Sweet Sorrow of Goodbye
Text: Philippians 1:21-24
Goodbyes are not easy. They are one thing that can seem both good and bad at the same time.
I. A Beautiful Life
A. Showing Christ
Long association with the church
· Sunday School
· Choir
· United Methodist Women
B. Sharing Christ
· In that you have done it to the least of these you have done it unto me.
· Preachers, others in her home
· Children come by to get sugar cane before the games
· Made sure her children were in church
· Christians today partly from her influence
II. A Bitter Sorrow
A. We hate to see an end
Endings are sad things. We would like those we love to stick around for our sake. Besides, when a life ends, we are reminded of our own inevitable end. Life becomes comfortable and predictable, and we want it to continue that way.
B. We hate to say goodbye
***Goodbyes are painful. When we think we won't see someone for a long time, we know we will miss them. It is the beauty of the life remembered that causes us pain. knowing that that person will no longer be physically present. It is not for the dead that most people weep, but it is for themselves.
III. A Better Place
A. A Promotion
For the Christian, death is a step up, not a step down.
B. A Reunion
To be ushered into the presence of Christ
To be reunited with loved ones.
When we see the Way that Christ gives the victory over death, and how the sting is taken away, then we must admit that our Christian loved ones are in a better place. We may miss them because of the beautiful life they lived, but the knowledge of a better place must be allowed to sweeten our sorrow.