Proverbs 11:7-14

Proverbs  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Recently, Bro. Kevin and I were talking and he recounted something he heard a church planter say once. This pastor said “the place you live in should be a better place because you are there”. As people who claim the name of Jesus Christ, we should be impacting those around us. We should be impacting our families, we should be a blessing to our church family, and we should be working for the betterment of our community. Today we are going to hear some familiar language surrounding righteousness and wickedness, but much of this passage specifically relates to the impact of godly people on a community. Today, I want us to take a hard look at our lives as individual believers and our life as a church. First and foremost we will assess whether we are among the righteous or the wicked. Secondly, we will evaluate if we are bettering our community and those around us according to God’s standards. Finally, we will conclude with some practical helps to help us in our interpersonal relationships and our decision making processes.

The Righteous and the Wicked v.7-8

-these two verses combine to paint for us a terrifying and a wonderful picture of death depending on which kind of person you are
-death for the wicked is the death of hope
-all of their hope is worldly hope
-there is nothing of joy in front of them
-expectation perishes because there is no joyful expectation
Hebrews 10:26–27 ESV
For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.
-the righteous man’s death is different
-his death is actually his deliverance from all trouble
-all of the judgment, troubles, and recompense for him has been taken on by Christ’s perfect sacrifice
So, before we can even begin to talk about what it means for God’s people to impact those around them we must know that we are God’s people. Are you the righteous man headed for total deliverance, or are you the wicked man whose hope will be snuffed out with his earthly life. The righteous person’s hope will be realized because their hope is in Christ alone. Is your hope in Christ?
-wicked people can do good things in their community or to their family but ultimately it means nothing. It fades and withers. Not so for the righteous. We will see both of these things on display in the next part of the passage.

Loving Your Neighbor v.10

-Relationships with individuals is the key
-We can relate well to groups of people but our character will be clear when we have real relationships
Do you see who does the greatest damage in this verse?
-it is the hypocrite
-the hypocrite is not the run of the mill wicked man
-he is one whose actions are wicked and irreligious while often professing to be something he is not
-the veneer of respectability
Pablo Escobar was a South American drug lord. He murdered more people and was responsible for more heartache than we can imagine
-yet, some people love him and even today they venerate him like a saint because he did good things for some people
-does that mean he was just a good man who was flawed
-no, he was a wicked man trying to polish the rotting pile that was the truth about his life
There are more people that are walking around with a bad taste in their mouth about Jesus and the church because of the behavior of so-called Christians than for any other reason.
-yes, I know the charge of hypocrite can be leveled as an excuse

-yes, I know that when you tell someone a truth they do not want to hear they might try to bring up where you might be hypocritical

-yes, I know that at some level we are all hypocritical
-the difference is that when we are actually hypocritical the Christian should own that, repent, and ask for forgiveness to anyone wronged.
-to not be the agent of destruction for your neighbor
-dont be anyone’s excuse to hate Christ
-let them hate the truth, not turn away from it because of our conduct
What is the most common way this happens?
-the mouth -what we say
The Righteous
-the hypocrite will not ensnare the truly righteous because they will eventually see the lack of godliness on display
-the righteous person finds deliverance because of the wisdom of God

v.10-11 The Righteous and Their City

Why would the Bible say that a city rejoices and is exalted by the righteous?
-it is because God’s people should and do bring positive impact into the communities that they inhabit
-so when the righteous do well it is a good thing for others where they live
-they bring light to the darkness wherever they find it
Jeremiah 29:7 ESV
But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.
We are called to bring the Gospel to bear in every area of life
-yes, there is opposition to the truth in many ways
-even when people do not like what God’s people are trying to accomplish it can ultimately be for the good of the community
-we love our neighbors and seek their good even if there are times what we believe God says is for their good is not to their liking
-just this past week dozens of people gathered and prayed for our nation, but also prayed for our community, our families, our leaders.
-the prayers of the righteous availeth much
-God would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah while the righteous were in their midst
-just a handful of God’s people living in obedience in a given area has the effect of bringing spiritual blessing and protection, but should also bring practical everyday good
The Wicked
The death of the wicked brings joy because their influence and perverse hopes and desires die with them
-”ding dong the wicked witch is dead”
They are a stain upon their community, no matter how respectable they try to portray themselves to be.

Neighbors Revisited v.12

-only a wicked person would constantly taunt, hate,provoke their neighbor
-God’s people do not despise
“He may be called to openly condemn his sin, but for the purpose of drawing to repentance”
“His general course will be loving forbearance”
He remembers the admonition of Galatians 6:1
Galatians 6:1 ESV
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.
-in a practical sense of actual neighbors let me say that if you are in a constant tit for tat whine and complain and bitterly criticize situation with an actual neighbor Christian you are probably in sin
-you can do whats right without being a bitter complainer
-hold your peace
Those 3 words would keep more problems from happening, would give opportunity to show love and kindness more than almost anything else. Just hush and be sweet. Dont be a doormat but hold your peace. This flows us right into v.13
Be trustworthy and discrete in your personal relationships
-dont be a talebearer
-the one that wants to tell everything
-that always has something bad to say as soon as someone leaves the room
-that tells personal confidences
-that is what is mostly in view here
Proverbs 11:22 NKJV
As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
You can be good looking, successful by the world’s terms, respectable, but if you cant keep your mouth closed you are like a pig with a ring of fine gold in your snout.
-nothing more than a perverse oddity
-this doesnt mean we conceal truth or protect the wicked
-this means we do not betray a trust because it is a breach of love
-if you cannot be trusted with discrete truth you had better examine your heart before God
Danger of Going it Alone
-be careful when standing alone
-it is not that this is cannot be sometimes necessary
-but if you are so sure of yourself that you never feel the need to ascertain anyone else’s wisdom then beware
“when preparing to preach I have a friend that told me he never reads many commentaries or notes or listens to other sermons”
-thought it was spiritual to say all I do is read the Bible
-I read the Bible too but I am not arrogant or skilled enough to think that there is not much wisdom to be gleaned from those who have gone before me
“milk many cows but churn your own butter”


Christians, must be dilligent in their personal relationships and in their public dealing to live in a way that brings the glory of God into view of those around them. If your life is having no impact on anyone, you might need to ask if Christ has had any impact on your life. But you cannot give away that which you do not have. You cannot safeguard a city through righteousness if you have none.
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