The Speck and the Log
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The Misconstrued Text
The Misconstrued Text
One of the most popular texts but also one of the most misunderstood, Matthew 7 is often used by Christians and those outside of the body alike. Many who are not believers will proclaim, “Hey, the Bible says, ‘Do not judge’, so why are you judging me?” But that’s not really not what they verse says.
Ok, well, it is what it says but that’s not all that it says.
Judgment is a part of life and in fact there are many verses about properly judging.
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”
The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one.
So judgment is obviously not condemned in scripture and in fact is commanded in the case of false teachers.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
So we are called to judge, but to judge rightly. So how do we do this?
Confess and Repent of our Own Sin
Confess and Repent of our Own Sin
Jesus begins this parable by noting that oftentimes we attempt the careful procedure of soul surgery without first diagnosing our own sin problem. As Christians we are to realize that we cannot accurately see the sin in others if we ourselves are unrepentant.
The reason for this is that sin blinds and obfuscates. Like mud in our eyes, sin keeps us from seeing clearly the sin.
When we see sin in the lives of others we often respond in one of two ways:
We see our own sin and we ignore theirs.
Sometimes because of our own failures in an area, we just ignore that sin. We make excuses and take comfort in the fact that we aren’t the only ones failing. This can lead to not only our destruction, but the person we ignore.
We see their sin and we highlight and make it larger to minimize our own sin in our lives.
You see this in politicians who rail against homosexuality while hiding it in their lives, or pastors who attack pornography without dealing with their own addictions.
This is dangerous because it can lead others to see leaders and pastors as hypocrites. This is what’s so dangerous with the piety movement. When leaders do not address their failures and make bringing sin to light normal and helpful, then it causes damage to their souls, ministries, and members.
We lovingly address Sin as Sin
We lovingly address Sin as Sin
Secondly, we lovingly and gently deal with the sin before us. This is not how sin is often handled unfortunately. Often in the church we do one of two things: we attack or we ignore.
Both are damaging, but when we address sin, we should do it scripturally:
Galatians 6:1 (ESV)
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.
Jesus ASSUMES that the sin will be dealt with. He says, “first take the log out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”
This is not a call to not judge but to judge RIGHTLY and GENTLY
This is key, judgment has two parts: First we must judge rightly. That means our judgment must be scriptural.
We are quick to judge others by preference. This is neither right nor helpful. The way people dress, their preferences in music, their favorite types of music have little bearing on their hearts.
Second, we must judge gently. Gentleness doesn’t mean we are never stern, but it means that judge with the best of those we judge in mind.
Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is sternly admonish a brother or sister.
We Aren’t to be Judgmental of Sinners
We Aren’t to be Judgmental of Sinners
Finally, Jesus commands us not to give what is Holy to dogs. Jesus is admonishing us not to give the gospel to fools.
The Gospel according to Matthew 7. Judging, 7:1–6
Davies and Allison: “The gospel of the kingdom—in 13:45–6 the kingdom is a pearl—was to be preached to all; but its heralds were also instructed to shake the dust off their feet when they were not received into a house or town (10:14).” We must bear in mind that some hear the gospel only to rebel. Disciples are not called on to keep offering it to those who continue to reject it with vicious contempt
As Christians we are to preach the truth, but not argue with foolish sinners over the things of God. I think myself and others would well to remember this on our social media feeds. We are to preach the gospel as truth, but we must be careful not to foolishly argue with foolish sinners who reject God.
I’ve seen in myself and in other believers a foolish and sinful desire to be right. We must be careful, we speak truth. We challenge sin wherever it is found. We are bold in proclamation, but there comes a time when we must “shake the dust off our feet” and move on from foolish arguing.
For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?
Ultimately it is Christ who judges sinners, not us.