Got Christ
Got Christ?
Text: Colossians 3:1-11
Introduction: A familiar commercial - Got Milk? Got Christ? The proof is in the pudding. (Is the pudding good? Taste it and you will find out. The proof is in the tasting.) In the nation today, over 82% claim the title Christian. Can we believe them? Have they got Christ? The proof is in the pudding – In the flavor of their life.
I. Those Who Have Christ Enjoy A High Position.
A. An Elevated Heart
B. An Elevated mind
C. An Elevated Hope
II. Those Who Have Christ Adopt A Holy Practice.
A. Considering our actions
B. Considering the Judgment
C. Considering others
III. Those Who Have Christ Join A Heavenly Population.
A. One Image (His)
B. One Race (Human)
C. One Class (High)
Conclusion: Do you have Christ? If you do, the proof will be in the Pudding. Your life, though in the world, will operate from the exalted and heavenly sphere, Your actions will be characterized by a concern for holiness and you will have a heart of love for all God’s children whom he came to redeem. In short, If you have Christ within, the whole atmosphere and tenor of your life will be Christ like. It will carry the flavor of heaven itself, where you are seated with Him.