The Power Of A Mom's Influence

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The mother of three notorious kids was asked, “If you had to do it all over again would you have children? Sure,” she said, “but not the same ones.”
Mom’s, admit it: there are days when you feel this way. However, at the end of the day mom’s, if you had to do it all over again…you would – and you’d have the same disobedient, destructive, yet priceless children.
As a mother you have the opportunityto be a chauffeur, maid, cook, referee, philosopher, counselor, doctor, nurse, rescue squad member, banker, someone who’s fast on her feet, someone who anticipates every possibility, believes the impossible, endures the unbearable, and sometimes loves the difficult. What we learn from all of this is that being a mom is filled with a host of opportunities.
Mom, realize today that you have the greatest opportunity to build the character and future of your child. Indeed an enormous and weighty job – but one that is very worthy and rewarding.
Mother’s Day Video - Wow mom’s, you have a tremendous influence!
Turn with me this morning to 2 Timothy 1:3-7 where we find a passage that tells us of the powerful influence of a mom…read…
I thank God, whom I serve with a clear conscience the way my forefathers did, as I constantly remember you in my prayers night and day,
longing to see you, even as I recall your tears, so that I may be filled with joy.
For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.
For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
This morning I want you to see 3 things we learn about a Godly mom and the power of her influence. 1st we learn about…
- During Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey, he and Barnabas came to the cities of Lystra and Derbe in Galatia region of Asia Minor.
- It was there that Paul encountered a mother and daughter by the name of Lois and Eunice who were devout Jews. Eunice was married to a Greek man and they had a son named Timothy.
- At some point upon hearing Paul preach about Jesus, Lois and Eunice received Jesus and became believers – and not just in word but in life.
- At some point between the 1st Missionary Journey and Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey, Timothy came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- How did that happen? Through the influence of his Godly mother and Godly grandmother!
- You cannot overstate the importance of a child being raised in a Godly home! Now, it’s no guarantee a child will come to personal faith and live for the Lord…but sure does increase the possibility!
- In Timothy’s case, it sure did make a difference! Paul says in verse 5 “For I am mindful of the sincere faith with you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that is in you as well.”
- Luke tells us in Acts 16:1-2 :
Paul came also to Derbe and to Lystra. And a disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek,
and he was well spoken of by the brethren who were in Lystra and Iconium.
- Timothy had already become known as a strong Christian young man!
- In fact, Luke goes on and notes in Acts 16:3 :
Paul wanted this man to go with him; and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those parts, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.
- Again, Eunice and Lois’ influence can not be overstated! Timothy no doubt saw Christianity lived out before him.
- Last week I shared with you what Hudson Taylor said about his dad, an early missionary to inland China…how his “…impressions of the importance of God, his earliest convictions, were first formed as he witnessed his dad’s devotion.”
- And Corrie Ten Boom who survived the German Nazi camps of WW2 said it was from Papa ten Boom that she received her first and deep realizations that God mattered…that He was worth her trust.
TS – 2nd we learn about…
- Especially the teaching of God’s Word.
- In 2 Tim. 3:14-15 Paul notes:
You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
- Eunice and Lois had taught Timothy God’s Word(the Sacred Writings). They had sought to ground him in the Word of God!
- They knew the importance of hiding God’s Word in your heart (Psalm 119:11) and letting it be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path (Psalm 119:105) and meditating on it day and night (Joshua 1:8).
- No doubt they taught Timothy other things but teaching him God’s Word clearly had been a priority.
TS – 3rd we learn about…
- We’re not told specifically that Eunice and Lois prayed for young Timothy…but you know they did!
- Every Godly mother and grandmother prays exceedingly for their children!
- You know they prayed for Timothy come to faith in Christ…prayed for him to grow in his Christian walk…probably prayed for God to use himin some way for His Kingdom!
- And bam…here comes the Apostle Paul again…and sees God’s Hand upon this young man and desires to take him with him…and well, the rest is history! For Timothy came to be like a son to Paul and Paul mentored this young man into a great Pastor and leader for the Lord!
- Never underestimated the powerful influence of mom’s prayers!
The story is told about four preachers discussing the merits of the various translations of the Bible. One liked the King James Version best because of its simple, beautiful English. Another liked the American Revised Version best because it was closer to the original Hebrew and Greek. Still another liked a contemporary version because of its up to date vocabulary. The fourth minister was silent for a moment, then said, “I like my, mother’s translation best.” Surprised, the other three men said they didn’t know his mother had translated the Bible. “Yes,” he replied. “She translated it into life, and it was the most convincing translation I ever saw.”
Mom what translation is your child seeing in your life?