22nd May 2022 - Teaching Service - Dave Food - Giving more than - enough

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Giving more than  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  27:28
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We're in a series of giving more than exploring giving more. Know what to explore today, giving more than enough. Scripture says, God Will Supply everything we want.

Oolong needs. Thank you job. Well done. God will supply all needs.

Scripture that talks about pressed down and running over. So God is a god of generosity of more than enough.

So what are the things I did last week is Paul theme. Was the Oscars. How would you treat yourself? How would you treat yourself out to those people in the room? So I reached out to open 50. People said, how would you treat yourself? Yeah, there was a pools. Some people came back pretty quickly. I was very clear about how they treat themselves. Some interesting. You have to think about that one. Somebody else they do. Give me a bit more time. Call Simone says, I'm not going to share that light surrounding the service, but you know what? I think I told you 2 weeks ago that if we don't receive when somebody gives us something that we limit the opportunity of giving and I told you the story. I've been given the blank at the blanket and you got going to tell that story again, but kind of you. When do very good receivers?

You know what? I honestly believe it starts with us. Can we give to ourselves? Can we appreciate all cells? Do we feel okay about ourselves? Here's an interesting thing. One of the things that came out of I said, how could you treat yourself?

I don't know what kind of show you're watching and what kind of restaurant you were going to end the train fare into London over 5 lb.

How would you treat yourself as a friends? I'm go to him at midnight and say to him friends. Let me some bread. Some lugs for a friend of mine is come to me on these journey, and I have nothing to set before anybody ever been like that. You're so many pain and you think you know nothing to give any insight do not trouble me. The door is now shut. My children are with me in bed. I kind of rising give to you. I say to you that though. He will not rise and give to him because he is his friend yet because of his persistence. He will rise and keep him as many as he needs. So I say to you ask and it will be given seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you. So I say to you. Okay, so

sorry. Everything persistent ever kept on knocking. Ever kept on asking.

For those who have parents are Auntie's our uncles or grandparents. We ever had a child. Stay on mommy. Can I have an ice cream with that? He can. I have an ice cream.

You probably remember presents the right with the Christmas. By the child said, I really want this and then it's opened and put aside in 30 seconds. I need to wonder whether I really want you that.

Do you know when when when is child? When the person comes back again and again at 11 ice cream, ice cream? But you know what? When with persistence, persistence breakthrough encourages us to be persistent effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man, or woman. Avails much of it means position. Keep on asking. So why did this friend come down and eventually give some bright to that friends? because of positions, not because of friendship, but because of persistence, I'd like you to turn this into your world. You're sleeping upstairs and there's a fun. Cool or front door, bell. Ringing. And you think your invite Maybe you look out the window and I'm still not sure what that makes you have a need of something.

You must go away and come back in the morning, please, or what. Are you doing? Looking at this time of night? Yes, I kept on ringing. You eventually before we go down and see what's coming home. Because of that persistence. I think this last verse in Luke 11:9, so I say to you ask and it will be given to you. May. It will be given to you seek, and you will find knock and it will be opened to you.

I'd like to challenge each, one of us. Have you ever been looking for something? You've lost something, your keys, important piece of paper, a ring a piece of jewelry. You've lost something on you. You spend maybe a few hours looking but you, you're not so frustrated with yourself, you give up.

But maybe you come back again and maybe you come back again. A many times we found things suddenly, maybe when we walk away our minds just process isn't it says I'm reading some books, move the pile of books for the you were looking for. It is very about your guidance and assign. Let's p****, let's persist in giving best persist in sharing this persistent seeking knocking and looking.

But not like to look it up a bus. Cuz I do want to think about giving James Chapter 4, verses 2 and 3 you lost and you do not have you mother and cover and kind of time you fight and War yet. You do not have because you do not ask.

One of the things we have human beings use their ability to speak. Most of us have the ability to speak.

I firmly believe that sometimes goes. He's looking and waiting for us to ask from him.

A different version says this, you ask and do not receive because you ask amiss that you may spend it on your pleasures.

A different person would say this you want some cuz he's in the Amplified version you want something but you can't get it. You kill and won't what others have but you can't have what you want. You argue and fight. You don't have what you want because you don't ask God. When you do also put something you don't receive it. Why? Because you asked for the wrong reason, you want to spend your money on your sinful Pleasures. I don't go back to the question. I asked you. How would you treat yourself?

Okay, if you spent it on Simple Pleasures, maybe that's not a good investment. But some people said they were going to buy a book. Some people said they'd get a piece of music.

Call me. Imagine. That's a simple pleasure.

They're all times when children will come to us and they'll ask us for something. We think not.

Now, they've already had a packet of crisps and a bunch of other things. And now they want the chocolate ice cream and something else. Anything. You can have an apple if you want one. Ask let's go back to what he says. He'll ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened. Let me give you yet another version of James 4 verses 2 and 3.

You are jealous uncovered, what others have and your desires? Go unfulfilled. So you become murderers. Tight is the murder as far as your hearts are concerned. You burn, with envy, and anger, and another able to retire the gratification of contentment and happiness that you seek. So, you fight and wool. You do not have because you do not ask.

Our do I ask God for them and yet failed to receive because you asked me the wrong purpose, evil and selfish motives. If your intention is when you get what you deserve to spend it on your own pleasures.

But if it starts to speak to Muji. So, why would we give to all cells? Why would we treat ourselves? Because we made in God's image, we created in His image. We created to be more like him.

In 2 Corinthians 9, verse you, 6296 this, but this I say, he who sow sparingly reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So, let each one give as he purposes in his own heart, not grudgingly or necessity for God, loves a cheerful, Giver loves a cheerful Giver.

so when I encourage, if to give that's part of the

As part of a simple logic, why we have mugs and bags and magnifies and pens. Because we want to give to others. Do you know why in the last week of giving three bags away? Next time I saw her innate, I have to replenish the box in my in my car actually cuz I run out cuz it obviously trying to save money on the plastic bag. Save the 10 p.m. You've ever had this. When you thought this is the time to give out. I'm not going to give out about anything.

And then you go look in the car and it's not there either. So please just to be a church that gives to be part of mirroring and showing the God is a generous God. But then he's also an excuse to have a conversation. You know, I'd love it when Judy says to me like we're going to have to replenish one of these things because we're giving them away. We need to get some more. I love it. When the drugs taking bags liking friends so I can magnify eyes, keep wanting me to call, keep one at home, have a conversation and then give it away and then remember to replace it. Cuz I don't want you to think. I wish I'd had one. Just keep on taking it because it's about having that conversation about church is part of God's plan. And let's give in to pull behind.

So, let's have a little look at the stuff. I asked you how you would treat yourself. I said we reached out to him and fifty people in the church. Now we didn't include children and I'll explain that next week. I'll explain why didn't you play the children next next week? Cuz we going to continue this until next week is when I asked how you would treat yourself and then had to put a budget on it. I'm out with a bunch of 5 lb about, what I can tell you that we we got feedback on 52% of people with some kind of food.

20% said to your coffee on Bumble, bios together, hot drinks. 12%, shade plants or flowers 16% of the others 100%. And if anybody says he does not add up to 100% and you're going to be already calculated, that the 17% from a different calculation. But 17% said I would treat myself doing something with somebody else. So even though I was joking focusing on you. You still said I'm going to have a drink with some of those kinds of things. So, even in the midst of focusing on you, I want to take somebody with me and I want to explore that. So let's explore the food survey. Firstly, for money. I don't know what food items.

Chocolate. Okay. Well done. Number one.

Anybody want to guess number two?

I know. How about you already mentioned it.

Okay, ice cream. I'm surprised that I like that you maybe and maybe one person that we might guess the third one. It's a South African delicacy. Bill song. Well done. Yes. Absolutely. The number of B for build some. Okay, if you've never tried it, I'm sure we can sort you with some filter.

Would you know what? Why have I done this? All done this because I want you to encourage people to treat themselves. I think in times when we felt pressured, when we, I think he's good to take to get fuel to give time to yourself. Give space, to yourself permission to have a bit of Truth to have a break that the most common words. I'm hearing right now, is I'm stressed. I'm overworked. I'm under pressure by baba, baba. I could keep on going. When's the last time you had a break? When was the last time you just had a bath and relax in the sunshine?

Okay, let me be ready. Honest with you. You are God's creation. If we don't look after God's creation, we missing something. And I'm pointing to myself as much as anybody else in this work like to do, I deliberately decided to buy some more fruit this way, just to encourage myself to eat fruit Robin, something else, another simple things.

Does God. He's a generous God? I'm starting to Luke 6:30 says this game and it will be given to you in good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom for within the same measure that you use. It will be measured back to you. Give and it will be given to you. Proverbs fantastic books, he lends to the Lord and He will pay you back. What he has given his word lens. I don't know what you think about the woodlands, as soon as I'm thinking about something that you like to somebody, but hasn't come back yet.

It was a book that Judy and I love it if you have it ready and encourage you to read it, but we both wanted it to somebody and then I had somebody else come around and we said, oh you really must read this book. Went to the Bookshelf who's got now and immediately.

So we bought another copy. I think we ended up buying three or four companies and lending them away and some of them is still out there somewhere.

What did what did, what does lending mean? You give it to someone else until you ask for it back?

You give it to somebody else until you also known as I should be your definition of just giving you a different than you give it to somebody else. Because the girls at the school that I was teaching at they often used to cook at the weekend. They go into the bush and like, take some pots with the midnight. I cook it. And then have a picnic, never allowed to do that. But I didn't have enough money to have a part to go and have a picnic with her friends to cook sweet potato and yams. So, she said, Brother David, which is, which means I'd like to Paul borrow one of your thoughts. So I'll answer one of my pulse now. I had to I had my twice than mine. So I'd like you to use it and she bring it back. It was about three months later and immediately asked for it, but she was all clean and ready to go. She gave you straight back to me, but I think it's an interesting when we start thinking about the economy of gaunt and things like playing it for, you lent it to somebody else and then they post it to somebody else.

But you lost you lost where your book is now if you ask them.

Just sometimes, I think we need to let things go. Sometimes I apologize.

Psalm 112 S5, says this. The good person is generous and lens lavishly.

God is a generous God.

Surprise, we want to mobile generosity is a chip. So the treat that you decided that you wanted next week. The checks will give you or give you a way of going out and buying it. We will keep it, it'll be about if you said come for you when I'm about to pick up if it was going to work out how to do that. Even if he's just giving you the cash, if I want to mobile generosity.

But not for everybody who's already Oz. But he's also for anybody who hasn't answered, who wants this by the end of flight tonight. So we have to do is get a mess. If you already told us that's already in the list that worried about that, don't have to tell us again. But if you haven't told us then, let me know and we'll at that and then we'll stop giving to get stopped from next Sunday at church. Are you got till the end of plated? I want us at the end? If I did, I would just cuz we got to start organizing getting these things. So very generous people.

This is not the end of the story. I'm going to add to the story next week when we talked about Ashley giving it to you. So.

Treat yourself. Look after yourself give and it will be given unto you.

All end with this story. It's a very old story, cuz it's when I was a student at University. For very long time ago. I remember going to a particular church on Sunday, and I used the same church every Sunday morning with Sunday evening. So I used to go to different churches.

And I went to this particular Church on the Sunday evening. I decided where I was going to go. I don't have to catch a bus to go where I was going to go.

So I bought the ticket go to the church, and I don't know why I bought a single for like I think I was going back somewhere else. I should I place these people I felt the file to say to me. Keep everything. So I took the pound note. Pound notes. Out of my pocket. Should you how long ago it was?

Put it in the boat was coming around and the rest. I was thinking.

Not a real, I need to get back, but Gonzales, give me to give everything a little money, but I didn't know how I was going to go anyway. Chesapeake creative obedience for the Old Mill Stream. Come to the end of the service for having coffee off the church, chanting to somebody and you live in town.

I know you, okay. Gold has the details in months. I don't know whether I would have hit the interesting thing. I do not know whether I would have got off at the lift home. If I happen to put everything in the offering Bowl. I will never know. I will never know. Sometimes I would encourage you just find out how generous goodies. He goes before us is thinks he's, he's he's in his plans. Ultimately, amazing and their incredible. That's all. I mean, generous to others, be generous to yourself, gave, and it will be given unto you. Let me pray. I'm going to pray about a couple of things.

The first thing I want to pray about his motive.

Are many times when we get us for something, we were immediately, why do they need it? What do they need it for? How they going to use it? Think about someone to ask you for some money to buy some food and we need wisdom in these times. Let me encourage you. Not always to jump to the Assumption of what you see.

So father God, I pray that Lord you multiply that with your hands are set to do. Father, would you causes as well cuz his volunteers as a service of community family and friends by the helpers to be people who have space and time and resources in which we can get from Father, I pray that you released to us all that we need and more that we can give to others.

You are a generous God, you are you able to give you measure three more than we ask or imagine? I'm so probably, I'm asking of you that look, you give to us and what we carry it for a short while. Lil B, give it to others.

Because the economy of the kingdom is a an economy of multiplication. The economy of the kingdom is 36, not 123. I'm sorry. Father God, help us to see beyond our needs to see two others. That little, we can do it together. We could have fun together. We can give together, we can celebrate and do it together. I think of those people who said that even when they were blessed, even when they were treating themselves. I still want you to do it with someone else that speaks of community that speaks of relationship help us to do.

Brother, whether we like when we literally running out ourselves, father, would you bring people to us to us?

To come and stands and to do. And to be what we need to do in to be so probably going to help us to be your chat. You're working this time, help you help us to be Kingdom. Builders. And help us to see many more drawn into the Kingdom at a heart of generosity and a place of givenus for your glory Lord. I'm at.

When do the next season? Yep, okay. Play come to the Nexus East End Place Rachel.

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