A Different Kind of King
A Different Kind of King
Text: Luke 19:29-44
Quote: An increase in speculative knowledge in divinity is not what is so much needed by our people as something else. Men may abound in this sort of light and have no heart ... Our people do not so much need to have their heads turned as to have their hearts touched. --Jonathan Edwards in Religious Affections.
1) The Coming King
a) He cames to us
- When we couldn’t come to him
- To make us like Him
Quote: He became what we are that He might make us what He is. -- Saint Athanasius,
b) Meek and lowly
- Contrast Queen of Sheba and Solomon
c) Prepare the way
- Make ready your hearts
2) The Conquering King
a) The territory of the heart
Illust. The widest thing in the universe is not space; it is the potential capacity of the human heart. Being made in the image of God, it is capable of almost unlimited extension in all directions. And one of the world's greatest tragedies is that we allow our hearts to shrink until there is room in them for little besides ourselves.
A.W. Tozer in The Root of the Righteous. Christianity Today, Vol. 34, no.
Illust: I saw a Peanuts cartoon with Lucy saying to Charlie Brown, "I hate everything. I hate everybody. I hate the whole wide world!" Charlie says, "But I thought you had inner peace." Lucy replies, "I do have inner peace. But I still have outer obnoxiousness"
b) A mighty deliverer *
- The Jews were looking for someone to deliver them from the Romans.
- Delivers from sin
- If we look for any other kind of Deliverance, we are looking in vain. (with blinded eyes)
c) A different kind of peace
Quote: Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God. -- J. Oswald Sanders. Today's Christian Woman, "Heart to Heart."
3) The Crying King
a) For hidden eyes
b) What could have been
- Christ can see the possibilitiies. . . . becoming impossible
c) What will be *
- Man’s destruction because they were looking for the wrong kind of king.
- A final goodbye.
What kind of king have you been looking for?
Is Christ king of your heart?
Has he come to you personally?
If you have been looking for the wrong kind of king, for the wrong kind of reasons, You will be one of the ones left behind.
One of the ones Christ weeps over.
If you let Christ rule now, You can sing a true hosanna when He comes.
Christ will triumph,. But that triumph will not be yours unless you allow him to first enter triumphant into your own heart.