Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
 What does it mean to love Jesus?
During the 1990's LA riots, a radio reporter was interviewing looters.
He stopped a man coming out of a record store.
He was carrying a number of cassette tapes.
"What did you steal?" "Gospel tapes.
I love Jesus."
Did he really?
Pastor Jeff Strite says a man once talked with him about Jesus.
The man went on & on about his beliefs about Jesus, God, & other doctrines.
Some of it was ok.
Some was a bit off.
As conversation continued, Jeff asked where he went to church.
He didn't.
Jeff soon realized why he didn't go.
The man was more concerned with his opinions than with people.
He wouldn't go to any church that didn't agree with all he believed.
If they didn't, he thought they weren't worthy of his presence.
Did that man love Jesus?
And, without Jesus, how could either man have peace?
Today's verses explain.
After the Last Supper, Jesus & His disciples are still at table.
Jesus says He's leaving.
The disciples are dismayed.
He tries to keep teaching.
But they're stuck.
He's leaving!
In Jn 14:2-3, Jesus explains why He's leaving.
2I'm going to my Father's house to prepare a place for you... 3I'll come back & take you to be with me...
He teaches a bit more.
In Jn 14:21, He tries to wrap it up.
21Whoever obeys my commands, loves me.
He who loves me will be loved by my Father.
I too will love him & show myself to him.
Judas (not Iscariot) sees a problem.
22"But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us & not to the world?"
In Jn 14:23-27, Jesus answers.
23a"If anyone loves me, he'll obey my teaching.
His teaching-the Sermon on the Mount?
Something else? Jesus explained it to His disciples back in Jn 7:16.
16a"My teaching is not my own.
The Greek here isn't just teaching.
Literally, He says 16"My 'The Teaching' is not my own.
It comes from him who sent me."
Jesus doesn't mean just His teaching, but His Father's.
Want to obey Jesus?
If so, we need to obey the Father's revealed teaching.
All of it!
We need to obey all that the whole Bible teaches!
How are we doing?
Are we trying to obey Jesus' teaching?
Be careful.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus didn't relax the Bible's teaching.
Just the opposite.
It went far beyond what His hearers imagined.
Anger = murder.
Lust = adultery.
Forgive even our enemies.
Remember how Jesus summarized His teaching?
Love God.
Love neighbor.
That's what the Law & the Prophets taught.
It also shows the scope of our problem.
To fully love God & neighbor, it takes all Scripture to help us know what to do! Now, how are we doing on obedience?
Do we obey Jesus' teaching?
Do we love Him?
He says the proof of love is if we obey.
I don't like how well I'm doing.
I want to do better.
Maybe you feel the same way.
Why don't we do any better?
Maybe an answer is in this 1950's story.
On their 20th anniversary, husband & wife had a heated discussion.
Husband said, "Don't you remember promising to love, honor & obey me?" Wife said, "Of course.
What else could I say?
I didn't want to make a scene in church."
She didn't want to promise.
(I'm not sure a wife should promise to obey anyone but the Lord.)
However much we want to obey God, our sin nature doesn't.
And sometimes, that sin nature wins out.
But whenever we're loving Jesus by obeying Him, there's a blessing.
23bMy Father will love him.
Love the Son, get the Father.
If we obey the Son, Son & Father will both love us.
And if God loves us, 23cWe'll also come to him & make our home with him.
It isn't just the Holy Spirit in us.
It's the Son & the Father as well.
All 3 persons of the Trinity, our One, Triune God, will make their home in us.
Obey God, love Him, & He'll love us & dwell in us.
The flip side is also true.
24aHe who doesn't love me won't obey my teaching.
The test of loving God is obedience.
Do we obey Him?
If so, we love Him.
If we don't, we don't love Him.
It's that simple.
And that hard.
One more thing.
This isn't just Jesus' opinion.
24bThese words you hear aren't my own.
They belong to the Father who sent me.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9