5/15/22- Other People

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Good morning shirt. I have a few preacher announcements, few preacher announcements because you always look at the table and listen to the things that you're told. Let me remind you gentlemen. There's the schedule out on the table for where you are serving, pick it up, put it on your table, put it on your fridge, make copies of it. If you can't keep this one piece of paper. All right, if you need a replacement find your own replacement and then tell Jack replacement is in the ladies at the bulletin only send it to the email, right? Mr. LG don't text her about it. You send it to the church email. If you don't know how to do that. You let me know and I'll tell you about it. Also, we have our reading that we're doing together as a church. The schedule is out there. I encourage you doesn't matter if you haven't been reading at all. You want to jump in with where we're at? It's good for our Bible class, which I pray that you were also. Coming is my last admonition. We have a number of people that have been coming. Don't be embarrassed. If you haven't been coming, please, come it's good. Bible study to learn to put in your life to learn God's word. To be God's people.

Aaron's, the preachers announcements.

The problem with other people, we've been over these last couple weeks and we're coming to the end of our series. Talkin about a simple church is filled with real people with real issues. And you know, what? A lot of the real issues are other people, you know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? The problem oftentimes is other people, but there's a problem with that which we're going to look at this morning. Remember one of our main passages that I've talked about each week for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus. For good works with John for paired beforehand that we should walk in them. The purpose of this series was to remind us a number of these places that you and I need to be walking in being who God calls us to be talked about self righteousness. We've talked about Pride last week. Of course, we talked about mothers, this special beings that they are church. We have issues. All of you. Me to the front to the back. Let's not pretend to be something that we're not life. Is hard, family is hard. Marriage is hard. Kids are hard yesterday at our amazing Retreat that we had if you missed it and put it on your calendars for next year, should be in the fall days. Coming soon. Yesterday was about 3 in the afternoon and all the kids started to lose their minds. They just took turns screaming their heads off. It was first. I don't know. Maybe it was Matt's kids first and then it was our kids and then it was the Jetter kids is just all the kids begin to take their turns as you would say. Watch a movie right? Eliana losing their biscuits just and that was difficult. Wasn't it? All the parents? Like, all right, is 6 time for bed. Everybody's going to bed right now bedtime for everyone life. Is that way, so it's messy and I pray. Our Series has talked about some of those things to help us realize the way that we need to walk. Keep it real. Keep it simple. I don't know if you know this, but it is always someone else's fault. It is always someone else's fault. That's how we get out of stuff. You can blame other people. There's an issue with that statement. We're going to look at that this morning. We talked about it's always someone else's fault. Our brother prayed about it, been prayed about it in our prayer this morning and we opened up the series talking about accountability, but that sermon didn't come out the way that I had wanted a. I said believe it need to be more pointed. So this is that section if you would when we blame other people, we tell our kids from a young age will Dad, this is what happened. And so did that true, but you're my kid, you're not going to do that. Well, so I remember seeing it when I was younger, but everybody got a bad grade. Yeah, but you got a bad grade and that's what we're talkin about. It's always someone else's fault. We don't we don't accept that from our children. Do we don't accept that from our children. But why do we often? As we grow up when it comes to our spiritual lives, when it comes to sin in our lives or shortcomings or immaturity that we may have. So often blame other people. You said? No, that doesn't. That isn't the case. I would say you are wrong. Genesis chapter 3. It's been like this since the beginning and they heard the sound of the Lord. God Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God. Among the Trees of the garden but the Lord God Called To The Man and said to him. Where are you? And he said I heard the sound of you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hit myself and he said who told you there. Do you know, this is what you say who told you that? How did you get here? Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, which I commanded you not to eat. And the man said you're right. God my

No, man, don't do that. Do they ladies at the sermon for a different day? Maybe that is just turning the man said, the woman whom you gave me, which I find the audacity of those words mind-boggling, the woman whom you gave to be with me. She gave me the fruit of the tree and I ate then the Lord God said to the woman, man to woman. What is this? Since you have done in the woman said, the serpent deceived me and I ate The Lord God said to the serpent man woman. Surfing notice it because you have done this. Accursed. Are you above all, livestock and above all Beasts of the field on your belly? You shall go and dust. You shall eat all the days of your life. Once you noticed earlier. They're just for a moment. The Lord God said to the serpent. Notice the words again. I will put enmity between you and the woman in between your Offspring and her Offspring. He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel and Kay got the serpent to the woman. He said, I will surely multiply your pain and childbearing and pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.

and to Adam, he said, We started off Adam woman. Serpent then what is he say? Serpent woman Adam and to Adam, he said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree which I have commanded you, you shall not eat of it. Cursed is the ground because of you and pain. You shall eat of it all the days of your life thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you. She'll eat the plants in the field. By the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread. So you returned to the ground for out of that. You were taking for. You are dust and to dust you shall return. In the very beginning of your Bible. We said that we all know sin is introduced to the world. What's the first thing that man does blames God? And the woman? What is the woman who blames the serpent in the Serpent's just there, but then what did God do? He said serpent? You have your part to play consequence woman, you've played your part consequence, man. You played your part consequence. We blame other people.

Both in our relationship to God. You will stand before him in judgement for the part that you played.

Notice some points you this morning. Number one? Other people are not a justification for sin. So I make your choice in my life to be disobedient or to be unrighteous or James 4:17. He who knows to do good and does not do it to him and his sin. Why? I know what this person will do with the money. I give them support. Love or compassion. I give them. They're just going to go out and send. People are not a justification for your sin against God. The man says, well, the woman you gave me. the woman says, well of the serpent said, each one of them had to beer consequences for the part that they played. Other people are not a justification to our sin, but isn't that what we do church? We said he deserved it. He deserve that Ville the way that they are living Day dessert for me to act. This way is a justification. Not only, is it a justification and I skipped one. Sorry, other people are not an excuse for sin. This is what we do with other people. Say, the people are the problem. Other people are the problem. My marriage is struggling is because of my spouse. My spouse doesn't love me. The way that I need air. Do I treat him or heard this way? My family does this to me, I make this excuse for my behavior. My actions, my words. You tell the kids. I tell them this when I'm interacting, if something comes up and it usually happens at Camp when we were living in a certain way. I said, well, he made me angry. No. No, he did something. And in you made, you angry, you allowed this to come in and impact you, in effect. You there's no choice and accountability in there. So what we all sin do with sin and our spiritual lives and I want you to think, only about you what's in, are you excusing in your life? Because of other people, maybe you're tired and weary of a things that have been going on and happening for years. And you say, well, because it's this way, this is why I am that way, which makes it okay. Justification. That's not how it works. That's not how it's going to work, which will look at in the moment. The first other people are not an excuse, for SIN number to which is actually the one that I started. Cuz I took too many times. Other people are not a justification for sin, which brings me to my third Point here, briefly this morning. Other people are not a reason for sin. You said those words are all interconnected be yes, for sure. They are connected, excuse to vacations and reasons. Are the things that you and I do for the sin and our lives. Instead of going to go to fixing them. I make excuses. I give justification. I give reasons as to why I believe it's okay for me to be like this. Well, oftentimes condemning other people for the same things. Judge, not that ye be not judged. With what measure you use, shall be measured against you. I want you to think in your life. This morning, been talking about accountability. Where are you at in your spiritual walk? Why are you there? Well, my home life's not good. That might be a reality. Well, my marriage is struggling. Also might be a reality but does not become a reason excuse or justification for our sin before. God.

He said to the man he said to the woman. He said to the serpent.

Why aren't you reading your Bible Church? Why don't be reading our but some of us are doing the Bible reading. Well, you see I just don't have time cuz of some other person, it's the kids fault. Usually I'm too busy with the kids. Can't read my Bible. You hear it in their you hear the service points in there? You hear it? Well, I don't have time to do this because of because of excuse justification and reason, but sin has consequences. It always has and it always will for the wages of sin is death. And if we can say, we talked about this in Bible class with you, haven't been here for Bible class. I'm telling you, you're missing some good stuff. The preacher always says that I'm count on you, other people who been in Bible class to tell Dad as well. We looked at the passage that talks about sinning. Deliberately Hebrews chapter 10 that they're no longer remains a sacrifice for sin. When I know to do good and I do not do it to him. It is send James says, and if I continually choose not to do good, or to love the way that we need to be loved for other people, husband, and wife or children.

The weight of sin is death, the consequence of it. Please do not excuse it in your life because of other people. Please do not justify it away. Please, do not just right off the reasons.

Please other people are not your savior. Other people are not your standard while they're doing it. We don't accept that from our kids. Certainly we shouldn't expect that accept that from spiritually, mature adults, other people are not your solution. We take other people and we put them in this place. Do not give them the power. Or position in your spiritual walk. Why why does this matter so much? Let me show you 2nd. Corinthians 5:10 Paul tells the church at Corinth. For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ. Why? So that each one notice the words? May receive what is due for what he has done in the body. Was there, good or evil Church of Corinth? Relates directly to Genesis chapter 3, he said to the man. He said to the woman, he said to the serpent, the excuse, the justification, in the reason did not change the consequence. A simple lesson we frequently tell our children. But because we're older and wiser and no better. That makes it different. Not just 2nd Corinthians 5:10. What about this passage? Why is it so important one? Because we will stand before the Judgment seat of God for the way that you have live. But whatever you do work heartily as for the Lord and not for men. Why policy race to the church and colossal knowing that from the Lord you'll receive the inheritance as your reward. I serve God and not man. To my standard my salvation. My solution does not come from other people broken, but it comes from God, the creator of the world who threw his son, save the world. You are serving the lord Christ for the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong. He has done. And there is no partiality. He said to the serpent. Did the woman? To the man. But Mike's pizza's are better than your excuses. Did you know that? My justifications are better because I thought I'd buy thoughts through mine are better than yours. My reasons for my sin and struggles are way better than yours. We would all say if we were honest in our hearts, but for me, it's different. God.

What is it? How often we don't give Grace to other people in the same way, but for me, I give all the grace. For me and the struggles that I have the same book, but God is gracious. But should I continue in sin that Grace May abound? Roman chapter 6 God forbidden. Maybe the most powerful example I have for you this morning comes from the end of your new testament as the as John. Write these letters from Jesus Christ of these churches, know what he says to the Church of Sardis and the angel of the Church of Sardis rights. And the words of him who has the seven spirits of God, and the Seven Stars. I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.

That was tough to swallow. He writes to a church whose lampstand is going to be removed because of the authority of Jesus Christ. If they don't repent. You have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up and strengthen what remains and is about to die for. I have not found your Works. Complete in the sight of God. He goes farther. Remember then what you received and heard and keep it. Jesus says hear these words of mine and do them. That's for other people know, the wise man built his house on the rock. Why? Because you heard these words and did them. The foolish one built his own the sand and when everything came the struggle of Life came and washed it all away cuz it wasn't built on the Rock. People want to know why? Their face is struggling. Why their spiritual walks are not what they're supposed to be there. Not satisfy their not content and who they are before God. Why, because we constantly make excuses for the things that we struggle with. We write it off. We justify it. We give reasons for why? It's okay. Well, he did that. So why did this we don't accept that in our children? Well, he hit me first. So I hit him back and what land is that acceptable? Those are exactly the reasons that we gave for our spiritual struggles. Will he treated me poorly? So I gave it right back to you tenfold. Good job, you did exactly what you're supposed to do. If you were a worldly person. But we serve a god Colossians chapter 3, your made for good works prepared beforehand. You're supposed to be different from the world. I'm supposed to be different. But knows what he says here. Keep going in Revelation. Keep it and repent, if you will not wake up. Church, if we always make excuses and justifications for sin, we will not grow. We will not wake up, and judgment is coming. I will come like a thief and you will not know at what hour I come against you. Do you hear the words of the last book of your Bible? But there's a powerful Point here. Yet you still have a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments and they will walk with me and white for they are worthy.

What's the application that we make from Revelation chapter 3, verse 3, and verse for? No matter how everyone else is walking. I can walk worthy of the calling that I have from God. Amen. Well, the church is really struggling. Yeah, but where are you walk in whites? There are a few names. Even though the church was dead. They had a reputation of being alive, but the church was dead. There are a few names.

A few names who have not soiled their garments. Have not and they will walk with me and white for they are worthy. The one who conquers will be closed dust in, white garments and I will never blot out his name of the book of life.

Are you surrounded by a church? That was dead? Only alive in name. Probably one of the biggest justifications or excuses. You hear for lack of spiritual maturity. Well, the church that I'm with is the family that I'm a part of his. To whom much is given. Much is required.

He said, I will confess his name before my father in before his angels. He Who has an ear. Let him hear what the spirit says, to the churches, pull that applies there to start us and it applies to us as well. We make excuses for our sin. But for what you are doing in the body for what God has given, you is your responsibility and the same way, it is mine. So, you walked in a manner in which he has called you, you don't have to walk the way that I'm walking, but you have to walk the way of the Son of God. The one who is loves you and gave himself for you. But what if everybody is dead, and I'm basically better than most of the people around me. So, there are go, I'm good. No, that's not the work for other people are not your standard. They're not your solution and they're not your savior. They're not your salvation.

Church, tell me that's not applicable. If you did, if you bleed that in your heart, please see me after the service come to my office, cuz we're have a long conversation about life.

I don't know how sin works in your life, but I often make excuses for my own often. Justify my own often give reasons for why, it's okay.

You're saying your your walk today? Where are you struggling at? Why are you struggling there? Have you just given that up to be? Okay?

Can I ask you a few questions as we close this morning? What are you really giving. He gave his son for you, but right now today, what are you really giving him?

We say why come to church on Sunday, please let that not be the only answer that you have to that question. God gives you breath. He gives you life. He gives you this world in which he created through his son. John chapter one. Not just that gave his son to be murdered on the cross. And we're going to tell him Sunday morning service is what I give to God.

Let it not be said. Do you think about this sermon? I pray, that it finds good soil, as Jesus preaches. The parable of the sower. If you would hear God's word and do them, cuz I preach this to you this way this morning that when you get to heaven, you cannot blame this preacher.

You can't say what the preacher never told me. I couldn't make excuses. I mean God's word for me pretty please. Show me. Read it for yourself, but I need you to know from this place right now. You will be judged for what you have done in the body. Good or bad in 5:10. God has made you to be in. Good works beforehand. You have to choose to walk in them. I cannot do that for you. I can beg you to come to bible class cuz I see the power of it. But if you choose not this day to serve God, that's not my fault. Have you choose Monday through Saturday to live? However you want and then come to church on Sunday for 35 minutes. That's not my fault. I pray to God for my own sake that I quit excusing and justifying and reasoning away. My own sin because of other people, cuz they won't be there when I stand before my beautiful persecuted murdered savior.

It will only be me. Won't be my wife. Moby, the elders. Won't be any of you.

And I say, Thomas, I gave you these talents.

What did you do with them? I'll say well, the church, never listen to what I said. It was their fault.

Well, my wife never her fault.

What I know to be true is none of those things will be said on judgment as Isaiah realizes. The power of the presence of God, he falls down and says I'm a man of unclean lips when judgment comes reality will set in. Quit lying to yourself. Quit lying to others. God knows the hearts and minds of man. We cannot hide from the presence of the Lord. No excuses. No justifications. the problem with other people is that they're not the answer, the problem is

I'm just not being honest with myself. Nor the words of God. We offered this sermon to you this morning. To realize the power of Genesis chapter 3. He spoke to the man. He spoke to the woman. He spoke to the serpent.

Y'all eat from the Tree of Life. The Serpent, you had your part to play consequence. Consequence, consequence. Do you love God with all of your heart mind soul and strength? Mark chapter 12. Jesus says is the greatest command. Do you love your neighbor? The second is like it. If not, why not? But I strive to be honest this morning. There's anything that we can do for you. Would you come forward as you standing As we sing?

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