Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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Life can bring us storms those moments, where we wander.
In our weakness.
He is strong in our fear.
He is pretty.
She is pissed.
Yes, storms are inevitable but our God.
He's invincible.
Well friends, welcome back.
As we are in a journey through 2nd Corinthians and title Invincible life in the storm.
Now, if I were to say to you, stay in the story, that is not a new phrase to you because it has become my life, Mantra to become my Ministry, Mantra.
It's become a sacred.
Reminder what I need to do every single day of my life, as a follower of Jesus Christ.
I have got to stay in the story that God is writing in my life and the lives of others as well.
It is certainly not a journey that is easy, quick or simple.
It's not for the thinnest skin nor for the faint of heart storms swirl around us all the time.
And so many different kinds of things that are challenging, discouraging, wearisome, and all.
So confusing.
This is what life brings our way to, in the midst of those storms.
We are seeking to somehow attached herself to an invincible story.
Who is the Invincible God, who is steady strong and sure as we journey through the seasons of life.
And today, I am taking you into.
Paul's stay in the story journey.
In fact, the entire relationship that Paul had with the Corinthian Community can only be described as a tenacious stay in the store relationship.
It was the most testy and unstable relationship that Paul had with any of the congregations that he worked.
Danny the midst of chapter 2 as we move into the section.
We're exploring in this series.
How is it that our own weakness?
Actually paradoxically becomes the foundation for the strength that we need as we journey through life.
And so this is our theme birth, that is captured a little bit later in the book.
God is talking to Paul.
He's reminding Park is Paula is complaining about his Thorn In the Flesh.
And we all have thorns in the flash things.
We struggle with things.
We wish to vaporize into the pier and got us.
Things up.
All my power Paul is made, perfect in weakness.
I eat your weakness, is that when you are weak.
That's when I am strongest.
Who is in charge and who is authorized to guide and lead into shape human life and history, but you also know with me.
Do you know that, as we journey through American culture, modern day, American culture, weakness has been.
Vilified, weakness has been shamed demonized, in our culture.
We would rather attach ourselves to things like Independence.
Autonomy, self-sufficiency privacy being in charge in control and Showing that I don't need anything or anybody.
Or I guess I can take that.
So I can make a few on this.
This is kind of the facade appearance of American culture in so many different ways.
We have got to change that story, because that story is not in the Bible.
That's just the opposite story of who, and what we need to affirm about ourselves in our relationship to God.
So that we can travel in on the right path and move our lives into the right turning.
We will never be a save vital loving and healing Community.
If we don't root and ground ourselves on the sense that our weakness is a place of great credibility and Authority in strength and transformation.
We need to move into the neighborhood of weakness.
I reminded you that whatever you do with your weakness is going to determine who you are and where you're going.
I'm either going to be, I'm going to hide it.
I am in need of God, that I am broken that.
I am that.
I need healing.
And that I have life issues that have come with me, and I just want to acknowledge that.
And boy, if you can pray with me and for me, and be patient with me, that would be a beautiful thing on the journey to becoming.
Who God has created me to be.
You're either going to be shamed by your weakness or you're going to learn to share, you're going to hide from it or you're going to Harold it as a foundation of community.
Now in my 32 years of ministry.
What I've experienced is is that facades create more facades and distance and and a sense of isolation in my own weakness.
And I've also been in recovery communities where I see where I've experienced personally that the unburdening of the heart of the opening of one's life, vulnerable and transparency, actually, lead to the sense of unbelievable acceptance.
And I'm so safe with you.
And, and I, and I everything that I am is before you and you still smile at me and you love me and you pray for me and you hug me.
And this is, this is the kind of community.
That God wants us to create in a healing family.
So in many ways, it's a difference between good grief and accessory.
That's where I want to take us today.
Good grief is actually very transforming and it's it's correcting and healing.
Excessive grief is this place of stuckness where we are.
Just stabilizing ourselves in the whole community and it's often predicated upon a lie, and that moment is no longer grief.
It's actually believing a false narrative in a story and speaking it over your life.
And so, keeping yourself in a place of stuck us and maybe keeping others there as well.
I do believe that hard.
Truth need to be a spoken in our communities of discipleship.
I mean, this is what Paul was doing with the Corinthians.
He was speaking hard screws to them, but he was doing it in the spirit of love and he was staying in a relationship and it was agonizing over his heart in his desire to be with them and to see them break through and out.
But forgiveness is always an essential part of speaking hard, true?
If it's needed for a fresh start to move our lives into the right direction.
Only victory in Christ Jesus.
As he speaks 7 verse 14 and not into being defeated and outwitting by the schemes of Satan.
And I will see that here in just a moment.
Godly sorrow starts a silver, and it starts this, right?
But despairing and spiraling into spare simply is an indication that someone has given up and resignation and attaching themselves to a defeated narrative and a false vision of their lives.
And they find themselves in agreement with Satan.
Who wants to kill steal and destroy instead of Agreement with God who calls the steps about the Delight of the father's card.
The apple of God's eye beloved chosen priesthood and a holy nation Huggy with the Holy ones.
And so this is the language that God wants us to use.
So I want to take you in a chapter at 2 today.
We're just going to kind of travel through and stopping and several sections to make some Reflections.
Let's listen for the word of the Lord.
Paul says, so I made up my mind that I would not make another painful visit to you for if I grieve you who is left to make me glad but you whom I have great.
So that doesn't work out too.
So I wrote as I did so that when I wanted to get the hard stuff out first so that when I came, I would not be distressed by those who should have made me Rejoice.
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