I Need a New Normal (3)

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give all glory and honor to God,
acknowledge the angel of this House, Dr. Roy Edwards, other preachers of the gospel
it’s an honor to stand in the pulpit of . . . .
real pastor, come to Ekkelsia
recognize church
asst. pastor
son, wife
Mark 2:21–22 NLT
21 “Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. 22 “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.”
Jesus is following up his explanation of why his disciples do things differently than other disciples. Long story short, Jesus is doing a new thing
Mark 2:21 NLT
21 “Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before.
Here, Jesus is pointing out that yes, my way of doing things is new, different
the authority that I teach with is new to you
the miracles I perform are new, they make you say, “What manner of man is this” . .
it’s not the same old normal
I don’t represent the same old clothes with just a new patch added on, I represent a new thing
cause I’m not just another prophet in a long line of prophets,
I am Immanuel, God with us
I was born of a virgin
I am the one that Isaiah called, Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
I am the long awaited king
I am the way, the truth, and the life . . . my coming is a big deal, and it calls for more than a patch on the old normal, this is a new normal
we can understand that . . . when an event is Big, special, once in a lifetime, we get new clothes
weddings, proms
a young lady is not going to the prom in what she wore Tuesday at school, and just try to patch it up with a corsage
no, when you are stepping into something big, something important, you get a whole new outfit, you don’t try to patch up some old stuff
and everyone understands the assignment, and everybody comes so dressed up that classmates can barely recognize each other, “Wow, that’s so and so!”
what are you saying preacher?
Whenever you go with Jesus, follow him, go to the next level with him, that’s a big thing, that’s a big event, and you can’t just patch up some old stuff . . . it’s going to take a new normal
maybe even change so much that your friends and family will have a hard time recognizing you
let me use myself as an example, God told me 21 days ago,
Dimitri, “I am already here, present and available”
you’ve heard my voice calling out to you to move to the next level
I’m ready to move in your life like never before
I’m ready to manifest myself in your family like never before
I’m present, available, and ready to move in the church like never before
but there is a problem, you are trying to follow me to the next level by just patching up your current life, just patching up your family, just patching up the church . . . trying to put new patches on old clothes
patches . . . in other words, just minor adjustments, and no major changes
trying to keep the same old, same old
not wanting to rock the boat
not wanting to change your comfortable routine
not wanting to use more faith
not wanting to dedicate more time
not wanted to be exposed to new t hings and new people
trying to fix up, sew up, tape up, and patch up . . . adjust the hem, iron out a few wrinkles here and there in your life, in your family, in your church
but if you want to the next level, if you want to go higher, continue to fulfill the reason why you were born, you must be willing to put the patches away and get a whole new life wardrobe
if you want to go to the spiritual prom, you need a new outfit
not actual clothes, but major life changes, big adjustments
To help make it real, let me model some of my new clothes meant. These life changes were revealed by thought, through people, and by circumstance
God said you love to be private, just to yourself, work, church, and get home . . . but you need some new clothes
you have to engage the community, be out and about
I have reactivated my membership in my fraternity (about a year ago, but now I see why)
I have been reaching out and meeting with pastors
meeting with leaders of other Christian ministries, community leaders . . . new clothes
God said you pray consistently as you go throughout the day, but you need a focused prayer time every day, and you need to stick with it
so I get up 45 minutes earlier than NORMAL, sing, read scripture, and pray, got my prayer app back on point
Then, I just started a set time prayer time with the Family at night time
God said your health has to improve drastically
since Dad got sick, probably gained 30 pounds, all my resolutions to do better averaged 2 days at most
but inspired by this revelation, I’ve maintained this new plan for 3 weeks, 14.6 pounds lost
God made me take more classes at seminary, my schedule is busy, I was proud for taking one class, I finally took two classes, Sis. Tonia connected me with a scholarship, but now I must take 3 classes . . . new clothes!
God said that you have to re-organize the church, the “I’ve Got next” program was a patch, “I got now” is a wardrobe change
Lord, we have some talented people, but I was shaky about their lack of experience in church leadership . . . “Have faith and go for the full wardrobe change”
I tell ya, that’s just some of the changes, I’ve put the patches away! Wholesale changes
I’ve had to buy a new calendar app to help me keep up with my new life
Why is complete change necessary? Jesus said you can’t use patches because it will result in “leaving a bigger tear than before”
in other words, change is needed because there is a tear
in other words, the old way is already insufficient
the old way used to work, it was good at the time, it was good for a time, but its season has passed and you can’t patch it up
and let’s look at why do we have tears in garments
some garments have simply been worn down over time, you’ve had them so long . . .
we have had some of our lifestyles/mindsets so long, they’re worn down
we are wearing these shirts . . . but some of us still have middle school, HS, and college mentalities, attitudes, and habits . . it’s time for change
then some garments get tears because we outgrow them, they’re busting at the seams
some of you have grown, but are trying to fit your growth in an old lifestyle . . . thus a tear
and when there is a hole, a tear, it doesn’t cover everything anymore
maybe your Bible knowledge is decent, but it doesn’t cover what you need right now, it won’t get you over the obstacle that’s blocking your blessing
maybe you have a dear friend, but have outgrown them . . . you all are so different now that there is already a tear in your relationship, all you really have in common is shared memories
and that friendship doesn’t cover what you need at this point in your life
you will always love them, help them in time of need, but it’s time for some new friends
maybe you’ve been a good husband, wife, father, mother, sister, brother, friend, but your old way of helping your loved one, doesn’t cover what’s needed right now, because what your loved one is facing now is calling for a whole new level of sacrifice and support
and just trying to patch up those tears won’t work . . .Jesus said eventually the patch will come off and make the hole bigger, the situation will be worse
you need a new garment
Then Jesus breaks it down further in verse 22
Mark 2:22 NLT
22 “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.”
Skins of animals were used in those times for containing liquids; and new wineskins were still elastic and could stretch to handle the process of fermentation. But old wineskins were hardened and no longer elastic, and thus the fermentation from new wine would burst them, resulting in the loss of both the wine and the wineskins . . . that’s why new wine calls for new wineskins.
when speaking spiritually, wine always represents the Spirit of God, and along with God’s spirit comes God’s presence, power, fruitfulness, and blessings
Again talking to Christians, if you want more of the presence of God in your life, if you want to experience more power in your life, more fruitfulness, if you want all of the blessings that God has for you . . . then Jesus says there needs to be some newness . . . because no one puts new wine into old wineskins.
God will not pour more of himself in to you, and thus more power, fruitfulness, blessings, spiritual understanding if you are not willing to change out of the old wineskin/lifestyle
In other words, the new things that God wants to do for you . . . cannot be contained in your old lifestyle
what God wants to do with you, through you, and for you is bigger than your current lifestyle
cause your old ways are set and cannot be stretched to handle a new move of God in your life
Thus God can’t pour newness into you, because it would only make a mess
it’s possible that some of you who want a good Christian man/woman, but you cannot handle a good Christian man/woman in your present way of living
the change, the stretch would be too great . . . and you would break, mess up your life and theirs
let me break this one down, if you truly got a good man/woman (Christian)
they would irritate you about we need to go to church/Bible study
that would give money by faith, and you would call them crazy
they would tell you to forgive that relative who did you wrong, instead of trying to help you get them back
They would say, “let’s wait til marriage”, and you would say, “I got needs”
the whole situation would just be a mess. cause the old lifestyle is ready for new wine!
some of you want some more money, but you cannot handle more money
the change, the stretch would be too great . . . and your finances would break, end up in bigger debt
you cant keep up with a $500 check, so if God blessed you with 10 million,in 5 years you would OWE 20 million . . . a mess
God says, I’ll just leave you at your current income
some want to go to college, but the road always seems blocked, that’s because your present study habits can’t handle college
you would go there and flunk out, money on tuition and books wasted . . . a mess
some want to start a business, but you barely work on your present job, you can’t stay at one job longer than a couple of weeks, and give a half effort when you do, don’t want to put up with anything . . . you can’t handle the new wine of owning a business . . . that’s more work than ever before, that’s putting up with more than ever before
your employees end up not getting paid, people suing you . . . a mess
if you want the new wine, it’s going to call for a new you, a new normal!
And this is resonating with some of you, and you want to make those major changes, but don’t think you can . . . let me encourage you
cause I get it, the old way is comfortable, known, feels safe
even if you don’t really like your existing normal, at least you know it
you don’t like it . . .but you are used to it
have learned to adjust to it
have learned to ignore the future negative ramifications
John 8:32 NASB95
32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
let me share some truths

Your old normal ain’t normal

Jesus is saying, I determine what is normal, I will decide when my disciples will fast
we must remember that God determines what is normal . . . not society
Much of what we think/consider/feel is normal is not normal according to God
many of us are living with a fake normal
Proverbs 14:12 NLT
12 There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.
fake nomral
Example: “I’m young, and at my age, is normal to be being lost, confused, undisciplined, and unfocused and rebellious
normal for society, but not normal according to Goda
God said that if you seek, you will find
if you ask for wisdom, he gives it liberally
Ecclesiastes says, “Remeber now thy Creator in the days of they youth”
let me share another truth

Your old normal seems good, but is actually bad

if you take a little time to analyze your normal, you will see that it actually feels bad
For example, I’m working on a new normal of what it means to be full when I eat
my old normal, is when you feel stuffed, then you are full
when you say “whew!” then it’s time to stop eating . . . and we rejoice cause we ate good
but when I took a good look at it, I realized that every time I finished eating like that, I felt bad
bloated, need to lay down, a sickly feeling, wouldn’t feel like moving until hours later
. . . that normal seemed good, but was actually bad
that’s just like the Pharisees and their disciples: well respected by, seem like good people, but Jesus said that the were just like graveyards, look nice on the outside, but in reality full of dead bones
are you in a dead normal that seems good, looks good, but is actually bad?
some of you stay in bad relationships, because you think that feeling insecure, angry, and unappreciated is normal . . . but if you pause and step back, you will see that felt better when you were by yourself
another truth . . .

Your normal is good, but could be much, much better

This is represented by John the Baptist and his disciples
he was a true and mighty prophet, and it was good to be following such a prophet
but admitted himself that Jesus was the Lamb of God, he admitted that he was not even worthy to tie Jesus shoes
Some of John the Baptist disciples got the message and left and followed Jesus, but others stayed with John
John was known for a diet of locust and wild honey (grasshoppers and honey)
what you think his disciples ate?
on top of that they had to fast
they could have been with Jesus!
eating better food, earlier in this chapter, they just had a banquet
don’t have to fast and go without feed
better teaching
seeing more miracles
following, Jesus the Christ, son of the living God!
and just like them, our normal is good, but can be much, much better
one more truth

A New Normal really is possible

we often know what to do, know what needs to be changed . . . but it seems impossible
That’s what some people say about your lifestyle . . .
some people say graduating from high school is impossible
but those who have graduated would say, no . . . study and do your work
some people saying graduating from college is impossible
no . . . study and do your work
some people think they couldn’t do your job, the work is too hard . . .”child, I can’t do that”
no, you can do it . . . . just keep working even when you’re tired
God said tell them that it is not impossible, that’s a lie from the devil . . . a new normal just requires a different mindset (different wineskin)
some of you don’t need any shot of miraculous will power, you just need a new mindset
Romans 12:2 NLT
2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
and what transformed my mind (we talked a little about this Wednesday)was the vision of what God would do with me, through me, and for me
and what God would do with my family, and through my family, and for my family
and what God would do with the church, and through the church, and for the church
it wasn’t will power, but mind transforming power!
the truth is, IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE, other people are already doing what you say are impossible
and they’re not more special than you . . . they just have a different mindset


let me give some application examples, because this is not a feel good sermon but an application sermon
and let me clarify, this is not
a self improvement word
i have to become worthy, so God will bless me
this is a put yourself into position to be blessed, used, to fulfill your calling in Christ Jesus
God will do the work, provide the power, open the door, make a way, move the mountains
but you have to be willing to say yes to a new normal
So let me make it plan
it could be some things that you need to give up
sermon from last week: humble yourself, pray, seek God’s face, turn from wicked ways . .
could be a bad habit, end some friendships, break up with someone
it could be somethings that you need to take on
get a new circle of friends, start a new career
working harder, working smarter
going back to school, eating healthier
pray more, get in the Word more, get more active in church
better prayer life
most likely a combination of things that you need to give up and things that you need to take on . . . and that’s going to feel like a whole new lifestyle/new nomral
Rev. Michelle just posted on our FB page, “You can’t fulfill your calling in your comfort zone”
if you want new fruit, you must plant new seeds

The Choices

keep old clothes - ignore the tears
keep trying to patch your life up - doesn’t help the situation, end up with a bigger tear
try to pout the new wine in the old - things end up a mess
or get a new wine skin, a new normal, and let God pour something new into you
This sermon a personal invitation from God to you: He is inviting you to move up to another level of life.
and he is not asking you to do anything, he hasn’t done

Jesus did it

it’s summed up in this scripture
Philippians 2:5–11 NLT
5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. 6 Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. 7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, 8 he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. 9 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Jesus took on a new normal
Jesus gave stuff up: divine privileges and glory
Jesus took stuff on: position of a slave, human form, even took on the cross
and when Jesus took on a new normal, though he suffered a while, he ended up in the highest place of honor
a name above all other names
cause at his name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
and he will sit upon the throne forever!
and he did it all for me, cause my old normal was being a man lost in sin, on my way to hell
but Jesus took on a new normal, so that I could have a new normal
saved - new normal
sanctified - new normal
full of the Holy Ghost - new normal
fire in my soul
joy unspeakable
on my way to glory
where i have a new home
where i have a crown
no more sickness
no more death
no no more sorrow or crying
Jesus set the example for us, some things can change, if you’re willing to accept the call to a new normal


this is not new language
there is always a big change in following Jesus, and the first step is accepting him as Lord and Savior
this is not new language,
Jesus said, “you must be born again”
2 Corinthians 5:17 NASB95
17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
if you are not a Christian, you need to get the first step of newness, by accepting Christ
I have my normal way of doing things, and it can be difficult to change
it took me a while to get used to buying things from Amazon
it just didn’t seem right, seemed to good to be true
but once I got a taste of it, and got used to the system, it took my shopping to the next level
it always seemed like too much trouble, going on line, setting up an account, user name and password, verifying the email address, inputting your address, nervous about submitting my card info, not being able to touch the actual product . . . just too much change, too new
but once I saw that it would take my shopping experience the next level . . .
get pretty much anything, while sitting on my couch
saving time, money, and gas
don’t have to drive somewhere and hope that something is in stock
compare prices, same day, or next day delivery
I am so glad that I have new normal in shopping now

intro 2

it is spring and summer is around the corner, and there is a normal way we do things around my house during this time of year
my wife will call on me, and I do a pretty good job responding, “Yes, sweetie?”
that is normal for this time of year, that’s how we operate
but around the end of August, as we approach the fall, the normal way of doing things in our home changes, we have a new normal, a new way of doing things
my wife calls it the, “Not now honey” season . . . I call it football season
and the normal way of getting my attention doesn’t work so well anymore
now she has to consider what day it is: Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and some Thursdays . . . . it’s going to be difficult
now, she has to get to the point quicker
we have a new normal during football season
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