Sermon Tone Analysis
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Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Textual Idea – Eve was the crown jewel & final part of God’s amazing creative work.
Sermon Idea – The Bible reveals four facts from Eve’s life that we can draw several principles we can apply to our lives on Mother’s Day 2022.
Interrogative – What facts are there about Eve & what principles for our life can we learn from Eve?
Transition w/ key word – Our text teaches several principles we can learn and apply to our lives from the “Mother of All Living.”
Her amazing creation - 1:27, 2:18-25
2. Her tragic temptation - 3:1-6
3. Her embarrassing humiliation - 3:7, 13, 16
Her hopeful expectation - 3:14-15, 21, 4:1, 25-26
Introduction – Today is Mother’s Day 2022.
The idea for a day to recognize moms was the brainchild of Ms. Anna Jarvis in 1908 after the passing of her own mother in 1905 to honor the sacrifices mothers make for their children.
Sadly however, Anna Jarvis herself would never marry & remained childless her whole life.
She began a national letter writing campaign to newspapers and prominent politicians that would pay off when President Woodrow Wilson officially signed a measure officially establishing the 2nd Sunday in May as Mother’s Day in the U.S.
Her idea was that it would be a special day between mom’s & their families, with the families wearing a white carnation to church on Sunday.
Once it became a national holiday, it wasn’t long before florists, card & chocolate companies capitalized on its popularity.
In an unusual twist by 1920, Anna Jarvis was disgusted by what it had become & denounced the commercialization of the holiday spending the rest of her life and her resources until her death in 1948 trying to get it removed from the calendar!
Transition - Now on Sunday mornings, we’ve been working through the book of Revelation, but it didn’t seem appropriate to preach on the trumpet judgements from Rev. 8-9 on a day of celebration.
But since Revelation is a book of endings, I thought it would be helpful to look to Genesis, the book of beginnings, and look at the life of the first Mom, Eve, Adam’s wife.
She’s only mentioned directly by name 4 times in the entire Bible, 2 times in the OT & 2 times in the NT!
More often, she’s referred to as “woman or the woman” in the first 4 chapters of Scripture.
We don’t know about her physical appearance, we don’t know how many children she had, or how long she lived or anything regarding the circumstances of her death!
We read in Genesis 3:20 “And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.”
As the “Mother of All Living, obviously her life and story are important!
While her story is abbreviated, it’s important to take note of 4 facts of her life we’re given from Scripture and we will draw 4 principles from these facts to encourage us all and that we can apply to our lives on Mother’s Day, 2022.
Let’s dive in:
Her amazing creation - 1:27, 2:18-25
Explanation - Gen. 1:26-27 is the foundational truth and basis why every life is precious, every life matters and every life is a gift of God because human life is the only life created in the image of God!
As image bearers of God, we have His imprint on our lives and we’re to reflect His glory.
In this day and age with the discussions of abortion, racism and gender; these verses solve all three of those problems in short order.
Abortion is the murder of a life created in the image of God.
Racism is solved because all human races are created in the image of God.
Finally as too the question of gender, there are in fact two: male & female.
It matters not what you want to pretend you are; you are either male or female.
To say otherwise is to ignore the facts and the science that God made male & female - both of home are equally important, valuable & necessary in the sight & wisdom of God.
Vs. 28 the command is given to the male & female with this blessing: “Be fruitful & multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion or rule over all of it.”
It’s not up to use to decide how many children we have, it is up to God.
I love baby dedications because it shows God is blessing families with children & Psalm 127 tells us they are a gift from God. Don’t fall for the lie of the world that children are a burden and inconvenience.
They are a gift from God.
Gen. 1:26-27 are the overview of the fact that God created male and female, 2:7 tells us God formed man out of the dust of the ground & literally performed the first CPR - He breathed into man’s nostrils and man became a living being!
2:18-25 give us more specifics in how that was accomplished.
Vs. 18 - Not good man should be alone.
God graciously decided to give Adam a companion, a helper suitable to him.
Everything in God’s Creation had been declared good until now.
We were not created to be alone!
Vs. 19-20 - God gave Adam a job, even before the fall work was present.
A tangible object lesson for Adam vs. 20 “But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.”
21 - First surgery!
God made Eve, you might say He hand crafted her as a one of kind helper to complete Adam.
Vs. 22 - God brought this woman to the man!
Everything God does is planned and everything God does is perfect!
Adam had no power in & of himself to create his helper.
God had to do that.
Adam couldn’t find Eve if he wanted to, God had to bring her to him.
Vs. 23 - We have no description of Eve’s physical appearance, we don’t know if she was blonde, brown, black or even a red head.
We don’t know the color or her eyes, we don’t know the tone of her skin, how tall or short, if she was thin or pleasingly plump.
What we do know was that she was in fact drop dead gorgeous.
You say how do you know that preacher?
Well it’s right there in the text with Adam’s first words when he saw her: “Wo-man.”
Well that may be a little play on words there but in any case she was like nothing Adam had seen before and figured out quickly she had been taken out of his bone and flesh!
Matthew Henry quaintly says “that the woman was taken from Adam’s side—not from his head to rule over him, not from his feet to be trampled on, but from his side to be equal with him, from under his arm to be protected, from close to his heart to be loved.”
Vs. 24 - Marriage declaration!
God literally glues husbands & wives together.
Vs. 25 - Naked and not ashamed!
Note some fundamental truths related to Eve’s amazing creation and the marriage relationship:
1. Fundamental equality w/ Adam - “She was taken out of man” - The crowing glory of God’s Creation.
Adam was not complete until Eve was created and God saved the best for last.
18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”
2. Essential unity of marriage - The two become one flesh.
This is why divorce is so painful, it rips apart what God has fitted and joined together.
Jesus used Eve’s creation to speak to God’s plan for a life-long monogamous marriage relationship.
3. Highlights how deep, unique & special marriage is to be - Not just a physical relationship, but one of heart and soul.
They were literally soul mates, clinging together b/c she was taken from his side.
4. Highlights the essential & different in roles b/w man and wife - Adam was created first, he was the head, Eve created 2nd as the helper.
They are equal in value, different in role.
God made Adam to be the father, provider, protectors and leader.
Eve was created by God to be a mother, comforter, nurturer and helper.
Men have different strength than women, women are more relational and emotional.
We can celebrate Eve’s amazing creation.
Notice her:
2. Her tragic temptation - 3:1-6
Explanation - It wasn’t long before Satan came tempting Eve.
Isaiah 14:12-15 describes Satan’s fall from Heaven.
He wasted no time attacking Eve.
Notice facts about him & his plan of attack:
Vs. 1 - He is cunning.
Literally skilled in getting his way with deceit.
He questioned what God had said.
This how he has operated since day one with the human race.
He twists the meaning of God’s Words and raises doubt about the truthfulness of what God has said.
Satan took God’s positive command from 2:16 “Of every tree in the garden you may freely eat, but the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat…” & made it a negative thing.
In other words God is holding out on you!
Vs. 2-3 - God didn’t say they couldn’t touch it.
That came from Adam.
Eve was not aware in this perfect paradise she was living in that danger like this existed.
Satan preyed upon her naivety.
Vs. 4 - Satan straight up lied!
Jesus called him the father of lies in the NT.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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.8 - .9
> .9