Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I don’t know if you have noticed the ones plastered all over the room and in the hallways and foyer.
Our series starting today is called One.
For the next three weeks we are going to look at how God has made us to be one body working together in community.
Even though we are individuals we come together to be unified as one.
So, what does that look like?
Before we begin, I want to read one verse to you from Ephesians.
Go to chapter 2 and I want to read to you verse 10.
I want to read this verse from the New Living Translation.
Everyone turn to your neighbor and tell them, “You are God’s Masterpiece.”
You are a masterpiece.
Here is how I know that.
God created you.
There have been a lot of masterpiece’s created in this world over the many years that the world has been in existence.
I did a search for the top 10 must see masterpiece’s in the world and this is what came up in this order.
Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.
It was completed in 1506.
The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.
It was completed in 1498.
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo which is a part of the ceiling on the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Museum.
It took him four years just to paint this part.
David by Michelangelo.
It was completed in 1504
Pieta by Michelangelo.
It was presented in Rome’s St. Peter’s Basilica in 1500 when Michelangelo was just 25 years old.
Guernica by Picasso.
It was completed in 1937.
The Scream by Edvard Munch.
It was completed in 1893.
Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh.
It was complete in 1889.
The Birth of Venus by Botticelli.
It was completed in 1487.
Venus De Milo.
It dates all the way back to between 100 and 130 B.C.
Each one of these took years to create.
And just like it takes time for all of these masterpiece’s to be created, it takes time for you to turn into all God wants you to be.
Sometimes it’s a hard and difficult process but God is working on you in ways you may not understand.
Danny Gokey sings a song called Masterpiece.
I want to show you a video of him telling the story of how he came up with the song.
VIDEO - The Story Behind His Song Masterpiece
Some of you may be thinking this morning.
I’m done, finished, I’m done my time.
But God isn’t finished with you yet.
God still has something special for you to do.
God still wants to use you in ways that you never thought of.
So don’t give up living your life.
We live in a country where they promote individualism.
There is nothing wrong with individualism except that individualism has drawn us farther and farther away from community.
It has taken us away from people, but God made us as a Masterpiece to have communion with each other and come together with one another to work together to fulfill the calling that He has placed on each of us.
We are His Masterpiece.
A masterpiece isn’t made to sit in a closet somewhere, it is made to be placed in a museum for everyone to enjoy.
You were not made to sit in a room somewhere away from everyone and hiding the talents that God gave you.
You were made to be put on display so that everyone can be blessed by your talents.
God made you special whether you think you are or not.
In order for you to be the masterpiece God has called you to be there are 2 things you need to do.
1. Live UP To Your Purpose
Last week I talked about going to another level.
If you weren’t here, go check it out on Youtube.
You need to use the gifts and talents that God has blessed you with.
You were given those gifts and talents for his purpose.
God sent His son Jesus to come to this world to die as a sacrifice for us.
And why did God do that?
So, that we could be living, breathing pictures of His grace and mercy.
We need to realize how great we are in Christ.
We need to realize that God wants more for us than we want for ourselves.
And not only does God want us to treat ourselves great, He also wants us to treat each other great.
2. Recognize the Value in Others
Go with me to Philippians 2. I want to read a few verses from this chapter, beginning at verse 3.
Paul tells us here how we should recognize the value in others.
Don’t Be Selfish
Sure we want to get ahead in this life, but not at the expence of others.
We should approach everything in humility.
We should see the value in everyone else.
But we need to also remember that being humble does not mean that we should put ourselves down.
It does not mean that we should tell everyone how bad we are at everything.
It does not mean that we should refuse to acknowledge any good in ourselves.
Humility is a healthy respect for who God is and what God did on our behalf.
Remember we are sinners saved only by God’s grace, but we are saved and therefore have great worth in God’s kingdom.
Put Others First
Everyone of us should not completely be absorbed in our own concerns and spiritual growth, but we need to also look at others.
We need to look at other peoples good points and qualities.
Jesus was always quick to point out the potential of others.
We can look at the stories of each of the disciples.
They were just fishermen, tax collectors and a bunch of rebels.
But Jesus looked past their flaws and saw who they could ultimately be.
I’m a very competitive person, but I’ve had to take a step back and realize that winning isn’t everything.
Sometimes I have to think of other people and find ways that I can help them to be all that God wants them to be.
Have the Mindset of Jesus Christ
The best example that we can follow is that of Jesus Christ.
All of us should adopt the same attitude that is found in Jesus Christ.
I want you to take a moment and think about Christ for just a second.
Think about all the stories that you have read about the type of person He is.
Think about how unselfish He was when He went to the cross to die for you.
Also, think about how He came back from the dead to give you hope.
Now, with those pictures in mind, can you imagine this?
Can imagine Jesus as a grump, so negative by midday that people cross the street to avoid eye contact.
Or can you imagine Jesus waking in the morning and making statements like, “What a dull day.
I’m sleeping in.”
Or can you imagine Jesus telling everyone how bad He was at everything.
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