Daniel 3
it was 90 feet high (about the height of a present-day eight-story building) and only 9 feet wide.
Without doubt the use of gold in this image was inspired by Daniel’s interpretation of the king’s dream (2:32, 38).
The satraps were chief representatives of the king, the prefects were military commanders, and the governors were civil administrators. The advisers were counselors to those in governmental authority. The treasurers administered the funds of the kingdom, the judges were administrators of the law, and the magistrates passed judgment in keeping with the law. The other provincial officials were probably subordinates of the satraps. This list of officers probably included all who served in any official capacity under Nebuchadnezzar
In demanding that these officials fall down before the image of gold … Nebuchadnezzar was demanding a public display of recognition and submission to his absolute authority in the kingdom.
The fact that the officials were commanded not only to fall down before the image, but also to worship it, indicates that the image had religious as well as political significance.