Sunday Service
Praise God. Every day. Oh, no. I said, praise God everybody.
God is good and his mercy. Endureth forever, a man.
Come on a man. The Lord is good and his mercy, endureth forever. Now. I normally don't do this, but I'm going to do it today.
I want to ask you how often do you read your Bible? Is it daily? Is it true twice a week? Once a week sometime? You can pick. You don't have to answer out loud. Just keep that thought in your mind. You can't ever go into us. A sermon. On today. Is the best of all? Let your light shine. And I know this is pretty late, coming up for you late. It's okay. It's okay. This this is just let it be a little bit late than never. Okay, praise God. A man. Let it be too late than never. Now.
Let my like let your light shine is not a bit. It's not very spiritual. It's not going to be. I'm not going to make it spiritual because what people like to do is make things a lot more spiritual than they really are. Yeah, we are. The light of God is the light of the world, on the other side of the world to spread the light. But We have to understand.
Then we are also because when God adopted us, how to explain it to somebody. About how?
God house. people and God works how people in Jesus works, so
If you know anything about the process of adoption, then you already know where I'm hit. But if you don't know about adoption.
If you don't know about adoption here, I'm going to tell you. Adoption is basically like saying Hey, I want that kid, that kid and that kid and signing. All three legal, three sets of legal papers saying that you are now the legal guardian of the child.
It's just like, you are gone. Please sign legal papers.
For you to be his child. When you said, yes. When you said yes, when you gave your life to Jesus Christ.
He's fine with the blood of Jesus Christ. He signed legal document stating that you were here.
So now knowing that you I see is you are now texting. You are partaking. I'll come on somebody, you are part of God's light. So now you can go out and spread to other people. Because that's what like does. It doesn't just
What is a big fat? What is the first thing that you that fireman? The firemen learn when they're putting out a fire, the first thing that they weren't. Do not let it spread. That is the first thing that they might. Do not let it spread.
Because guess what is that try to deal with them if they try to deal with where the fire came from first? Then they got to deal with all of the other things that the fire can catch. What if you stop it from spreading first?
Because that's what they can do with the main source. All they want to. But then I got this other little fires everywhere. They are ready. That are spreading to other places, which making it a more to do with making it a more.
So we got to MedExpress and we don't want you to stress me going to do like a fireman do.
You cannot allow yourself to become like a fireman and stop it from spreading.
You got to let it spread, you got to go out into the world and let it show. Okay. So let us go into met online. Lets you like this is one part series. We just started it today, but we will be sending it today as we go into our next series. Being. God's help. Being God's help. Or. The terminology that I like to use is. Run to the phone. Run to the father, let your light shine.
Doing this type of work or or to walk around when I'm talking to cuz I like this, you know. Real mess down to the park. I was really down to the problem kind of guy. So that's what I'm going to do. So we are in Philippians.
second chapter the 14th and 15th, March do all things without grumbling or
This is why. I don't know what that word means. And obviously some bad word because it's in that context of a scripture.
Not. Do all things without grumbling or 5 display?
Then we going to 15th and said that you may be blameless and innocent. Children of God with blemish.
Blemish. and, Among whom you.
As lights. In the world. You shine your light in the world.
The shine, your light info.
We are going to do something nice today. But first, what I want to do is since I am not tied down to do activities for those with one line is all the banging.
scripture often uses life and
every single people of God, and Especially. The manner in which Believers are able and required. To reflect the glory of God. I am a dark world of car, you staying with me? So that's what, that's what that's what I want to teach.
Super often uses light as a symbol of the people of God, and especially the manner. Are y'all staying busy? In the manner in which Believers are fable and required to reflect the glory of God in a dark world.
The people of God.
The people of God are called to live in his life.
that's, You can find this.
More than two places, but I only have two right here in the Mississippian.
Chapter 5. Verses 18 through 40. I would encourage you to just skip up, reverse skip up, a few verses to start at the beginning of the amazing. It's, it's all about like, okay. And then 1st John 1:7, okay. So, I just wanted to thank you all. For just listening because really, that is what we really need to. This is really what we need to hear. Got that, we are the light of the world. If we need to spread the good news and what is the good news? What is the good news that Jesus lived? He died. He was buried and that he that he was raised to life. That's the good news. Okay, that is the good news of Jesus. Okay. so let us let us pray our father, that you will continue to do right now because
The god of the empire.
And we thank you right now because you exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to his riches and Glory. it was great you right now and we save right now movie and movable breaks the unbreakable because
Call me when you leave voice right now. It wasn't just a song. It wasn't. Just something that was written on the paper. We really believe it right now that you can move, the bricks, the unbreakable God we believe right now.
God, we believe that you can do it.
from, we believe that from The Impossible, you will see a miracle out of Because we believe it. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you. Lord, God. We thank you, Lord, God, for what you going to do and what you have been doing in and through our lives. And we praise you, and we right now, pray that as we leave. This place will never leave you. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. See you all.