Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Man’s Wisdom Vs.
God’s Wisdom
But I want to help!!!!
God doesn’t need our help, in fact when it comes to the purpose of the church in sharing the gospel it’s pretty simple...
Look at… 1 Corinthians 2:1-2
Problem/Solution Scenario
Problem: The Corinthian believers were mixing human wisdom with the gospel in order to “help” it makes sense
Solution: The gospel is not based on man’s wisdom, but on God’s superior wisdom
The Gospel needs no help.
This chapter is Paul’s explanation for why human wisdom cannot explain or comprehend the simplicity of the gospel message
The Gospel is the Power of God v. 1-5
What is the Gospel?
Gospel = good news
Technical definition = the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the sins of mankind.
All that is necessary for forgiveness is faith.
Simple definition = “Good news” (gospel) is “God loves you, and Jesus died for you.”
Paul was a very intelligent man, but when he came to Corinth he came only with the simplistic message of the cross
He determined to know NOTHING except “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
Read 1 Cor.
Compare this with 2 Tim.
Explanation = verse 3 refers to physical weakness, not spiritual weakness.
He was not afraid to proclaim the gospel, no matter what happened to him.
These verses show us that he trusted in nothing but the power of God to save through the preaching of the simple gospel message.
Romans 1:16
Paul came to Corinth after a discouraging experience in Athens.
He met some Greek philosophers and had few converts
Paul never gave up though!
He came to Corinth determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified!
The Gospel is the Plan of God v. 6-9
The message of the gospel is both simple, and yet profound.
Warren Wiersbe says that:
“...the message of the gospel is simple enough for an illiterate pagan understand, believe, and be saved.
But it is also so profound that the most brilliant theologian cannot fathom its depths.”
Verse 6 begins a comparison of the wisdom of God to the wisdom of the world.
We who are saved are “perfect” that is mature, in that we have spiritual knowledge...
Man’s wisdom cannot grasp a free salvation
Verse 7 mentions a “mystery” = not a big secret we must keep from others, rather it is a divine truth that was hidden from the OT but is revealed in the NT
Ex.: Paul tells us that the salvation of the Gentiles was always God’s plan
Also, the church is not seen int eh OT.
Someone has rightly said, “The Old is the New concealed, the New is the Old revealed.”
Who are the princes of this world who wouldn’t have crucified Christ?
The Jewish leaders - that falsely accused him and led Him to Pilate
Pilate - who gave the order to crucify Him against his better judgment
Satan - for sure, he thought he could just kill Jesus and win the victory
Look at verse 1 Cor.
Even though the gospel is simple enough for a child to understand, the love and plan of God is so deep that no one can full explain it!
Good news!
We don’t have to explain it!
You don’t have to full understand it to be saved, you simply must believe!
The Gospel is Presented by the Spirit of God v. 10-16
Verse 11 – we cannot know the things of God, just like I cannot know what is on your heart or mind – but the Spirit of God knows and can and He will teach us!
Verse 10 – Because the Spirit searcheth the deep things of God, and knows the things of God, we can rejoice because He will teach us those things!
Verse 12 – The Holy Spirit indwells each of us, why?
So that we know the things of God that are FREELY given to us!
Verse 13 – The Holy Spirit is our teacher (John 14:26).
He teaches us things that man's wisdom can't even imagine!
By comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual.
EX.: This is how we can look at the Tabernacle in the OT and see the plan of Salvation laid out perfectly.
Remember 1 Corinthians 1:18 ?
This is explained by 1 Corinthians 2:14
Natural man = unsaved person
What a blessed privilege to have the indwelling Spirit of God!
We do not deserve this, but God grants this to us anyway
The Spirit’s presence gives us discernment, which is why we can judge all things
It is because of the Spirit that no man can judge us
By the way, the word judge means to evaluate or scrutinize us.
The unsaved have no spiritual understanding, that is why they stare in wonder and “poke fun” at us.
Look lastly at 1 Cor 2:16
No man has ever fully understood the mind of the LORD, yet those of us who are saved have the mind of Christ!
We’re not perfect, but we have the ability to see things His way.
What does this mean to us?
The Corinthians had placed their focus on man's wisdom.
This led to division within the church
If we are to take away just one truth from this chapter it is this: Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9