Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
1 John 3:1-18
Talk about the Genealogies in Genesis 5
Turn to Genesis 5
The entire chapter is a Genealogy
We are going to start with the genealogy in Genesis 5
There is a very interesting message that these names draw out
Then we are going to look at our genealogy
First individual mentioned is Adam
Adam had a few children that are mentioned in the Bible
Cain and Abel
In this chapter we have the name Seth
Additionally, all of the other people mentioned in this chapter had children
But only a few of the names are mentioned
It is interesting, as we will see, the message that God is trying to portray by selecting the names listed in this chapter
Adam is the first name mentioned
In this culture, the naming of a child was very important
Naming a child serves several functions
It describes a person’s essence, provides identity and generational connection and begins the process of shaping a human being.
A person’s name can affect their personality and define them.
It can influence behavior and provide a spiritual connection between the individual and his soul.
Naming allows for creativity in the same vain of God’s first task to Adam — that of naming every living thing.
Naming in this tradition was no accident
The names we are given here in chapter 5 are intentional
Names often carried meaning
The names in Genesis 5 as well as the order in which they are given is interesting
This is not original to me
I got the information concerning the Genealogy in chapter 5 from a number of sources
I used the Wycliffe Bible Translators website to gather information
It is also available in Strong’s Concordance
Adam- Man
Seth- Appointed or put on
Enosh- Mortal or mortality
Kenan- Sorrow or dwelling
Mahalalel- The Blessed God
Jared- Descend or come down
Enoch- Initiate or teach
Methuselah- His death shall bring
Lamech- despair
Noah- Rest, Peace, Comfort
Put it all together: Man was appointed or put on mortality as a dwelling.
The Blessed God descended to teach that His death shall bring the despairing rest, peace and comfort.
God has revealed through the names of this genealogy the Gospel
Turn to 1 John 3:1-18
Click #1
1. God lavishes upon us His great love.
Lavish is to give something in extravagant quantities
God lavished, extravagantly His love for us because He came to get us
He came down to win us back, redeeming us into His Kingdom.
Because we are redeemed by God through Jesus our Savior, we are children of God
This is our genealogy
We are inheritors of a genealogy of Salvation and eternal hope
The text tells us that the world does not know us.
the world does not know us because it chooses to not know Him
Click #2
2. The world chooses to reject the hope of Christ for superficiality.
Those who reject Jesus trace their genealogy to a different origin
They trace their genealogy to the seed of the serpent.
There are only 2 choices.
The seed of the serpent.
and the seed of the woman
The seed of the serpent only leads to sin and death.
The genealogy of the serpent is that of torment and destruction.
Turmoil for not and for the hereafter.
The hope that we are afforded is to align ourselves with the seed of the woman
This is a genealogy that points to life, hope and peace.
This is an inheritance of freedom from death and the condemnation sin.
V. 2
John reiterates that we who are of faith are children of God
What we will be has not fully been made known
We experience life on this side of eternity through a limited understanding
Paul says we look through a glass dimly.
Click for Verses NASB translation
1 Corinthians 13:12 NASB Version
What both John and Paul are saying is that we are not limited to understanding life from the physical
We are not simply material creatures
Click #3
3. We are a new creation in Christ when we claim Him as Lord.
When He returns or when we meet Him in heaven, we will be made new
We will be transformed, as Paul says in the twinkling of an eye
No longer will we be bound to this limited body of matter
We will inherit a new , perfect body
V 4-6
If we are in Christ, we turn from sin.
It is only by the power if Jesus that we even have the recognition to be free of sin.
Click #4
4. Apart from Jesus we are slaves to sin.
We are held captive to the fallen nature of humanity.
John tells us that those who practice sin also practice lawlessness.
To practice something suggests that it is intentionally repeated for the purpose of becoming proficient.
Those who practice sin, intentionally choose to reject the heritage of Truth in the Gospel message.
They choose a genealogy that began with the serpent in the Garden
This is the great conflict we are struggle through.
We are given the choice between 2 genealogies.
One of freedom in Salvation
The other bondage to the flesh
We can clearly see this being played out before our very eyes.
The world or should I say the enemy wants us to be focused on the physical.
the enemy wants us to focus on fleshly pleasure.
The world wants us to look down and within.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9