in our own misery.
Frozen by circumstance, dazed by pain.
God's intentional choice to come to us helpless, is our invitation to partner with him and his mission for the world.
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