Why Do you Doubt?
Doubt and Fear
What God is doing
Jesus taught and commissioned: his whole life, death, and rising were about what God is doing in the world—reconciling the world to God’s self. From the law of Moses to the prophets to the Psalms, it has always been about God and God’s purposes, aims, and agenda for creation—repentance that leads to forgiveness of sins and the wholeness of creation.
Repentance for the Forgiveness of sins
Today we live in a world of war, poverty, disease, neglect, prejudice, fear, isolation, and sinfulness. God seems powerless and absent in the face of ongoing suffering and pain.
Today’s text challenges us: What in our communities needs the presence of the risen Christ? What kinds of experiences and understandings do we need so that we can be credible witnesses to God’s aims in the world? What is our communal response to God’s presence and work in the world? How do we participate in God’s work on earth?