Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 28:21
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Eph 6:1-9
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Honor is missing today in society and one of the places it is missing the most is concerning parents in general and mothers in particular on this day.
Let’s face it, there aren’t that many children who hold their parents in that high regard. Too often, good old mom and dad are seen as obstacles to be overcome rather than wise guides to be followed and emulated. In this Fifth Commandment, God lays down a principle for life that will determine how every relationship around you will turn out. You see, the home is the foundational institution of society. No nation, or community of people, is stronger than the family structure that makes them up. As goes the home, so goes the nation, the community, the church, etc. In the home, God has established an order that is to be strictly followed. The husband/father is to be the head of that home, submitting himself to the will of the heavenly Father. The wife is to be in subjection to her husband, not as his doormat, but as his helpmeet. The children are to submit themselves to their parents, and in doing so, will be blessed of the Lord. If this order is followed, then the home will be blessed and will be a blessing to all those involved in it.
The Fifth Commandment is fitting that it falls here. It divides the commandments related to God from those related to our fellow man. You see, when we are out of step in our relationship with our parents we will be out of step with God and with our fellow human beings. It is through our relationship with our parents where we learn first how to submit to the Lord and then how we are to serve our fellow man.
But there is instruction here for both parents and for children, but we want to emphasize the importance of honoring mothers.
This verse makes it plain that parents are to be held in high regard by their children.
Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
Honor = “To give great weight to; to hold as valuable.”
Children are to hold Mom and Dad in honor, they are to be of high value. They have been placed in your life by the will of Almighty God to be your overseers until your reach maturity. In the early stages of life, while a child is maturing from birth to adulthood, they are to be in absolute subjection to their parents. Children are to offer obedience to their parents! When a child refuses to obey his/her parents, they are in effect refusing to submit to God’s authority.
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.
There were times in my youth when I disobeyed my parents and I was wrong for doing so. I wish I could go back now with what I know. I would try to be a model son. But, I can’t go back! You young people who are still living under your parent’s roof might want to reconsider just how you are treating them! If you aren’t holding them in high regard and respect, then you need to repent of that sin and do right by your parents.
It is sad sight when you see a child or young person being disrespectful to their parents. It spells trouble down the road, and it shows a lack of regard for God. It is a sign of deeply rooted sinfulness.
There is absolutely no excuse for any behavior that attacks, disrespects or dishonors one’s parents!
As we grow older, we are continue to regard our parents with great respect.
There will be a time when yo are no longer under the direct authority of parents. Many are dreaming of that day right now! It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be!
Even though we leave their home and leave their authority, we are to still respect our parents and we are to call to mind the sacrifices they have made to bring us into the world and to nurture us to maturity. We should call to mind the long nights spent beside the sickbed. The many hours worked to provide food, shelter and clothing. We should remember the love dispensed in abundance for so little in return. Even though we are out from under their authority, we still owe them our respect. They deserve nothing less!
They should be obeyed in your youth and their advice should always be heeded throughout life.
The attitude of children toward their parents changes as they grow older. During the teen years especially, some young people show little respect for their fathers and mothers. It’s disheartening to see this. But as those young teenagers mature, they begin to recognize that Mom and Dad knew a lot more than they gave them credit for and the great weight they bore upon their shoulders in raising them.
Sometimes young people come to realize with deep regret that if they had followed the counsel of their parents they could have avoided much heartache both for themselves and their family.
We also see in this verse:
No only is it right to honor your parents because God has commanded it it
A verse that is good for all of us when discern our leadership style or raising kids, is this:
By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upholden by mercy.
Parents invest their lives in their children. When we give them love and time and patience and encouragement and hope, they will respond with respect and love of their own.
There was a little boy who expressed great concern about his parents. He told of how his father worked hard to provide for all of his needs and how his mother slaved around the house, cooking and cleaning up after him and taking care of him when he was sick. When asked what he had to be worried about he said, “I am afraid that they might escape!”
Children have much to be thankful for in their parents. However, too many are too immature and too self-centered to see that. Yet, they will some day, many when it is too late to say thank you.
This verse contains more that a “don’t”, it also gives us a great promise. This verse reminds those who obey Father and Mother that there are some promises that they can have for themselves.
A. Our Days Will Be Lengthened
A. Our Days Will Be Lengthened
That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
When one honors his parents as he ought, then God has promised him longer days upon the earth. I believe that we can take this literally. If this is true, and it is, then it can also be said that refusal to obey parents can result in an abbreviated life!
B. Our Days Will Be Lightened
B. Our Days Will Be Lightened
Not only does the Lord promise length of days to those who honor their parents, He also promises blessings to those who choose this wonderful way of life.
George Washington had his heart set on going to sea. His trunk was already on board the ship when he went to tell his mother goodbye. He found here with tears in her eyes and a heavy heart that was opposed to his journey. He turned to a hired servant and ordered him to go to the ship and get his trunk. He said, “I will not leave and break my mother’s heart.” Her response to him was this, “George, God has promised to bless the children that obey their parents.” God did bless his life and still uses his influence to this day!
Children that treat their parents with the respect they are due, and worthy of, will be blessed of the Lord!
It is a heavy thing to carry with you through the years a disobedient youth or disrespectful adulthood.
Can I tell you that Mary didn’t understand her son all the time.
Jesus, He was the great example. As a 12 year old boy, He submitted Himself to His parents.
And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.
But right before that, they searched for him sorrowing, not knowing where he was - not understanding him that he had to be always about his Father’s business in v.49.
There was a time she asked him to turned water to wine. When she asked him that, he said:
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
In another passage it says his mother and brethren were standing without trying to get his attention - yet he focused on his ministry - and did not respond to them.
Mary didn’t not always understand her son.
And, as a dying man, He remembered to honor His mother by seeing that she was cared for
Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.
He made sure his mother was taken care of.