I Wonder if Jesus is REALLY the only way?
I Wonder... • Sermon • Submitted
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· 6 viewsIs Jesus REALLY the only way? Can Jesus be true for you but not for me? Aren't we being exclusive and judgmental by saying Jesus is the only way? How are we to make sense of others who believe differently than Christians? And is it possible that Jesus being the only way can be good news? Join us as we address this difficult question.
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We are in a series called “I Wonder...” (dot dot dot…)
Fill in the blank…during this we are exploring tough questions, practical questions..questions you submitted.
and it is not too late to submit a question or another question (we got 105 responses thus far—so our series will go for the next 2 years…)
you can submit by either:
Writing them down paper and pencil
by texting the word “wonder” to 260-400-2991 and when you text that word, you will get a text message back with a link—clink on that link. and you will be directed to a form to fill out.
Let me read a few…?’s
Last week, we looked at the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Some reasons of the mind to believe it actually, historically, bodily happened.
And Some reasons of the heart—why we want to believe it happened as it frees us from guilt and sin, from fear of death, from other masters and lords in our lives.
everything flows from this ?.
The I wonder question today—is this—I wonder if Jesus is REALLY the only way?
you may say the only way to what—to live, the only way to God the Father, the only way to heaven, salvation and being a part of God’s kingdom—the only way to true life, joy, peace, happiness now and for eternity. to forgiveness, to salvation.
or is He one way of many ways?
One writer puts it like this: Can Jesus be true for you but not for me? (Rebecca McGlaughlin)
most people in our country here in America might be find if that is the case “Yes you can believe that—that works for you; it’s true for you, but not for me.”
“You can believe that as long as you leave everyone else alone.”
“but if you believe that and try to persuade, convince, and evangelize others, convert others…that is offensive, judgmental, exclusive, intolerant.” Bad words in our culture today.
Moreover, some of you know that even if you are a Christian, you meet others of other faiths—Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, and they seem like good, decent people. who is to say that we are right, and they are wrong? that seems arrogant and judgmental.
Furthermore—this is why religion is wrong with the world—it just makes people angry, causes division, and leads to conflict, even wars.
Rebecca McGlaughlin has an illustration that goes like this: “In the story, an elephant walked into a village where everyone was blind. The villagers were fascinated by the strange creature. One villager touched the elephant’s leg and said the elephant was like a tree. Another touched its ear and said the elephant was like a fan. A third touched its trunk and said the elephant was like a snake, and so on. Soon arguments began to break out. All the villagers had felt different parts of the elephant and discovered a piece of the truth about this amazing animal. But because they were blind, they couldn’t see the whole elephant, so they didn’t see how all these different truths could fit together. In the same way, people claim that different religions hold pieces of the truth about God, but no one religion holds it all. For this reason, people say we shouldn’t argue about which religion is right. We should just learn from each religion, because between all of us, we might just get the whole truth about God.” (10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (And Answer) About Christianity (page 56)
The problem with the Elephant illustration:
Rebecca McGlaughlin talks about it.
Though it sounds humble and accepting, it is actually arrogant to use this elephant illustration. WHAT?!?!?!
She says, “Yes the villagers are blind, but the person telling the story can see. It might sounds respectful to Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, to say that if they saw the big picture, they’d all realize they each held a piece of the puzzle. but it’s actually not all.” “what you are really saying is that Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Jews are all blind and you ALONE can see!” that you alone have the true view. that’s pretty arrogant...
Different religions contradict each other in BIG WAYS. not small. BIG!
For instance, I talked about the resurrection of Jesus Christ last week—why we physically, bodily, historically believed it happened.
and if it didn’t happen—the Bible says “Your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:17).
if you compare this view to just Judaism and Muslims—2 other major religions that Christianity shares a lot in common with…Jews and Muslims disagree with my sermon from last week ON THE RESURRECTION.
Jews believed that Jesus died and stayed dead.
Muslims believe that Jesus didn’t die but just appeared to die, and that he was taken up to heaven.
but Christians believe that Jesus died and rose to life bodily again.
these are big differences. A Muslim according to the bible is not saved. a Jew is not saved. because they don’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ like we do.
so to say that all religions are actually the same—is actually not doing justice to each major religion or worldview. it’s arrogant—and it’s wrong—we are actually disrespecting other worldviews and other religions when we say they are actually the same.
they are not. they have major differences. (I.e. buddhism doesn’t believe in a personal God at all).
3. but the biggest problem with the Elephant problem—is that it contradicts what the Bible says.
—look at what God’s says about this issue
What the Bible says:
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”
Jesus is claiming that he is preparing rooms for us in His Father’s house—after we die…and he can actually take us there. that’s an incredible claim. I have never made that claim that I personally have that kind of power…but Jesus does.
5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus makes an offensive but crystal clear statement. He is the way; he is the truth; he is the life. if we are going to have access to God the Father, to life with him in his house in his many rooms—it all goes through Jesus Christ.
Jesus keeps upping the ante with these claims:
7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”
9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
This is getting a little bit at the confusing doctrine of the Trinity—but our God is one—but three persons. not 3 gods, and not just one god who exists in 3 modes—but God the Father, God the Son, and the God the HS.
and Jesus makes the incredible claim—that if you have seen him—you have seen God the Father—they are one God but 3 but one…but 3. The Trinity.
In other places in Scripture, Jesus makes remarkable and exclusive claims.
Jesus claims to forgive sins. (Mark 2:5,10)
He claims to be the resurrection and the life. (John 11:25-26)
He said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me (Matthew 28:18)
Paul says He is before all things, and in Jesus, all things in the entire universe holds together (Colossians 1:15-20)
and Hebrews 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.
the Apostle Peter
12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,
The Bible is crystal clear--
and here is what this means for us—application.
why is this good news....
in other words, Let’s make this practical..what does all this mean:
Though Jesus’ claim is exclusive and narrow, it is available to ALL. (If you are not a believer, YOU MAY NOT LIKE THe exclusive narrowness of this—but this exclusivity is very inclusive—it’s an exclusive inclusivity, or an inclusive exclusivity.” what?
The Bible is crystal clear…there is only way to salvation.
one way to being a part of the kingdom of God.
You see the Bible is very clear that there is something very wrong with the world…and it’s not out there—we can’t point the finger out there. the problem is in here—we have an authority problem, where we constantly take the Creator God off the throne and put ourselves in its place, and this has broken everything!! this is why everything is messed up in our world and there is suffering and evil...
but the good news that Jesus is saying here is there is a way for our relationship with God to be restored and healed. for us to be forgiven.
for us to enter God’s kingdom and join God’s plan to restore the entire created order.
and that’s through Jesus.
and what makes Jesus so unique compared to every other religion…every other religion’s main character—Bhudda, Mohammed, Confucious, they point to the way...
Jesus says “I am the way.”
other religions says they point to the truth—Jesus says “I am truth. the truth.”
they point to life— Jesus says He is the life.”
if you believe that you are a sinner, in need of help, and you believe that Jesus can help you—believing that his life, his death, his resurrection—you surrender to his kingship (repent)—you will enter God’s kingdom now and for eternity.
You see this is the good news! It’s not by works but by Jesus.
and though it is exclusive—only through Him—this offer is available to anyone who believes!
You don’t have to be good looking to get it.
or have a certain last name or education
or money
or be bold, or powerful…or awesome.
you just need Jesus. “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
upside-down kingdom--The bible is filled with example after example of the poor, the prostitutes, the blind, the leper entering the kingdom of God, believing in Jesus; not the rich or powerful....
though exclusives news, it is available to all on condition of faith by the grace of God.
(BTW--and if you have believed in this—and never been baptized—get baptized! What are you waiting for!)
2. If you are a believer…this exclusive message should lead to a deep peace, hope, joy, settledness..
in a world with so much confusion, so many views, so many completing claims—when you truly believe and embrace this news, it is good news! You know your problem—sin—it’s you---separating you from a holy God, and you know your solution—Jesus.
I need a Savior, I am putting my trust in King Jesus who lived, died on the cross in my place, and rose from the dead…and when you do that, the Bible describes it as gaining life, eternal life with God now and forever, being born again, crossing from darkness to light, as entering a kind of rest now and forever...
every other system out there—is works based. you do, you perform, and then you earn. even if you are not religious—you work to earn things...
you have a crystal clear direction, a purpose, that you exist to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. you exist to go and share this good exclusives news that people can be saved from sin to a relationship with god and enjoy him for eternity in the kingdom of God.
3. if you truly believe this, we must boldly and urgently share this exclusive news of a Savior for all.
Think of how the exclusive news of Jesus…if we truly believe this—then will have an incredible motivation and urgency to share.
No other message to can save.
Only this one.
Only Jesus can.
Rebecca McGlaughlin says: “In The famous film Titanic adds a fictional love story about two young people, Jack and Rose, to a true story about a massive boat called the Titanic. Everyone believed the boat was so big and strong and modern that it couldn’t sink. In 1912, thousands of people boarded the Titanic in England to sail to America. But in the middle of the ocean, it ran into an iceberg and it sank. In the film, Rose is staying in the expensive, first-class part of the boat, and Jack is staying in the cheap, third-class part. But they manage to meet and fall in love. While they are out on deck together, they see the iceberg just as the ship crashes into it. A little later, Rose has a conversation with the man who built the ship:
McLaughlin, Rebecca. 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity (pp. 60-61). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
Rose: Mr. Andrews! I saw the iceberg, and I see it in your eyes . . . please, tell me the truth! Thomas Andrews: The ship will sink.
Rose: Are you certain?
Thomas Andrews: Yes, in an hour or so, all of this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic.3
At this point in the film, most people on the ship don’t know the ship is going down. They are just carrying on enjoying themselves. The orchestra is playing. Food and drinks are being served. But Rose knows. She also knows from Mr. Andrews that there aren’t enough lifeboats for everyone on the ship to be saved.
He says to her, Please tell only who you must, I don’t want to be responsible for a panic. And get to a boat quickly. Don’t wait. You remember what I told you about the boats?4
When I was a teenager, I heard a man named Rico Tice explain that if the message of Jesus is true, it’s like we’re all sailing on the Titanic. Jesus warns us that without his offer of salvation, everyone is facing God’s judgment as surely as the people on that ship were facing drowning if they didn’t get to a lifeboat.
but Jesus is different than Mr. Andrews—he doesn’t say, “tell only who you want.” “Tell everyone!” and he doesn’t say “there aren’t enough lifeboats...” there is one huge lifeboat—and that’s Jesus.
“It’s not offensive and unloving for Christians to tell people that the ship is going down and to plead with them to run for Jesus. It’s offensive and unloving not to.
McLaughlin, Rebecca. 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity (p. 61). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
4. If we truly believe this, we must humbly share it.
and this good news gives us the resources.
How? think about the Good news of Jesus.
If you are a believer, it’s not because you were smarter or more successful.
No, God had to open your eyes for you to believe at some level. God did it.
and it is by grace—not your efforts—but purely God’s amazing grace that you don’t deserve.
and you have to admit you are a sinner....
and that at the center of your faith is the God man Jesus Christ dying for your sins.
you see the average person believes that they aren’t too bad, and if God exists we relate to him by earning a good life as long as we don’t do too much bad stuff. every other belief system pretty much says—do good and life will go well. Do good and you will be rewarded or achieve eternal life.
but Christianity is the opposite—only Jesus could do good; and we needed His effort to save us. I am helpless.
at the center of my faith is Jesus dying for his enemy—me—so how on earth could I be judgmental towards others, proud, with this exclusive claim. how i earth could i look down on others or share it arrogantly?
when you understand that—it won’t make you proud towards others, or divisiveness, you won’t pick fights—but you will gently, winsomely, boldly, lovingly, courageously, even if costs you something—persuade and share this good news.
When is the last time you did this? If you can’t remember, it’s been too long.
Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
do you really believe it? Let’s share it. Only Jesus...