Motherhood - Broken and Restored

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Isaiah 49:14–16 KJV 1900
But Zion said, The Lord hath forsaken me, And my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, That she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, Yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; Thy walls are continually before me.


Curtis Family
Malachi Gott
One of the strongest impulses in the world, even in the animal kingdom, is the maternal instinct. this comes from God, it’s part of what was separated from Adam in the Garden of Eden.
Hebrew Compassion is “Womb”
Illustrate: Burt Call and the Mother Deer
Isaiah says, “Can a mother forget her child?” sadly, yes.

(šākaḥ). vb. forget. Refers to the act of removing one’s knowledge from the forefront of one’s mind, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Example: Abortion.
Roe v Wade was in 1973, since that time more than 60 million babies have been aborted.
Reversing this would not end abortion. There were 30,000 abortions a week in Bro. Branham’s time in Chicago.
Now you have the strange spectacle of women who could be mothers protesting for the right to continue murdering their children.
Isaiah 5:20 KJV 1900
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; That put darkness for light, and light for darkness; That put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Abortion is not the only sign that Motherhood is broken. Motherhood is more than having children.
Example: Raising a child.


Remember, when Moses was a little boy, it was a mother who give him his instruction. It was a godly mother who took little Moses on her knees, and said, “Moses,” taught him all.
...“Now, these things,” said, “Moses, someday you’re going to deliver the children of Israel. You’re the boy that’s called. Keep yourself pure and unspotted from the world, for you’re the one.
No other place do we know, where he ever went to any seminary, any teaching at all, he ever got. He stayed right in Pharaoh’s palace, which was a heathen; but his mother taught him.
That’s a real mother. She taught him the precepts of the Lord. She told him how he must be holy. She told him how and what he must live, and how, what God must do, would do for him. And it stuck with Moses all the days of his life.
And any good, true, loyal mother that’ll take her little babies, instead of send them to picture shows and dances, and so forth like that, and she’ll put them on her lap and teach them about the Lord Jesus Christ. 54-0509 - The Invasion Of The United States

Herodias daughter.

Matthew 14:8 KJV 1900
And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist’s head in a charger.
(70 offspring prostitutes or gallows)
One mother taught hers the things of the world; the other mother taught hers the things of God.
One became a great leader and a conqueror, is immortal among men today; and the other is debauched and in hell, and taken thousands times thousands with her. 54-0509 - The Invasion Of The United States
(Today mothers go to the store and buy these tight shorts and leggings for their daughters, even after they’ve reached the age of accountability, and teach them to sin. Some of the same women who protest abortion train their daughters to dance before men to satisfy their lusts.)
“He set up his headquarters over here in Hollywood. The devil landed back here, a few years ago, fifteen or twenty years ago, with his great army, and went, hit in Hollywood, California.
And he has invaded the United States with his demon powers. Right. All of our fashions come from Paris.
They get it in Hollywood, onto the screens. These little girls and little boys, and things, get out here, they watch them screen plays.
Nice little kiddies, fine little fellows, nothing against them. God bless their little hearts. My heart bleeds for them.
And right here in the city, I was talking to my boy, the other day. He said, “Daddy, if there was just some boys around there, in town, that had the Holy Ghost,” and so forth.
You wonder why I was getting away to Denver, Colorado, or somewhere like that? Get my children somewhere where there’s a bunch of people who cry out to God; what we need, brother.
The political world is gone. Our nation is broke. You remember that, that Brother Branham said that, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Our nation is debolished. It’ll never rise. She is gone, like all the rest of the nations.
It’s the greatest nation in the world, standing today, but it’s the very seed of the devil has been planted into the hearts of the people; how it come into Hollywood, how it got out into the people, and begin to this. And you can’t tell them nothing.
She is gone. She is invaded, and the spirit of communism has took over.
Because, they got a little ol’ social Gospel standing there, where preachers stand and talk about little petty things, and little bitty stories of the Bible, or something like that, instead of preaching repentance and bringing men and women to the altar. 54-0509 - The Invasion Of The United States
How short is too short?
(Bro. Branham was asked the question about people in the church wearing dresses that showed their knees.)
Yes, I’m certainly against them little old skintight dresses that look like…I constantly fuss at my kids, Becky and Sarah.
I don’t care how little they are, I just fuss at them all the time. I think they even wear their dresses…Meda takes Becky apart every day about it.
Dresses plumb up…Cause kids, you can expect that in kids, and you have to correct them; but when it comes to a woman, there’s something wrong there. 64-0823M - Questions And Answers #1
Some people have never been taught. Girls should be taught to look like girls, and be modest. Boys should be taught to look like boys.
Motherhood is broken in society.
And that’s the backbone of the nation. You break motherhood, and you’ve broke the nation right then. 63-1115 - The World Is Falling Apart
Spiritual motherhood is broken.
Revelation 17:5 KJV 1900
She characters herself out here with a pair of shorts on, and skin-tight, and men’s clothing and things, out on the street, twisting around. No matter what she says, she might be as virtuous to her husband as she can be, but, in the sight of God, “She is an adulteress.”
“Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” And she presented herself to be that. And that’s exactly what the church has done with the world.
I’m speaking of how it can get away, when you get to mixing up with the world, the church, and all the fashions and things that we have.
We’re no more like the original Pentecost was than day is from night. We’ve drifted off somewhere, into some dark chaos somewhere, and lost.
What a sacred trust! What a responsibility to a woman! Now see why she’s a type of the Church, which has the same responsibility.
As a woman has a sacred responsibility to her motherhood, to her virtues, to her husband, the Church has a sacred responsibility to prayer and to the Word, and to Christ, just the same as the woman has.
And as a woman drifts off with another man; when the church goes off on these institutional programs, and building programs and schools, and so forth.
I have nothing against them. They’re all right. They serve their purpose. But they’re not… Jesus never said, “Go, make schools.” He said, “Preach the Word.”
That’s where they neglect It. Not make institutions, hospitals, and so forth. Them is all right, but that’s not the Church’s duty.
Their duty is to preach the Gospel, but we’ve done everything else but that. 65-1125 - The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ
Jude 3 KJV 1900
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Revelation 2:4 KJV 1900
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
You left that love that you once had for them good, old-fashioned, Holy Ghost meetings, and you’re begin to kind of slide backwards into that formal, come in with ‘Our Father…’” Nonsense! 60-1205 - The Ephesian Church Age
The fervent desire to please God, the passion to know His Word, the cry for reaching out in the Spirit, all begins to fade and instead of that church being on fire with the fire of God it has cooled off and become a bit formal.    CAB 03 - Ephesian
Notice what she loves. Watch her lover, you want to see who she is in love with. The Word says This, but she said, “My church says this.”
Then who she in love with? Who is her husband? Her own fruits prove what she is.     65-1125 - The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ
(They refuse to bear children for their Spiritual Husband, Christ, because they are too busy flirting with the things of the world.)
“And if a woman won’t have a baby for her husband, she’ll take a dog or a cat, or something. She’s got to mother something. It’s her nature.
But to bear a child for her husband, and raise it to the service of God, that’s entirely all out of her line. Oh, she’d be so disgraced, if she did, by her sin-loving society of this 1965 type of women.
A true picture of the modern church today! Neither does the modern church want any of these here, screaming, shouting, tongues-speaking, Acts 2:38 young’ns around her.
She don’t want any of them whooping, and crying, and screaming, “Amen! Hallelujah!” Why, such a child would immediately put her out of her denomination.
They had one like that in one of the churches, why, they’d throw her out right quick. “Why you letting such stuff as this go along?”
So, you see, she’s pregnated with something, ’cause she’s bringing forth members all the time. But she don’t want none of them screaming, hollering, blabbering, Acts 2:38, miserable creatures that she thinks they are.
It would certainly embarrass her. It would ruin her and her educated, ethical, scientific society church that she belonged to here. They would throw her out, at the next council. She can’t have it.
So she don’t want to be pregnated with the Word, because that’s the only kind that the Word can bring forth.
Born of the Spirit of God, it has the Spirit of God in it. No intellectual church-join and creed-going, bobbed hair, painted face; there’s no such a thing as that in all of It.
You don’t find that in the Word of God. You find an old-fashion, sanctified, Holy Ghost-filled child, born of the Spirit of God, screaming, hollering, shouting, praising God.
That’s altogether out of the reaches for her. She don’t want That. 65-1125 - The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ

Motherhood Restored.

Joel 2:25 KJV 1900
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, The cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you.
Motherhood is a scriptural principle. The promise was that the woman’s seed would bruise the head of the serpent. That’s why Satan hates it so much.
1 Timothy 2:12–15 KJV 1900
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
Not by having a baby makes her saved, but because that she is raising children, doing her duty, not raising cats, dogs, and what-more to take the place of a child, as they do today...    59-1219 - Questions And Answers On The Holy Ghost
Simply by doing her duty as a mother Mary was nursing her own salvation.
This motherhood is restored by the Message of the Hour. Malachi 4 did His job.
Ephesians 5:25–27 KJV 1900
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Christ had to marry a Bride with her sacred virtues intact. Someone who loves Him enough to keep His Word, so He washes her and restores her to her original place, back before the first sin. She is better off than Eve now, because she cannot fall.
I was not eligible to be His wife, I had marred my spiritual virtue by sin, but he restored my eligibility.

Spiritual Union

This is the opening of the Seven Seals. I know It sounds strange to you, but God has vindicate it so perfectly. There’s no question in It.
He, the Bridegroom, took away your shame, “And put it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, by the washing of the Water of the Word and the Blood of Life.”
You are standing, if you’re standing on God’s Word and with God’s Word, every amen, every jot, every tittle. Where you standing?
You’re standing complete, justified, like you never did it in the first place. Hallelujah!
You are the pure, virtuous, sinless Bride of the Son of the living God.
Every man and woman that’s born of the Spirit of God, and washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and believes every Word of God, stands as though you never sinned at the first place. You are perfect.
Oh, that spiritual union of Christ and His Church now, when the flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh, manifested, vindicated. Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it’s happening, day by day.
You never sinned at the first place. God don’t even know. It’s in the Sea of Forgetfulness. You never did it. You were accused of it, by the accuser. But really, from the beginning, you were predestinated to be a son and daughter of God.
You’re standing there, washed. And your old book of divorcement is put away, and it’s dead, absolutely out of existence, even in the mind of God.
You’re the virtuous Bride of Christ, washed in the Blood of Christ. Precious, virtuous, sinless Son of God standing with a pure, unadulterated Bride-Word that He washed by the Water of His Own Blood;
that become flesh and manifested, that He might take you which were predestinated in the bosom of the Father, before the beginning, the same as He was. He was that great attribute of God, called “love.”
Whatever you are, you are servants of God, whatever God wants you to do, where your place is. “God placed in the Church, some apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors…”
He placed that by virtue of His Own predestination. And you were that, to begin with. Your first wedding was annulled. You never done it, in the first place.
Pure, unadulterated; oh, hallelujah; leaving soon for the skies; amen; standing ready. Think. Your garments, washed by the Water of the bleeding Word! The Word become Blood. The Word bled for you, and you are washed in bleeding Word.
You’re not only that, but you’re going to the Wedding in the sky. And you are wearing the wedding band of predestinated, unmerited grace, a wedding band of grace unmerited of your own. God did it, Himself.
He knew you before the foundation of the world, so He slipped the wedding band on you There, put your name on a Book.  65-1125 - The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ


You are:
Without Shame
Placed in the Church
Ready to Go.
Going to the Wedding
Wearing the Wedding Band of Grace
(But you don’t know my past)
1 Corinthians 6:11 KJV 1900
And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
He Looked Beyond My Faults
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