Tres lecciones para la vida.
Sé agradecido.
Wherever it is found, the church offers fellowship, creates an atmosphere in which worship is possible and love is communicated. A never-to-be-forgotten experience of a few years ago was to worship in the Central Methodist Church in a city in Ghana, West Africa. It was a large congregation with perhaps a thousand souls in attendance. Insofar as I could tell, I was the only white person present. It was a long service. The last twenty minutes were in English, and I have always felt that portion was for my benefit.
Following worship, many members greeted me, and one invited me to his home for tea. Subsequently my new friend came to the hotel for three straight mornings to inquire of my welfare and to show me around the city. One day I made bold to ask, “You have been so kind to me. Why?”
Whereupon he said, “First of all I am a Christian, and in the next place we have a son studying medicine in London. He would not be there were it not for the support and encouragement of my white friends. The only possible way I can repay them is to be kind to someone else.”