Sermon Tone Analysis

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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Mark 16:19-20
An American Dictionary of the English Language (IMPLICATION)
An implying, or that which is implied, but not expressed; a tacit inference, or something fairly to be understood, though not expressed in words;
The act of ascending; a rising.
It is frequently applied to the visible elevation of our Savior to Heaven.
Intro: For the last 2 and one-half years, we have followed the Lord Jesus Christ.
We have followed Him through the days of His earthly ministry.
We have followed Him as He battled the religious leaders.
We have followed Him as He trained His men.
We have followed Him as He healed the sick, cast out devils and raised the dead.
We have followed Him as He performed many great miracles.
We have followed Him through the desert, across the sea, over the mountains and through the valleys.
We followed Him as He went to the cross to die for our sins.
We followed His body as He was carried to the tomb and sealed inside.
We followed His disciples as they ran to the tomb to investigate the rumors of His resurrection.
We followed Him as He went to His disciples and let them know that He was alive and well.
Today, we follow Jesus and His men to the top of the Mount of Olives.
Today, we will follow Him as far as we can for right now.
Today, we will witness His ascension back into Heaven and learn what it means for us right now.
Mark’s Gospel closes with Jesus going back to Heaven to be with His Father.
His ascension back into Heaven has implications that are far reaching.
His ascension has implications for Him and for all those who follow Him.
Today, I want to preach about The Implications Of The Ascension Of Jesus.
I want you to see The Implications For The Savior and The Implications For The Saints.
Mark skips over forty days in one statement.
He jumps all the way from day of the resurrection, past the day of Pentecost, all the way to the day Jesus ascended back into Heaven, Acts 1:9-11.
We might think that the ascension of Jesus back into Heaven is a minor event with little importance for us.
In truth, the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ back into Heaven is one of the most important components of our faith.
Let me share a few reasons why the ascension of Jesus into Heaven is so important.
· The Ascension Made The Lord’s Purposes Clear – While Jesus tarried with them, they still held to the hope of a temporal, earthly kingdom.
When He left and sent the Spirit of God, they were made to see that Jesus came to save sinners and not sit upon and earthly throne.
· The Ascension Made The Lord’s Presence Real – When the Lord Jesus ascended back to Heaven the door was opened for the Spirit of God to descend to the earth, John 16:7.
The coming of the Spirit made the spread of the Gospel possible and successful!
Not only could the Spirit be with and in all at the same time; but He could work through all the saints at the same time, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Jesus in John 14:12.
· The Ascension Made The Lord’s Plan Understandable– It became clear that God’s plan of salvation involves all three members of the Godhead.
The Father sent the Son.
The Son gave His life and shed His blood on the cross.
The Spirit was sent to take that message and apply it to the hearts of men, John 16:7-11.
· The Ascension Made The Lord’s Payment Complete– The work of the Son was not completely finished until the Son had ascended back to Heaven and sat down in glory, Heb.
The ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ is an important event.
When Jesus ascended into Heaven and took up His place at His Father’s right hand, He went there to continue His ministry on behalf of His people.
Notice with me a few truths concerning the place Jesus occupies in Heaven today.
A. He Is The Crucified One - When Jesus returned to Heaven, He returned bearing in His body the marks of the cross, John 20:27; Rev. 5:6; Zech.
He went back to Heaven as the crucified Lamb of God.
He returned having accomplished redemption on the cross for all who will believe in Him by faith.
He returned with His Own blood to present in Heaven as the perfect, eternal, once for all atonement for sin - Heb. 10:12-13; Heb.
Dr. Claude Barlow was a medical missionary to Shaohsing, China, in the early part of the twentieth century.
During his ministry there, a strange disease began killing people.
He couldn't find a remedy.
In search of a cure, he filled his notebook with observations of the peculiarities he had witnessed hundreds of cases.
Then, with a small vial of the germs, he sailed for the United States.
Just before he arrived, he injected himself with the deadly disease and hurried to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University Hospital.
He had become very sick and now depended on his former professors to find a cure.
They were able to save his life and send him back to China with a cure for this dreaded disease.
In the process, a multitude of lives was spared.
In the midst of our epidemic called sin, Jesus went to the cross and injected himself with our deadly disease.
He then committed himself to the Father's care and returned to Heaven with the cure.
Praise God! Death and Hell are no longer our destiny, if we are trusting in Jesus for salvation.)
B. He Is The Conquering One - Lest we feel bad for the pain that Jesus bore for us on the cross, let us not forget that three days after He died, He arose from the grave in absolute victory!
When He ascended back to Heaven, He ascended as a conquering general Who had invaded the territory of the enemy, ransacked his position, spoiled him and returned in victory to His Own city!
This is exactly what the Bible says He did, Col. 2:13-15.
Imagine the scene in Heaven; Jesus has forever conquered sin and Satan at the cross.
Then He ripped the bars out of death, hell and the grave in His resurrection.
Then He gathered up those believers who had been imprisoned in the heart of the earth since Adam, Eph.
4:8, and marched back into Heaven as a conquering general.
Imagine the rejoicing in Heaven as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords return in total triumph over all the enemies of God and God’s people!
He Is The Consoling One - When He returned to Heaven, He did not leave His people alone.
He sent His Spirit into the world to indwell, fill, guide and comfort the people of the Lord, John 16:7.
“Comforter” – “To be summoned, called to one's side, to give aid; one who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate; one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor; in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, aider, assistant.”
He sent the Holy Spirit, Who came bringing gifts for the people of God, Eph.
4:8; 1 Cor.
12. His gifts make our service to Him possible!
The transformation in Peter between the night he denied Jesus 3 times to the Day of Pentecost when he preached in the power of the Holy Spirit and 3,000 people were saved can be traced to the power of the Holy Spirit on his life.
D. He Is The Confessing One- One of the most vital ministries the Lord provides for us is His ministry of intercession.
According to the Bible, Jesus confesses us before the throne of God, Matt.
He is our Mediator, 1 Tim.
2:5, John 14:6.
He is our Advocate, 1 John 2:2.
He expresses our heart and our needs before the throne of grace, Rom.
8:34; Heb.
Thank God, there is always One praying for us!
Even when I am not on praying ground, He always is!
Because He perfectly fulfilled God’s plan of redemption, He sits in the presence of the Father as the guarantee of all the promises of the new covenant!
His very presence in Heaven IS our intercession!
He Is The Confirming One - His presence in Heaven is the guarantee of our presence in Heaven some day, Eph.
2:6! Why? Because, when we were saved, we were placed in Him, 1 Cor.
12:13 and He was placed within us, Col. 1:27.
His presence in us is God’s guarantee that He will finish His perfect work in us, Eph.
Our presence in Him means that even though we live on this earth tonight, as far as God is concerned, we are already home!
Jesus ascended back into Heaven as our “forerunner”, Heb.
The word “Forerunner” refers to “a scout, a trailblazer, one who charts the course others are to follow.”
Jesus is our “Forerunner”!
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